The 3 races supply limits

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by SOGEKING, Dec 18, 2009.

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The 3 races supply limits


    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    All the races, Zerg, Terran and Protoss are limited to 200 points of supply.
    It should change. Or it can change. Even in less than 6 months before the official release date.
    It can be 200 for the Terran, less for the Protoss because they are very powerful units even with a low army size (or just should be), and more than 200 for the Zerg because they are weak yet. And the question is not about their weakness actually.
    The fact is that the Zerg are strong in huge number (the idea), the Terran are balanced with the number of units (supply of 200 is sufficient) and the Protoss are efficient even with a low army.

    So let's say between 150 and 170 for the Protoss, 200 for the Terran, between 230 and 250 of supply limit for the Zergs. I wonder what you'll say : when will we see a huge amount of units fighting against each others if there is a limit of production of units ? Blizzard decided to limit us at 200 anyway, so ...

    I am not a Zerg player, but I like to see waves of zerglings everytime, even when I play in multiplayer. But the maximum of zerglings you can create is 200 and you have to wait for a long time until you get this amount of units.
    If maybe the Zerg units can be built faster, cost less and have a little less of HP the balance could be done.

    Also the limit of supply can depend on the kind of units you use .... but that could be too complicated to discuss about this last question.
  2. Lobsterlegs

    Lobsterlegs Guest

    LESS for the protoss?
    Because, you know, a 200 terran mech army is so weak against a 200 protoss army. *Irony*
    Or you could just leave it at 200 and balance the unit costs and supply.
    Which is already implemented..

    2 Zerglings cost 1 food
    2 Marines cost 2 food.
    2 Zealots cost 4 food.

    I hope you understand that the Zerg gets more units for less supply. Zerg can easily go and waste their 200 army vs a protoss 200 army. The amount of hatcheries the zerg should have should replace that army quickly while the protoss army gets smaller.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2009

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Zerg are currently weak and something I noticed is when you play a Zerg player if you don't rush fast .... you're dead. Because they are weak as I said. That's why I suggested that we should build more of them. Or they must change and get more powerful.
  4. Maelstrom

    Maelstrom New Member

    Dec 9, 2007
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    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    What Lobster said

    P.s: You DO know that the strongest player in the world this day is Zerg right?

    And if you're talking about SC2.. It's pointless to argue about a game we haven't even played once (or twice, or 10 times for that matter) .. Starcraft 1 took several years and 1 expansion to archieve its level of balance, and we cannot possibly expect SC2 to archieve the same in a fraction of that.
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