Terran vs Zerg build order help!

Discussion in 'Terran' started by demohunto, May 8, 2010.

Terran vs Zerg build order help!

Discussion in 'Terran' started by demohunto, May 8, 2010.

  1. demohunto

    demohunto New Member

    Nov 24, 2007
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    I need and effective terran build order for zergling rushes. I get completely dominated by zerglings, and then obliterated by mutalisks or hydralisks.

    If the zerg player doesn't zergling rush then I usually win with my stim packed infantry, and tanks.

    I've lost about 3 games because of this. and I really need a solution. Any help would be appreciated =D.
  2. cautionmike_190

    cautionmike_190 New Member

    Mar 23, 2009
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    well, the easy way to do that is the number one rule for terran building is to block the choke point then pump marines, if you find some signs of aggressiveness put a bunker on (or no bunker at all) then continue to build tech 2, well in case they failed or no rush of zerglings there`s a possibility they build an expansion or shall we say they go to rush you with mutalisk better put some turrets if you think your`e in situation such situation lol,

    marines + bunker + viking + medevac + marauders you`re unbreakable on any rushes in other word..
  3. Mako

    Mako New Member

    Apr 5, 2010
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    10 supply depot
    11 barracks
    12 supply depot

    From then on just build more scvs and pump out marines and scout.
  4. MPower

    MPower New Member

    May 5, 2010
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    Get a tech lab up and get 1-2 Reapers and a few marines behind your blocked off ramp. And a group of 4-10 lings should be nothing.
  5. McStupid

    McStupid Guest

    I always build supply depots across the choke point entrance to my starting area. Sometimes I'll put a bunker at the base of the entrance ramp, outside the choke point.

    Then build a **** ton of Marines, and a few seige tanks.

    That will stop most zergling rushes.

    You might even want to keep an SCV near the supply depots to repair them as they are being attacked and the Marines are shooting at Zerglings between the depots.
  6. grit

    grit Guest

    This, get siege tanks and research siege mode, spread a few behind the supply depot and they will take care of any zerg rush.
  7. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    New Port Richey, FL
  8. KHaYMaN

    KHaYMaN New Member

    May 1, 2010
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    1) Scouting is important. It is a lot easier if you know not only if a zergling rush is coming, but when and where it is at. That allows you to move into position to raise supply depots/block off any exposed entries/get SCVs in position to repair/et cetera before the zerglings arrive.

    2) Block your choke. Even if you don't have marines out you can then have several SCVs on hand to repair the damage to buildings and keep the lings from getting in.

    3) Use more than 1 SCV to repair. Even if you block your choke a good zerg player will divide his lings to attack several of the buildings blocking his way at the same time. With only 1 SCV he can still take something out and get in.

    4) If the lings get in, force them to come to you. Assuming you don't have marines to chase them down, you actually want to get those marines into the middle of your SCV line. Surrounded and cut off from each other they will go down pretty fast with minimal micro damage. Likely the zerg player isn't going to willing move his lings into your SCV ranks though, so this turns into a micro war. He tries to pick off an outlier SCV, you have to move it further in. He tries to pick off a depot, you repair it/have a couple of workers harrass an outlier ling, etc.

    5) Learn all the standard building placements to block off your chokes on both different maps and starting positions on those maps. Placement is a little more peculiar imo than in SC 1, especially with the added option of using your rax add-ons as part of the block. Don't be afraid to cancel or delay that add on and start constructing a depot in the way if you need to though.

    I'm just learning terran now but again, most of the ling rushes I've died to are either because I got to aggressive in chasing the lings with my SCVs or because I let them in and didn't need to (e.g. in a recent game I lowered a depot to let in an scv and then was looking at the opponents base with my scout and his lings came at that exact moment and get over the depot before I could issue the raise command).
  9. Archangel

    Archangel New Member

    May 14, 2010
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    Ling rushes are not a problem if you wall in early. Muta rush is the only rush that should concern you. Make sure you have AA in place on time. That also makes you safe against muta harass once you leave your base to attack your opponent. I once made a mistake of staying to long in my base to fend off mutas and by the time I attacked Broodlords were on the battlefield and it was GG.