Terrans Helped with Research?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by ijffdrie, Dec 24, 2007.

Terrans Helped with Research?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by ijffdrie, Dec 24, 2007.

  1. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    About 200-150 years before starcraft the terrans stranded on a distant planet, but somehow, in those 200-150 years they became far more advanced than us. Since the Confederacy, at the time of starcraft, had to exist for more than 50 years, because of the confederacy having so much power and the people were used to it, and several religious exodi had already happend.

    of course they had ATLAS to help them, but even than they didnt have the full complement, since the plan was to let all the supercarriers land on the same planet, meaning that each carrier only carried a part of the equipment. they first had to make tools like axes and pickaxes, since it was inpropable that they had all these tools on each supercarrier. according to the starcraft website, the terrans reached subwarp in just 60 years, with only having 200.000 men on each planet. and even more, they invented warp-drive within another 60 years.
    the problem here is that there were only 200.000 men, most of them being criminals and uneducated, so there were probably a lot of fights in the beggining over power, than if all of the supercarriers had mining equipment they could start mining immidiatly, but even than, since their labaratories on the ships crashed, they had to recreate all chemical formulas. pointline: 200.000 men, with almost nothing to start with, accomplished in 60 years what took us two millenia.
    and than, subwarp meaning stuff like moonrockets, they were at our point in the 1950ties, and they researched in 60 years what took the earth humans 120 years from the 1950's, and the terrans had far inferior numbers, meaning far less geniusses, so it appears that the terrans couldnt have researched beyond the year 2050 at the moment they invented warp-drive, and only untill the years 2100 at the moment of starcraft

    but somehow the terrans appear to be far more advanced, they can contain nuclear explosions to create an energy blast(yamato gun) they created technology that bends an infinite amount of light streams around somebody( wraith cloak) they could even create a decimeter wide fusion reactor, that actually makes power instead of losing( even the most recent 2 meter wide reactor loses twice as much power as it gains)(marine suit) they even had the time to create fleets consisting of dozens of battlecruisers, even while fighting continous wars

    it seems to me that this all happened in a too short amount of time, even more becuase i took all the numbers very wide, so it seems to me that the terran had some kind of help technologically advancing

    your opinions please?
  2. Gradius

    Gradius New Member

    Nov 18, 2007
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    Its kind of hard to follow your posts. You need to capitalize things and try to make yourself more clear. Also, its ATLAS not ATLA. The Morian and Umojan colony didn't have ATLAS and they were fine, so it wasn't ATLAS that was helping them.

    Anyway, when the convicts were loaded aboard the super-carriers they had everything they needed to construct a colony. They didn't have to reinvent the wheel or anything like that. Doran Routhe made sure that the terrans could be self-sustaining ie. having standards for bolts & stuff. Its safe to assume that he loaded up all the super-carriers with schematics,resources and absolutely everything the terrans needed to survive. He wasn't just going to send them off to their deaths.

    Also, warp travel wasn't achieved during 2020-2075. It took the confederacy 60 years to reinvent the sub-warp engines. I estimate that the confedracy reinvented the sub-warp engine at about 2400. Refer to my timeline http://www.starcraft2forum.org/forums/index.php?topic=4469.0

    I don't think the terrans were helped along. They had 150 years to get to where they are now even with all the supplies from Earth. Also, the manual explicitly states that the protoss made a special effort not to interfere with lesser races. So who exactly would have helped them? The zerg? Not in k-sector yet. The xel-naga? They're all dead.
  3. longlivefenix

    longlivefenix New Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    its kinda hard to change it ijff so just ignore the glaring problems ;)
  4. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    i editted to incorperate new information and to try to make it clearer
  5. ZergPWner

    ZergPWner New Member

    Dec 22, 2007
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    Well, starcraft is in 26th century, right? Look how much humanity technologicaly evolved in last 500 years,
    so why wouldnt we evolve in the next 500 years even faster. Look at the computer technology -
    It evolved in the last 15 years 50 times better, think even 500 years later about its speed and quality.
    I think that technology progress wouldnt be impossible. Humanity had population of hundreds of bilions then, there could be atleast a few millions of scientists. BTW its a game, the only games based on reality are
    COD, MOH, BF and there are some games that I cant remember right now.
  6. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    actually it is in the 24th century,
  7. Gradius

    Gradius New Member

    Nov 18, 2007
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    Its in the 26th century. Except the first part of starcraft, that was in the 25th century. Also, Zerg Pwner is right since this is all explained in the manual.
    Well, they existed for about a hundred years. Also, what religious exodi are you talking about?

    Good point. But this is an assumption, especially since all the colonies grew parallel to each other. But you're still right because the confederacy had atlas, thats why they were able to outpace the other colonies.

    There were only 40000 men. 10000 in each supercarrier. Also, the resources on the galactic rim were scare and they had to unite if they wanted to survive.

    The Sorengo was the only ship that crashed. Now, the Nagglfar was damaged beyond repair, but ATLAS was still working and we don't really know what happened to their laboratories. The Argo and the Reagan all apparently made safe landings as far as i know.

    Sub-warp is one step below actual warp. Its not moonrockets. Remember that sub-warp gave them the ability to travel amongst the stars.

    Half this stuff was in the blueprints they had from the supercarriers. Also, Korhal had a population of 4 million so its safe to assume that Tarsonis had an even greater population and thus lots of people there to do research.
  8. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    i was talking about the christian exodi, many christians created there own societies on distant worlds