The case of Alexei Stukov

Discussion in 'StarCraft Original' started by RHStag, Jan 20, 2010.

The case of Alexei Stukov

Discussion in 'StarCraft Original' started by RHStag, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. RHStag

    RHStag New Member

    Mar 28, 2009
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    I really liked Stukov in SC:BW, many people wish his return in SC2. A lot of people will tell you 'no, that's not possible, he died in SC:BW!'. However...he did-not-die-in-SC:BW. He was reanimated by the Zerg to serve as a leader of somesort.

    StarCraft Wiki on the subject:
    Stukov made a comeback, however. He was resurrected and infested by the zerg cerebrate Kaloth as an experiment in terms of infesting humans as more here.
    Blizzard has even made official scenarios to continue Stukovs' storyline. I for one did not know these existed and was pleasantly surprised when I tried the first of three maps. I would go as far to say that the 1st scenario is one of the best missions in the entire SC Single Player experience, it's simply a must try. There's hacking computers, explosions (including 'shaking screen!', I must find out how they did this!), stealthy gameplay, hidden secrets and more! The scenario isn't easy so you've been warned.

    The 2nd scenario is pretty good too, although not that innovative compared to the first one - you get to choose a hero and special mercs to tackle the mission.

    The 3rd one is not officialy made by Blizzard. Well, that's not completely was made by Blizzard as a secret (two-player!) mission in Starcraft 64! That's right, for the Nintendo 64. It was however not remade for PC gamers. A fan has remade the mission but hasn't done that great of a job. Of course I can't compare to the N64 version (the mission might be exactly the same) so who am I to judge the effort put into making that map...

    You may download the scenarios in this post:
    1st Scenario: Deception
    2nd Scenario: Mercenaries II
    3rd Scenario: Resurrection IV

    Mercenaries II will require the latest SC:BW patch. You may download the patch here.

    Tell me whether you liked Deception!

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    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    I liked Vice-Admiral Stukov in BW and was disgusted when Dugalle treased him because he trusted more Duran than his friend Stukov.
    I'm glad if he comes back.
    BUT.... I don't understand why Blizzard will continue the scenario of SC2 following outside stories (novels) from the original game. You all know how BW finished. You know Stukov died (in fact he got shot by Duran and the ghost who represented Stukov blew up to show that Stukov died). That's just what we know from BW. We can't know anything more about him. Of course in reading what the SC wiki wrote about him we are astonished that he could have been resuscitated by a new Cerebrate (I believed all the Cerebrates were killed by Kerrigan according to the scenario of BW).

    If Blizzard decides to continue the storyline of SC2 from the novels that I have never read, they should add an explanation about what happened in those 4 years between the BW events and what will happen in SC2, and will maybe explain what happened to Stukov.
  3. RHStag

    RHStag New Member

    Mar 28, 2009
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    You can learn what happened to Stukov by playing those (official) scenarios in my previous post.

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Okay, I'll do it. Thanks.