Terran Units: Some originality, please?

Discussion in 'Terran' started by CaptainPicard, Sep 26, 2007.

Terran Units: Some originality, please?

Discussion in 'Terran' started by CaptainPicard, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. CaptainPicard

    CaptainPicard New Member

    Sep 25, 2007
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    After watching the Terran demo a few times, I must say I'm a bit disappointed with the terran units. The new abilities look pretty cool--the combat shield for the marines, the reactor, the improved addon system, the new Command Center upgrades, and the new Battlecruiser abilities seem well thought out. The Supply Depots are much improved. And, the radar towers are damn cool. But, aside from the Reapers, it just seems like the Terrans really don't have any new units.

    The Banshee is pretty much a Valkyrie for use against ground targets. Although it does have a cloak, which means it fills part of the role of the wraith. But, the Vikings are nothing more than Goliaths which can fly--they even occupy the same button at the factory! The big anti-air punch of the Goliath, and the medium twin arm cannons on the walker--even the number of hp is the same. Then, the new hover tanks are cool and the fact that they can fire while moving is nice, although every race should have a number of units that can do this--perhaps at some expense to accuracy and with varying degrees of restriction to what direction they can attack while on the move (hint... it's not hard to program a fast computation of that!). But, the new hover tanks are also strikingly like the old Vultures, and those demolition charges that the reapers carry--c'mon, they even show up as Spider Mines, they just hit structures and can't move!

    The Thor is also kind of disappointing. It looks cool, no doubt, but it doesn't seem to fill much of a role that the Siege Tank doesn't already have. The twin arm guns are nice, they seem to do about 50 damage, and if they do normal damage then it is indeed an advantage over the Siege Tank's standard cannon. But, if the unit costs three times as much as a Siege Tank (it is 6 supply units), I could probably see my way to pumping out a lot more damage with three Siege Tanks.

    My preference would be to give the Thor a much more support sort of role, something that could launch very long-range, build-one-at-a-time guided missiles kind of like a human Reaver, with some smaller, short-range anti-ground guns (but not very powerful, just for handling pesky units that do manage to get close) and a set of moderately powerful anti-aircraft guns to provide some degree of support to a formation of siege tanks. For such a powerful unit, it'd also be nice to have those various weapons function independently, so the Thor could pivot slowly to launch its missiles but have the smaller guns pivot on their own.

    I'd also like to see a dedicated, fast Terran fighter--I hate those Vikings. How about one with, again, limited-use splash weapon capability, perhaps something that you can re-arm at a Starport for money in addition to a more conventional, unlimited standard weapon like the Wraith had. A cloakable bomber with a laser site ability that you could set to fly over an enemy base and drop very power ordinance with pinpoint accuracy (but a slight warning that the adept opponent could spot, not so obvious as the Ghost's nuke but at least with a little dot) would be fun.

    Any thoughts?
  2. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Well... first off, welcome to the forums, and a mighty good post.

    However, some of your logic is a little flawed. First, the Viking, in my opinion, is quite a feat of design. It's unique, it has a nice and interesting mechanic, and its quite useful. I have no problem with it "replacing" the Goliath.

    The Thor is meant to be an HP shock absorber. It has a large amount of health so as to be able to absorb a lot of damage for supporting units. Great for blasting through bottlenecks. However, there has been some discussion about removing the Nuke ability from the Ghost and giving it to Thor as its special ability, rather than the artillery barrage.

    Part of that discussion is here:


    I don't know what to tell you in regard to the Terran fighters because I'm not sure what the capabilities of the Predator are right now. But if you combine the Predator and the Banshee, not to mention the Battlecruiser, you should have a pretty effective air option as a Terran player.
  3. BnechbReaker

    BnechbReaker New Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    don't worry about the d8 charges showing up as spider mines, a big chunk of the graphical interfaces have not been finished, so they use old sound and graphic from starcraft1 as a temporary solution.
  4. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    D8 charges have a very,very,very different use than the old spider mines, their arent even mines, they are charges. Very cool mechanic and its on Cooldown not 3 for a lifespan.

    The viking is a great new unit, gives you a lot of flexability and mobility, its air form is a very powerful anti air, much more powerful than the wraith albeit the cloaking.

