So you go to your local supermarket. Turns out they don't have your favorite kind of chocolate in stock. Who is to blame? A: The illuminati B: the MIB C: Aliens D: The MIB working together with Aliens. E: FAIRY GOD PARENTS *spasm* F: Those dirty commies G: east-asian economic development H: the two party system that is so indebted to the big busisnesses that they lack the capacability to keep our economy high I: anti-spirals J: the free-masons K: myself, for thanks to my lack of trust in myself, I will never achieve anything. L: BoP
BoP... I would say Kurai, since I do that at home, but her name isn't on the list, so BoP is my next best choice.
EMR did it! I swear! Only he would enjoy kicking puppies, rule a town of undead villagers, and attempt to slaughter the world at the same time!
Doubt it. I like how all of the other options were there just to distract us from BoP at the bottom. Fun stuff.
I don't actually know the guy, but I know the story behind Bird of Prey. o.o You blame him for anything and everything that goes wrong.