Terrans Are the Real Humans in SC.

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by Debono_L, Dec 9, 2008.

Terrans Are the Real Humans in SC.

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Story and Races' started by Debono_L, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. Debono_L

    Debono_L New Member

    Aug 2, 2008
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    The UED may be techincally human, but story-wise the Terrans are the real humans, I'll explain why.

    The UED is the military version of the same oppressive government that controls it's population with propaganda, and use of force. (Think 1984 but with a more high-tech/clean enviroment).

    Now compare this to Terran civilians. Terran society is more like our society today. They have the same freedoms we have. Freedom of Press/Freedom of Religion. Even when the Terran Confed was around, people still lived with such freedoms. The UED removed all these freedoms for their own goals.

    Now when we first saw the UED, they were a force to be rekoned with, the age old enemy of the Terran ancestors, coming to take over their children and enslave them. Of course when you play as the UED you realise that these men have a different perspective, that they believe in the causes they fight for. Well, so did the troops of the Confed, and of the current Dominion.

    People see the UED videos and are fooled by the patriotic attutide and propaganda. This is not the US Military, or any Western force that would never allow a government system like the UED to exist. It was the fall of Western civilisation that gave birth to what is now the UED. And the only pure form of mankind was in the worst our society had to offer, and we now have the Terrans because of it.

    I'm suprised people glorify a race that is compared to the fascist government of Starship Troopers. Of course the message in that film was 'war makes fascists of us all' .

    So if you like that government, and think the UED is great, then your a modern day Nazi in my opinion.
  2. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    "People see the UED videos and are fooled by the patriotic attutide and propaganda. This is not the US Military, or any Western force that would never allow a government system like the UED to exist."


    But seriously.

    I agree with you. I'm a fan of divergent evolution, ie the same species separated, and subjected to different stimuli, become different. The Terran seem to exemplify, albeit in a more primitive form, human ingenuity and simple persistence than the UED, who seem like the crappy parts of human culture (Corruption, dishonesty, bureaucracy).

    Interestingly though, it's the UED's short-comings that prove to be their greatest strength against the Terrans and Protoss (Not necessarily the Zerg or Dark Protoss). That being, because they're far more structured and by-the-book, they have more discipline. The Terran got destroyed by the Protoss and Zerg early on in the campaigns because they didn't know how to stand together as a unified force. The UED does not have this problem at all. Its men are far better trained, they follow a much stricter rank structure, as well as having what I assume to be officer-graduates as commanders. While the Terran forces are by no means weak or untested (They most likely have far more actual combat experience), they have far inferior, if any at all, in-depth strategy and combat technique training.
  3. Nuclear Launch

    Nuclear Launch New Member

    Jul 22, 2007
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    I´m not sure yet if I agree entirely with you (I need to think about it further), but your idea is a bold one. Congratz.. The one thing I´m positive is that Rainor and his followers are the true humans (by true human I mean a human being which is more aware and respectful to his own nature and therefore to the nature of other living beings). Arcturus is just as bad as the UED and the Zerg, while Rainor is just as good as the best protoss (like Tassadar and Zeratul).
  4. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    Well....The Arturus and Raynor thing is simply a matter of honor. I'm rather sure that a man as selfless and honorable as Jimmy is extremely rare on the frontier. My guess is that morality comes in second to personal gain. Raynor was able to rise to Marshal, yeah, that's not bad. But by casting morals aside, Arcturus became the head honcho of EVERYONE.

    And Arcturus is NOT as bad as the UED, let alone the Zerg. Remember, in the first Terran campaign, his goal, though we went about it violently, was a good one. He saw the prejudices of the Confederacy and the injustices propagated by higher ups. He wanted to fix it. You know the saying though.....Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  5. Shadow[E]

    Shadow[E] Moderator

    May 22, 2008
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    Thats how star wars was invented, and how the storyline followed closely with our society today. You went a little deeper in mentioning the UED and SC, good stuff, but all games say different things.
  6. CowOnFire[E]

    CowOnFire[E] New Member

    Jun 6, 2008
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    wow i never looked that close at things like that in a video game. I just went oh ok video game fun fun . O.O I feel like i just learned.
  7. Nikzad

    Nikzad New Member

    Jun 11, 2007
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    @ Debono_L
    Who are these people that are being fooled by the UED propaganda?
    Who are these people that are glorifying the UED?

