My beloved crew of the grand junk. I have an announcement to make. an announcement that I hoped would never be required but it seems that this universe is a lot more cruel than I thought. Due to out current success, the marketing department has decide to make the ship and its stories more accessible to children. The plan is to hire several new crewmen. I am so sorry for this, but this is beyond my authority. The new crewmen are Spoiler
well im going to seal myself in my lab, if they even venture near it, the combat drones will activate.
*knocks the captain planet girls out and takes off deep in to the unexplored bowels of the ship, dragging them along, whistling*
Soz, already told JJ to go on a suicide mission to a Lenga controlled system. I think he's being assimilated as we speak.
*Looks around slowly for a long moment and then shrugs carelessly.* Eh, what the hell. * Follows EMR.*
Takaim, you're going to need a pair of pliers, a glass vial (any size will do), and make sure you are NOT contaminated by *shifts eyes* THEM.
Well... -Pulls out a a pair of needle nose pliers and adjustable pliers along with two different glass vials.- Good enough? o.o
1."I have an announcement to make. an announcement that I hoped would never be required but it seems that this universe is a lot more cruel than I thought." 2. translationparty 3. ??? 4. "It does not require more space than you, I thought cruel than expected"