Human on human violence is so depressing... Oh who am I kidding, I love it! What strategies have you all come up with for fighting man against man? With what is being shown so far, I've thought of several ideas of how the Protoss and Terrans can attack others. I've also heard a couple strats that would work for Protoss VS Protoss. However it escapes me how the Terrans will effectively fight each other, unless it becomes a straight up brawl of throwing units at each other. Reapers are useful but probably not against a squad of marines or a siege tank. Ghosts do LOTS of great things but up against similar levels of technology? Of course, I'm excluding very basic strategy, like sometimes a player forgets to make a detector and so one cloaked unit kills their whole supply line. This will still happen - I don't think it's something I would count on occuring though. Nuke strategy would still work... Siege Tanks will probably be good for fighting other Terrans too.
Well imo since all the races are basically balanced you would utilize whatever strategy you would use if you were another race besides terran. For example if your were Protoss and against Terran what would you use against tanks? most likely zealots with charge etc. if it were a ground attack. However since alot of terrans tend to place their siege tanks on edges of cliff forcing your units to normally walk around the cliff to the ramp and take damage from the tanks in an attempt to destroy them, you could utilize a damage absorber unit while you scale the cliff with reapers and attack the tanks directly. Every unit in every race has its own weaknesses and unique strengths. It's simply up to the user to decide which unit counters his enemy the best. Hence the all powerful ability of ScOuTing. Good post though, I hope to see some useful strategies on this topic :good:
Thank you, I'm trying to be a better contributor here and I love all the strategy speculation. I suppose you're right, there will just be natural ways to fight all threats while staying balanced. Great idea with the Reapers VS Tanks though, if they climbed a cliff close enough they might even dodge the Siege Mode range limit (let it be called "siege shanking"!). And cheers for mentioning scouting - if I had to suggest one thing to new players of SC, it would be to learn how to scout. Once you can scout effectively and manage resources at the same time the rest flows a thousand times easier IMO. I had a simple idea for a support strategy - Ghost Martyrs. Wait till you've got your primary attack plan worked out (preferably one that is good VS buildings but weak VS large armies). Bring a single ghost to the brink of enemy territory and a pack of around 6 siege tanks and 8 marines close behind. Put the Ghost in sniper mode and let him pop away like a madman tower shooter. The attack will draw plenty of attention and lets face it... we all try to kill Ghosts when we know where they are. Winning isn't the goal here, just to get the army into an open conflict on grounds they don't control. Keep in mind that if the supply requirements are the same, this support group would only require 21 and leave a nice chunk up to your main attack force. However it is a heavy enough distraction to draw the opponent into dealing with it - meanwhile you maintain your original plan and initiate it while the vast majority of his/her force fools with the Ghost and the ring of explosions around him while he dies. Maybe everybody thought of that already I don't know.
if u read my other strategies like the reaper ghost and banshee along with the viking banshee thor one its kind of obvious that really there are so many strategies that its kind of hard to think of them all and really i think more strategies will come out after blizzcon owerup:
I think Terran vs. Terran will probably be mostly about turtling, and expanding. And then build an attack force centered around thors and battlecruisers. Maybe having intermittent dogfight skirmishes between vikings. I would probably rely on a beefed up defense, using air power for most of my offense. Or, it might be a good idea to to build up an army fast maybe using reactors to pump out marines and cobras (and reapers too if they don't require a tech center add-on), since the other guy might try to expand fast and tech, at least that's what I'd expect them to do.
Terran v. Terran will be very interesting, or very boring. I think one of the main things that will separate two players is whether or not they decide to go for the Tech Center or the Reactor add-ons, and how they are able to counter the route their opponent has taken. Most likely, the Terran who goes for the Reactor should be the aggressor and should take advantage of his superior force early on to try and hurt the opponent's economy. One thing that I thought could work is to make a decent sized force of marines, and medics if you so choose, and try to draw out the enemy's forces. While they are distracted, cliff jump the side of their base with some reapers, plant bombs on as many buildings as you can, and then go for their SCVs. If your little marine army beats theirs, you have won the game. If you lost it, try and block their units from getting back to their base by holding the choke with the reapers until the bombs can go off. If you see that their force is simply superior, your reapers should have done enough damage to their economy, so simply jump back down the cliff and maybe hide so you can go after their SCVs again once they start building. While the enemy is trying to destroy the bombs with their army, that should buy you enough time to make more forces to stop the inevitable counter attack. What do you guys think about that? It would be amazing if it were pulled off perfectly, but problems that could occur would be if your opponent has a Planetary Fortress to fend off the Reapers by itself, if it is that powerful, or that the bombs are a late game upgrade.
haha kehmdaddy, i posted that exact same strategy on a different thread. great minds think alike owerup:
Awesome strategizing going on. The practicality of the Reaper as a base raider is very cool, and the idea of using them simply to hold back attackers till bombs go off is a good one. The blast is not a light one and so just a few could possibly end their progress no matter whether your troops die or not. Late game or not, the bomb tactic will probably work every so often. However against a pure turtle like someone else mentioned this would be useless and Ghosts would probably come into play. A Viking squad will undoubtedly end up guarding Thors - they should be decently armored and highly adaptable in combat, buying enough time for reinforcements to help guard the artillery. Also they can be repaired if an SCV squad follows.
hopefully SCVs will have the auto repair function that was in WC3. that was very helpful. i cant wait to use vikings, its gonna be great to have 6 air form, 6 mech form, and a thor or two to assault a base!
I still think the siege tank will play a huge roll. Along with good defense around the tank. Reapers will be overused imo, just because you cant choke your base as effective anymore. Even tvt ppl can mass reapers fast,and you wont be able to hold them off like in SC1 with 2-3 vultures and a tank.
I think the planetary fortress will be a mid to late game upgrade, and the reaper bombs will probably be upgraded with the new academy type of building.
When I TvT I scout frequently and scan their base to see what they're building and then make counters while building up a base and troop demolishing army.
The New Command Fortess should be able to shoot in the Air. they said it could only hit ground. i think thats kinda corny. But besides that terrans vs terrans is ganna be a true dog fight!
I'm most afraid that the Reactor upgrade will basically turn it into Zerg VS Zerg with guns. Isn't building two Marines at the same time the same thing as building two Zerglings?
yes, but if one person goes reactor and the other goes tech center it would be marines & medics vs more marines, and i think the medics would win (assuming they are still in)
Good point. It looks like the Terran are going to have more brute force this time around (and massing capabilities). I guess the difference is that Zerg can't choose which unit they want to produce two of. The Terrans, however, can make a Reactor on any producing building (at least, that's my understanding). I'm going to wait and see the new Zerg upgrades before I decide whether the Terrans are becoming Zerg with guns though.
it's good that the terrans are going to have an extra bone in there back! It's ganna make them more flixable and reliable! thats how i feel anyways. This is going to help cut down on the pesky building of an extra barrack