    I don't necessarily disagree, I just don't see where this is coming from
  8. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    I think he's referring to the end vid in Terran 2, the one where it's talking about Stukov's 'heroic' death against the Zerg. Hiding a blunder/fooled type thing. I'm fairly sure everyone on the UED planets believed that just fine
  9. Debono_L

    Debono_L New Member

    Aug 2, 2008
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    StarCraft gamers. The same kind of folk that watched Starship troopers and think a united fascist government is a good thing. I noticed that there was a large UED fan base here in this community and they did not seem to awknowlege the UED for what it is. And afew regard the UED to be more human and therefore more important then the Terrans.

    UED fans that make websites and clans, who think the UED are the 'good guys' and 'saviour of mankind'.

    Make no mistake, StarCraft is a game, one can argue theres no harm in being a UED fan as there is being a German fan of a popular WW2 game. But the point here is to awknowlege what the UED really is, just as you would do the same with Nazi Germany. It's one thing to say "I think the 6th German Army was awesome" it's another to think Nazi Germany was just as great.
  10. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    i agree with you on the UED, but you must remember that the terrans(xcept, maybe raynors group) are as bad or even worse, they were founded by criminals and now try to control the people as badly as they can

    they are just two "bad" human organizations
  11. Debono_L

    Debono_L New Member

    Aug 2, 2008
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    Your comment about the Terran's being founded by criminals is a very ignorant statement.
    I'm Australian, does that make me an evil person or a criminal because of the convicts the British sent to my country? Don't think so.

    Also the Terrans are not a united force. Why you thought this is beyond me.
  12. Lombar

    Lombar New Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    So.. the Ued are robots?

    No really.. The UED are as human as the ones you call Terrans (since lore wise I think they are all Terrans, since it's a specie, not a group of people). I mean, do you think the organization the UEDs have is not human?
    Then you might think Americans are monsters :eek:

    Their whole patriotism thingy comes from deformed information and stupid excuses to go to war. As you mentioned, "People see the UED videos and are fooled by the patriotic attutide and propaganda".

    Dont misunderstand me, I dont think the UED's the best way to organizate us, but they did seemed pretty coordinated, oriented to the same thing and eficient. Sure, they'r stupid zombies run from a couple of pupeteers but, what's wrong with it if people is happy?

    Have you ever read the book "A happy world"? Isaac Asimov wrote it. That book it's awesome. They sent all the people that couldnt get along with the sistem to a lil island, and fooled the rest of em to behave, think their job is the best they could possibly have and **** all the time without remorsment. I think Im getting a lil bit out of subject here... But try to bring that to the Sc universe, what happens is pretty similar in a military atmosphere.

    Anyways, you must be really bored to do such an indepth analisys, but what I couldnt help to notice was that you gave us a lot of reasons to try to convince us the UED are not "the real humans" (Which I strongly disagree) and you failed to state why do you think the "Terrans" are.
  13. the8thark

    the8thark New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    The UED and the Confederates and Mengks's Dominion and Jimmy's rag tag forces are all human to me. And inthe truest sense of the word. Why?

    Because diversity is what humanity is all about. Just look at Earth, Aussies are different to Mexicans, at to Spanish etc. I think you get the point. Sure humanity has it's ideals and goals. But it's all about the individuals that make it up. And how these really varied people can put their many differences aside for a common goal. And it's that what makes humans successful. Adaptability to almost any situation.

    The protoss are really inflexible and don't adapt to things very well. I think their long lifespans really are a cause of this. Long lives means ages to do things, so no push to do anything too quickly. And a reluctance to change. Sure the Dark Templar crew are different. But they're all the same as each other, and as inflexable in their ways. And it took the zerg slaughtering them to change things.

    The Zerg. To me like a colony of bees or ants. All mindless drones with one queen (ie Kerrigan).

    My whole point is that all the humans in SC are "real humans". Just forced to adapt to different situations.
  14. CowOnFire[E]

    CowOnFire[E] New Member

    Jun 6, 2008
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    To me I think the UED is just the upper class where they are feed their life from birth to death. And the others are like the ones that found out they were being feed a bunch of stupid stuff and broke away :) there's nothing wrong with them they just dont agree with the way its ran like the civil war.
  15. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    Saying that the 'bad' UED don't represent humanity is extremely idealistic, the propaganda etc is not that different than modern governments.
  16. Debono_L

    Debono_L New Member

    Aug 2, 2008
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    I've had years of time to come to this conclusion.
    Also my reasons for why the Terrans are more human, I've already mentioned them.

