Saddens me that it's here already. I do 2's with some friends of mine so we'll be losing a big social part of our days =/
well, get every last game you can in before it goes down, thats what im going to for my birthday today.
Yea this sucks. Especially sucks for slightly younger games who are getting out of school for the summer.
sucks us who is to go on a four-days LAN party with over 10,000 people attending in 9 days aswell as I guess the beta won't be open then
i just hate how its coming out mid-summer! waiting during the school year helps my grades if anything. Now I finally have all the time in the world but noooooo..... Also, I dont know what they could possibly be adding to the multiplayer at this point. Screw single player, I would gladly pay full price now and just get single player later...
Patience is a virtue. And having multiplayer as well as single player on the release date is important. You've waited years so a couple more months won't hurt.
Now this is ironic.. this is my last week of school, I graduate Friday. Tonight is literally the last night I have homework.. five more pages in a physics paper .. So literally the last night I will have little time is the last night of SC2. The Universe hates me. Or at least the Starcraft Universe.. The last game I just played was a 1v1 PvT on Metalopolis. I did a mothership + 1 carrier rush and lost the mothership.. I figured I had it lost as this was a platinum guy I was facing. But no. An hour and half, and many base swaps later, I won! Epic way to end the beta I think! How about your guys' last strategies? Anything fun?
I'm celebrating by playing around against the AI. Many units I rarely used or couldn't use properly against players, so its a good way to see the capabilities of units I didnt see much in regular matches.