Terran vs Carriers?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Cimmarion, Apr 28, 2010.

Terran vs Carriers?

  1. Cimmarion

    Cimmarion Guest

    Hi, thisi s my first post, but I figured I'd sign up seeing as a bunch of other beta players are here discussing strat.

    Personally, I'm a terran player (I screw around as toss here n there but not too often)

    It's twice now I've come up against a Protoss player with carriers and I'm truly stumped. First round was a 1v1 auto-match -- I tech'd factory and put acad on vehicle upgrades +3/+2 by the time the carriers came at me, and my thors got massacred. I also had MMM combo with defense upgrades, i think +1/+3 at match end (so that's big defense infantry, tech researched for extra marine HP + healers)

    My second was 2v2 teamed up with a friend who ate up little troops with colossus chain builds and pushed to mothership. The other toss player full tech'd his air and came at us with rays and carriers, plus his mothership. The mothership was no big deal for +3/+1 Viking micro, but when it came time to down the rays, they micro'd way harder than me (I also noticed my vikings weren't really hitting carriers too hard when the rays weren't around)

    So assuming that max D infantry + medivacs can't take the hits from carriers, my almost maxed thors certainly didn't prove to do much better, and unless opponent protoss has absolutely zero vs air, vikings can't micro down more than 1 carrier even on a 30 unit cost push both sides... I'm left with what? My turrets, surprisingly did a ton of dmg -- more than all my marines getting kited, more than my giant anti-air mech, and more than my go-bots, do I have any alternatives to a huge mineral dump in loads of turrets?

    Thanks in advance -- I'm open to feedback if you've got any suggestions for tech or upgrades as alternatives.
  2. BroodOz

    BroodOz New Member

    Apr 28, 2010
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    EMP his carriers then get creative... they'll drop like flies =)

    Raven's hunter-seeker missile is fairly OP, you could try that... or a squad of Vikings will make short work of them while their shields are down. Just remember weapon upgrades are your friend... and a few SCVs following your mecha units around on auto-repair probably wouldn't hurt (not tested by me personally but seems like a fair idea in my mind - right-click the SCV repair icon to make it auto-repair... then select the SCV(s) and right-click on the unit you want it to follow.

    Hope that helps mate

    P.S After you initially right-click on Carriers, your units have an annoying habit of going after the carriers' interceptors, so be sure to spam right-click on each carrier to ensure your units keep attacking the target, and focus down each carrier after the EMP drops.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2010
  3. asdf

    asdf New Member

    Jun 21, 2009
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    aren't vikings supposed to be the direct counter to carriers? bonus damage to armored air units. making sure you focus on the carrier bodies, vikings will take them down pretty quickly.
  4. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Agreed, mass Viking is the key. Thors are not good against hardly any air, man. It's not meant as an "anti-air" unit, it just has splash to deal with Mutalisks for the most part. I mean come on dude, it only does 12 damage to air units. LOL That's like 2 Marines.
  5. Frosty Raven

    Frosty Raven Guest

    I love mass vikings!!
    But EMPs are also crucial, and honestly a few turrets here and there wont kill you economy, just use them for support.
  6. iKnowMyABCs

    iKnowMyABCs New Member

    Apr 3, 2010
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    EMP and Vikings may work very well. How about BC? EMP and BC might rape them hard (of course with yamato cannon).
  7. holyfield

    holyfield New Member

    Apr 11, 2010
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    you should have scouted your opponents base better.
    when you see stargates and fleet beacons build AA (vikings, BC with yamato, mass marines shoud work as well I guess) and carriers only become really effective in greater numbers.

    And if he had many of them without you knowing, you made something very wrong.
  8. Comet

    Comet New Member

    Apr 24, 2010
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    Mass viking ftw. However the protoss player is bound to support them with another unit such as a mothership or stalkers so mass vikings on there own isnt going to outrite destroy them.
  9. Subversion

    Subversion New Member

    Mar 28, 2010
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    u need to add EMP to your arsenal, shoot off a few of those and u've done like 300 dmg to all of them b4 u've even started :O