I don't think I'm really good against Protoss. I can only do ZvP, and Zerg is my main race, and I play Terran sometimes. Every time I face against them, my EMP usually owns there, but, it always seems that their army can be re-created so FAST. How many factories should I have in the late game?
well um.... infantry is a TERRIBLE idea but ghost seem to do well have a lot of ghost to use lockdown on the protoss since most of their units are mechanical then counter their airforce with valkyrie swarms and goliaths and seige tanks and battlecrusiers work fine against their ground units.
pros use vults + tanks ftw. If you'r focusing on a mech only game, you'll want at least 5 factories.. Good toss players with an expo ussually have around 6 gateways, so you dont want to fall behind em on that topic. DO YOU?? DO YOU?!?!?!?
You don't really need 6 factories. Maybe like 4, but not 6. If you have them majorily harassed by goliaths/vultures and some siege tanks then your all good. Get some turrets around it for aa along with your goliaths.
Yeah, I use Siege Tanks and Vulture, and some Goliaths to kill those ****ing Shuttles and Observers, with Science Vessel backup. I find that mostly the Protoss outproduce me, especially on ICCup. What's a good expo count? EDIT: BTW, I watched several Bisu[Shield] vs. NaDa games. At the late game, Bisu had SEVENTEEN gateways. SEVENTEEN! NaDa had 9 factories, but was still able to hold Bisu off for the win, with EMP Shockwave, Siege Tanks, Spider Mines and etc. Pretty epic. My friend has that replay. Also, what are good counters for DT drops? I hate it when the SPIDER MINES I place KILL ALL OF MY WORKERS!!! Turrets aren't really a good idea that early, and I never seem to get Comsat. Whats better? Comsat early or Turrets, or using Marines/Goliaths to kill the offending Shuttle?
A good counter for drops be they reaver or dt, is to move all of your workers out of the way, don't set spider mines near them, cause they'll get them. If I drop, it is normally with reavers. I'm a toss player, and with one expo I normally have 8 gates. Thats natural expo mind you. With another, it is easy to get another 6.