So I can't beat this level. Flat out, can't do it. I played ahead and came back... I played it first in the sequence. I got a step by step from my bro who beat it. I just can't do it. I can get up to 6 out of the 7 cannisters and then the Protoss guys just bumrush EVERYTHING! I dont have time or resources to collect gas AND kill the base in the middle. I have banshees, tanks, and they give you goliaths. I have found that whatever the "cool new toy" is for the level, is pretty much what you should use.... so I usually go with a ton of Goliaths. THe protoss aircraft with the "laser" just destroys me. THey bring 2 or 3 everytime and I win, but I barely win so I have to revamp my army, and by that time they are closing the geysers. I played for 3 hours straight lastnight and couldn't get it. I was soooooooooooo close. Does anyone have any advice? PLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!
I have two questions: what difficulty level are you playing on, and are you trying to get achievements? I did this one on hard while trying to get the "It's So Easy" achievement; preventing the Protoss from capping even a single Terrazine node (it is NOT ****ing easy in the slightest). Oddly enough, Goliaths really aren't cost-effective for this level. My first few tries I tried focusing on producing Goliaths as fast as I could and keeping a healthy escort of SCVs with them to minimize losses. But considering the limited resources and the frequency with which Terrazine nodes come under threat, Goliaths were just never enough. I eventually opted for the tried-and-true M&Ms, which stomped through the Protoss base in the center with surprising ease, making it much easier to get to all of the Terrazine nodes whenever the Protoss tried to cap em. TL;DR - focus on massing Marines & Medics (and a few Marauders if you feel like it) early on, and once you near 40-50 of em, build a Stargate and get a few Vikings, both for air support and to take care of those pesky Colossi that show up later.
If you don't have time to collect gas and take out the base in the center... then take out the base in the center and worry about the gas later. The gas will still be there as long as you pick off the probes that try to seal it off (which isn't hard if you are focused on it)
Im playing it on hard. And at this point I don't give a damn about achievements! LOL Thanks for the advice. I like the M&M idea. I am going to try taking out the central base and "picking" them off when they attempt to seal the gas.
Just do what RushSecond said, take the base and focus all of your attention into denying them from sealing up any gases, then push and clear the whole map except for the main protoss base(I've personally once cleared the whole base too ) and build up defences in locations you expect them to attack from, then just send up scvs to gather up the terrazine, it shouldn't be hard at all... If you go grab it fast you'll prolly fail since you will have to split your attention into surviving, fending off the guys that spawn to kill your scv and denying sealing. If you postpone collecting it you don't waste army on the guys that come after your scv so you can only split your attention into defending and controlling the map...
i found while playing on hard that, if it doesn't work, 95% of the time can be solved by marine and medics.
My advice is gather enough army until you have enough to take out the toss. Don't go Goliath heavy, concentrate on marines and maruaders and medics. Also, keep a group of suicide-mission reapers to kill the enemy probe and run away whenever they try to seal your geyser. And for the final tip, you can take the 3 geyser on the left side at the same time, as the enemy will be taking same route to attack you and you just need a force there to block all three waves.
you'll lose from 1 to 3 reapers every raid depending on the duration of the game (early games the enemy will send fewer escorts than later games), but its better than getting the geysers sealed or losing 5-10 of your units just to take down the enemies and kill the probs