Quite sure you did, mate! But seriously, I wouldn't have met my gf if it wasn't for this guy, how silly it might sound. ^^
Right about the first part, thankfully not about the last part. When I wanted to play WoW, ijffdrie said I should go on Runetotem, and I joined Cult, the guild he was in. Which is pretty much where she was in as well. Kinda complicated to tell what happened from that point on, but meh. (and for all I know whe's reading this as well, told her I was gonna think ijffdrie) Been together since May, and still going good. Only problem is that she lives over 800 km away, so I can't go there very often. But that might just change in a while. ^^ To bad Cult disbanded, but I won't ever forget that guild. Thanks again, ijffdrie.
no problem. I should mention however that when I first joined cult, one of my former guildmates who also joined cult warned me about pretty much every single feminoid in there. Or I just thought that up to unnerve you or not
Going with a plane is cheaper, actually. Next visit planned for october. Which is way to long from now, but it'll be for at least a week. ^^
Ah, a GF through WoW. I've been through that twice myself, it makes things quite a different experience when it happens through a game ^^. I'll wish you both good luck in the future!
I met a girl through WoW once! I can't stand long-distance relationships, though. So we're just friends. ...on another note, the customary "good luck, have fun!" is even applicable here.
Well as it's looking now, I don't think it'll stay long distance forever. But yeah, it can be tough to deal with at times. More then worth it, though. On a side note: there's a ton of girls playing WoW. Like, seriously. (But I already got the cutest one, so you guys are out of luck. )