terran units the verdict.

Discussion in 'Terran' started by zeratul11, Aug 11, 2007.

terran units the verdict.

Discussion in 'Terran' started by zeratul11, Aug 11, 2007.

  1. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    this is my own rating for the current terran units.

    i was getting bored and no updates is killing me. so i decided to type something so here it is. sorry for my english. ^^

    i based it on 3 factors or criterias. (gameplay value is not included).

    1. unit model design
    2. excitement and fun factor
    3. attack animation (lol, i cant think of anything else)

    in starcraft 2.

    scores (legends)

    5 this unit is godlike! (well for this certain criteria)
    4 owning, this unit is awesome.
    3 cool enough.
    2 needs improvements badly.
    1 it sucks!
    so here goes.


    unit model design - 5
    i have no complain about the look of the marine. the look of bayonet, shields, and the detailed marine armor is godlike. i never get tired looking at them.

    excitement and fun factor - 4
    the terran basic unit has never been this exciting before, the new look plus the badass feel of the marine keeps the adrenalin feeling early game while playing or fighting terran.

    attack animation - 4
    the way marine shoots is better, plus i like the sound of gunfire now than in starcraft 1.


    unit model design - 4.5
    the look of the thor pumps me UP! it is well detailed upclose plus its BIG. but whats the yellow thing on its head?

    excitement and fun factor - 4
    its a gigantic badass mech with sick guns and something we haven't seen before in starcrfaft! whats more to ask?

    attack animation - 3
    the back swing animation of its main gun is nice and the animation of its canon firing in siege mode is cool. but i dont like the explosions it create, it needs to be bigger and look powerful. also i like to see rockets or laser coming out from its guns rather that having it as flak canons.


    unit model design - 3
    i think they look OK, needs a little more detail and should be a little smaller that the marines.

    excitement and fun factor - 3
    heal. heal. heal. but anyway just hitting A and seeing them heal is always cute to look at, plus the new flare skill helps a bit. and i hope the flare effect or visuals looks great.

    attack animation - 3
    healing animation i guess. anyway they should change the sparkle thing in starcraft 1 when they heal. maybe they should create a circle effect below the unit being healed. (see warcraft buffs etc)


    unit model design - 1
    ive seen it in some screenshots and its ugly. i think the nomad should look high tech cause its a support air unit that has great abilities like emp shock waves and repair other ships. yah change it!

    excitement and fun factor - 4
    yes the model may look ugly but the skill it has is still fun to play with. plus now its more useful cause the emp shockwave is AOE and the repair is a cool skill aside from being a DETECTOR. scv in the air! and repairing is always fun. ^^

    attack animation n/a

    Siege tank

    unit model design - 4
    it looks way better than the previous model. it looks more intimating and powerful than the old starcraft siege tanks. and yes it looks like a TANK. the look is tank mode is as cool as it is in siege mode.

    excitement and fun factor - 4
    i never got tired of the siege tank of the original starcraft even now. the switching fro tank mode to siege mode and vice versa is always FUN. so nothing really change but the new model is bonus. this new tank will last for the next 10 years again. ^^

    attack animation - 3.5
    the siege mode attack really looks powerful with its long cooldown but the tank mode attack is kinda weak and boring same as in the original siege tank. too bad the tank mode looks great but the way it attacks doesn't.


    unit model design 4.5
    looks very NICE. almost a perfect 5 if only it is a little thinner. yah it looks to bulky. anyway the look in air and mech for are awesome.

    excitement and fun factor 5
    yes this is simply one of the most exciting unit in starcraft 2. i mean TRANSFORM and roll out!

    attack animation - 3
    the air attack of the viking fighter is quite ok with the missiles. but i really dont like the viking mech form's attack. it stops and its shoots like its a canon. i like the idea of giving them gatling LASERS in mech form. just for the visuals(red small lasers) alone that it will make, it will be the COOLEST unit in starcraft.


    unit model design - 3.5
    nothing really changed except now its 3d. but the visual upgrades it gets from researching plasma torpedo or yamatao canon is something.