    "Terran society is more like our society today. They have the same freedoms we have. Freedom of Press/Freedom of Religion. Even when the Terran Confed was around, people still lived with such freedoms."

    The UED has none of these freedoms. Are their people happy and content with their way of life? Of course they are, but it's the Terrans Blizzard wants us to relate to, these are the humans with ideals and morales we can relate to.

    So lore-wise, both sides are human. But from the prespective of a writer, it's the Terrans that are given the role of being the human force the player should relate to. This is the point I'm trying to make here, and thats why I think Terrans are 'more' human then the UED.

    Also people seem to keep brining up the ConFed and Dominion as evil/bad organisations. I don't deny that. Terrans have some of the worst examples of mankind. Difference is the actions of the ConFed or Dominion don't speak for all Terrans.
  17. Lombar

    Lombar New Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    But why do you think you are "free"?

    As far as you know, you could've been manipulated all this time without even noticing. That's what happening to the Ued humans, right?
  18. Aedus1160

    Aedus1160 New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    You don't know what life is like on the Earth at that time. The UPL purged the human race of its genetic/cybernetic deviants and it used propaganda. But neither force nor propaganda is required to keep it that way; all they have to do is outlaw those technologies.

    Not really. The Universe News Network was basically a puppet of the old families/high council - they spread a bunch of propaganda concerning the Sons of Korhal i.e. rubbish that General Duke was mind controlled into joining them. And Mengsk wields propaganda just as well himself. Yes, they do have some freedom of religion but remember that Mar Sara was settled by "a couple of religious types who didn't agree with the Confederacy's tolerance for other faiths."

    The videos don't really have any propaganda in them if you think about it. Sure they're biased towards the UED and overexaggerate the importance of the mission, but none of the things mentioned in the videos are outright lies, unlike some of the UNN's reports.

    The discovery of alien species in the Koprulu Sector gave birth to the UED. For all we know, the UED kept a very small military for defense. Anything else is pure conjecture.

    What do you mean by "human"? By definition, one group of humans cannot be "more human" than another group.

    You've got some serious misconceptions dude - it's the exact opposite. The people onboard the supercarriers were the genetic deviants/criminals. That's why the Koprulu Terrans have evolved a few Ghosts. All the normal people are still back on Earth - that was the entire point of Project Purification.

    Except that all your ideas about what the UED government is like are pure assumption. Their stated goal was "to conquer this sector in the name of Humanity". That could either mean saving the Koprulu Terrans from the Zerg, or enslaving everybody.

    200 years have passed since Project Purification. Even Kerrigan's statement about their objectives is pure conjecture, as she's only going by "the old Earth histories":
    " I want to defeat them because if we don't, they'll clamp down on this sector, and enslave us all! You know I'm right Jim. You've studied the history of Earth, you know what the UED's agenda is. Taking control of the Zerg is only the beginning for them." To which Jim replies "Maybe... I don't know...".

    In conclusion: The UPL are nazi-like. But it's been 200 years and the UPL is not the UED.

    Are you kidding? He committed mass genocide. Do you know how many civilians on Tarsonis/Antiga Prime died as a result of his actions? Not only that, but he wouldn't let transports escape because he wanted to make sure that the Confederates were all destroyed. This is a simple case of getting revenge no matter what the costs are. When have the UED done anything like that?

    You guys have a serious problem at spotting who the true villains in a story are. :p

    Confederates - Nuked Korhal. Sacrificed fringe planets as part of their Zerg weapons tests.
    Mengsk - committed mass genocide against confederate colonies. sacrificed Kerrigan to the Zerg.
    The Zerg - Creatures who kill at the command of their controller.
    UED - ????
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2008
  19. CowOnFire[E]

    CowOnFire[E] New Member

    Jun 6, 2008
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    i didnt say that i said they are like the "upper" "elite" humans
  20. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    how do the terrans have freedom of press and religion?

    try reading some of the books, it is shown that the first freedom doesnt exist, and the second one is not enforced