    excitement and fun factor - 5
    yes i gave it a perfect 5. AT LAST battlecruisers can really show now why they are terrans capital ships. plasma canons.yamato canons. plus multiple lasers as a default attack is the bomb. never been this excited in using them. ^^

    attack animation - 5
    the multiple laser shots looks more powerful than the one laser shot. i like the look of plasma torpedo rains down, its just badazz. and the yamato as usual is a sight to behold.


    unit model design - 2
    i dont like it. few details and the triangle looks plus the 2 rail guns is just PLAIN SIMPLE and BORING. this unit will be important in gameplay so why NOT make the look BETTER. change the model!

    excitement and fun factor - 3.5
    the only exciting thing about the cobra is that it hovers and it has this spot lights below it. ow and it moves faster than other units. hhmm. micro. so 3.5 is fair enough.

    attack animation - 3
    i did not really seen clearly the cobra in action. but the rail gun (laser) looks to weak and small. maybe more detailed effect on the impact. anyway i like the look of the rail guns moving while the cobra is circling around on its target.


    unit model design - 4.5
    smooth and nice looking aircraft. just remove the shark tooth painting and il give it a 5. and i hope the propellers do move in gameplay or i'll subtract a point.

    excitement and fun factor - 4
    im very much excited about using this unit. the thing is it can CLOAK and deals AOE damage. new mass way of killing in stealth. yes not like wraith.

    attack animation - 4
    looks great with all the missile cracking the ground, a little BIGGER explosions will seal the deal.


    unit model design - 3
    looks average. looks really the same with the scv in starcraft original except its in 3d(better ofcourse). the arms looks too stiff. and i hate the driller look.

    excitement and fun factor - 3
    mining and repairing is always fun specially if we see them doing it with COOL animations. i've not really seen clearly how they are mining and repairing or building structures but the probes looks good mining with the laser tho.

    attack animation 3. nothing really special. i wanna see their mechanical arms change to something maybe a chain gun when fighting. ^^


    unit model design - 4
    i have not seen a HQ quality pics or vids of the predator yet. but judging form the shape and look itself (without the details) its cool. reminds me of a wraith and a x fighter from starwars.

    excitement and fun factor - 4
    yes im ecstatic about this unit cause its suppose to be terrans superior air to air fighter. the name itself is exciting. if this unit fires high speed lasers and moves extra fast then il give it a 5. and yeah it can transform too, transforming is always a bonus.

    attack animation - 4
    if its laser as seen in the low quality demo then its COOL. the predator needs a laser for its name not another missiles.


    unit model design - 4
    looks great. the rocket booster, the giant pistols, and the head mask. awesome. ^^

    excitement and fun factor - 4
    its a new flying infantry unit that can jumps off cliffs. starcraft needs something new units like this. ow yeah the bomb plus the timer is well fitted for this unit making it more fun to use.

    attack animation - 3
    a so so 3. there isn't much action on it, the way they shoot looks repetitive etc. and the way their feet moves while shooting is.....


    unit model design - 3
    its OK, but making them look darker is better. plus whats the the thing on its head (Mohawk haircut?). remove it! the gun looks sweet.

    excitement and fun factor - 4
    ghost is more exciting to play because it CAN FIGHT NOW unlike before plus the steath, nuke and the new drop pod and snipe ability simply owns.

    attack animation 4
    oh yes in the WWi protoss demo, when they were cornered by the zerglings, the way they shoot is nice with back thrust after firing.


    so there you have it. dont mind the comment that much. whats important is my score for each terran unit. haha.
    as you can see only the cobra and nomad got a score below 3, so meaning the terrans right now are almost good to go. :)

    so any violent reactions? im sure most of you agrees with my scores. and yes nomad just looks so UGLY.

    hhmm. im going to make one for protoss too and terran buildings cause i really hate the merc haven model.
  2. LJYLJ

    LJYLJ New Member

    Jul 17, 2007
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    its a nice summary zeratul, good reading etc :) me like
  3. paragon

    paragon Guest

    yellow thing on thors head is the windows'

    you forgot to say that the banshees are godlike in all respects. i would not start modeling again if what i was modelling was anything less than godlike. that's why i've only modeled the banshee and the pillsbury doughboy
  4. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    thanks. im glad you understand it. lol

    yah i knew it. looks plastics. they should put some extra effect or details on it, maybe make it look like a glass or something with the reflection.

    Edited out quotes. Please read the forum rules and refrain from quoting unnecessarily.
  5. paragon

    paragon Guest

    bad zeratul11, bad double posting. bad bad bad

    they could make the windows look more glasslike with cool effects if they had a better engine... ZOMG not so cutting edge anymore
  6. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    why is the engine in starcraft 2 not good enough? now thats lame blizzard!

    but i mean maybe just a simple glow, on and off glow is better than the plastic yellow look on its head.

    sorry about the double post. pretty excited on replying back. ^^
  7. paragon

    paragon Guest

    Based on everything else in game, the game engine just cannot support that feature.
  8. MarineCorp

    MarineCorp New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Nice rating zeratul11 i really do agree that the nomad looks like.... well ugly
  9. Itsmyship

    Itsmyship New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Where only cool people live... So Cal!
    You have quite a thing for lasers don't you? :p
  10. LJYLJ

    LJYLJ New Member

    Jul 17, 2007
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    Paragon, QFT and go back to ur cave or better, another forum...
    A vulgar word used in reference to another forum member has been deleted from this space

    edit - bet ur noob in sc original aswell "engine in sc2 isnt good enough" u wouldnt know even a tiny bit about that..
  11. Smokiehunter

    Smokiehunter New Member

    Aug 5, 2007
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    could you give the terrans an over all grade?
  12. paragon

    paragon Guest

    You won't be here very long LJYLJ
  13. capthavic

    capthavic New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    Simmer down you two.

    Anyway nice list/ratings but I think the Thor attack style is fine (but bigger explosions are always good) and the Viking ground attack should just be constant since it's a gattling gun.

    Over all I would give the terrans a 4.5; the best race so far but a few units still need some work.
  14. Eye_Carumba

    Eye_Carumba New Member

    Aug 4, 2007
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    My game fun with reapers would be way higher than that! lol Since they can work so well as a counterattack, I'll have a special pleasure when I take off the enemy's probes/SCVs and a supply with the grenades. I'll think about their latest atk, and all the dmg they caused me, and rejoice while I blast their base from behind! Muwahuahuauhahua! >:)
  15. LJYLJ

    LJYLJ New Member

    Jul 17, 2007
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    how come m8?
    atleast i dont talk shit about starcraft..ppl like u are really annoying
  16. Ych

    Ych New Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    LJYLJ , please don't do any personal attacks on other forum members.

    It is ok to have a nice and constructive argument if both sides disagree on something but attacking someone based on different opinions is just going to cause hate among each other. It is important that we keep this forum a friendly community where everyone can have a good time.
  17. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    yah, peace out.

    uhm, yah i love lasers but not the pew pew pew, but the big ones that rip holes. heheh.

    ow yeah the terran are not yet good to go. they still lack units i think. wheres the mobile bunker and firebat i guess. terran needs another mech.
  18. LJYLJ

    LJYLJ New Member

    Jul 17, 2007
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    sry ych9, just got alittle frustrated when he starts talking shit about the new sc2 engine witch he does only know where little off...

    /friendly mode on
  19. PancakeChef

    PancakeChef New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Isn't this about the terran units that have been revealved so far? I also don't mind if the enigne isn't "cutting-edge" enough as paragon says. The graphics in the game look great to me, just because it doesn't have all these fine little details and amazing effects everywhere doesn't mean it doesn't look great or will be a fun game to play.
  20. capthavic

    capthavic New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    Exactly. And Blizz isn't trying to make a graphical powerhouse. They are making fun, good looking game that stays true to the original and everyone can play.