    The Air speed isnt that much of an issue, all air units seem to be a lot slower.

    The thor is great, bombardment is a great ability to crack open places and to have that initial punch while tanks are sieging.

    The banshee is a ATG fighter, the valkirie is ATA, plus the banshee can cloak, and its somewhat fast, and good vs small units.

    You forget the predator. The cobra is also a cool anti tank unit that has a so far unique mechanic that no other unit has.

    The ghost has new toys, the command center is very cool. I like all the new stuff terrans got, and its pretty origianal yet still has the terran feel of SC1, dont forget this isnt a completely new game, but a sequel
  5. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    I find the fact that you're saying Terran are the same as in StarCraft1 quite comical. Of all the Terran units shown on the official StarCraft2 website, as well as the Predator, Cobra and Siege Tank (which haven't been listed yet), there are only 2 units that are the same as the original game, being the Siege Tank and the Marine. One common misconception is that people always thing 'these unit is just those old unit with that ability'. For example:

    The fact is that any AoE flying ship that they made would seem to be like a Valkyrie, any walker unit made would seem like a Goliath, and any hover or bike-like unit that they make would seem like a Vulture. However, in ALL of these cases, the new StarCraft2 unit does NOT fit the role of the old StarCraft1 unit. They are all completely new units for completely new roles.
    And then what they always do is give their own damn opinion:
    If the Thor was able to fire missiles and guns independently of its turning then it completely destroys its weakness! The idea is that it is vulnerable to attacks against its flanks or rear, so if it could suddenly fire in all directions at once, then it makes it like an unstoppable kill-mobile, which is NOT what Blizzard has intended for any unit.
  6. capthavic

    capthavic New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    1) they do have a fighter unit, it's called the predator.
    2) the thors advantage is it's heavier armor, anti air capbability, and attention drawing size.

    and most importantly
    3) it's not done yet!
  7. Inpox

    Inpox New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    first off , Thor's is really great for assaulting heavy fortified defenses, they pound all immobile defenses to dust + they have alot of health and a little anti air capabilities,

    and yeah alot of the interface isn't done yet so don't worry about that

    and i like the vikings replacing the Goliath's, they got an awesome design and they will have alot of strategical worth, for example they will be really great for raiding workers

    and btw welcome to the forums man
  8. Patuljak

    Patuljak New Member

    Jul 3, 2007
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    Its just like itzahexgor said. Stop comparing them to the old units, the similarities are mostly visual. Most of the units, even if they look similar to old ones, has had their roles and mechanics completely changed.
  9. Flesh

    Flesh New Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    "Viking are just Goliaths which can fly"
    In what way are Vikings "just Goliaths"? Is it because they are both light mechs? So Terrans should not have any light mech units because they would look "just like Goliaths"? Because, as far as mechs go, the Viking is completely different from Goliath in design AND combat role.

    "The Banshee is pretty much a Valkyrie for use against ground targets."
    How is Banshee, an attack helicopter, that can cloak and attacks only ground, same as Valkyrie, which is a space frigate that attacks only air - they are completely different in both design and combat role. If anything, Banshee is a pretty original unit because it is the only SC air unit that gives splash damage to ground units

    "the new hover tanks are also strikingly like the old Vultures"
    Again, in what way are they similar to Vultures? Is it because they can hover? Please don't tell me that this entire complaint is based on the fact that Cobras can hover just like Vultures. Because, apart from that detail and the fact that they are both fast moving vehicles, I see no similarities between them not in design or in combat role.

    "those demolition charges that the reapers carry--c'mon, they even show up as Spider Mines"
    Yes demolition charges are similar to mines. But they are not mines, they are charges. THey explode after a short period of time. The are not burrowed in the ground and equiped with three small legs used to walk up to an enemy and explode.

    You know whats funny? You complain that these new units, Viking, Cobra and Banshee are just as same as the old Goliath, Vulture and Valkyrie. But you didn't complain that the new Battlecruiser is almost the same as the old Battlecruiser and that the new Siege tank is just like the old siege tank and that the new marine does exactly the same thing as the old marine etc. Basically, you don't know why you are upset so you're just talking nonsense about the new units. While the real reason why you are so upset is because this new Starcraft will not be completely the same as your old Starcraft. Sorry bud, but things have to change sometimes.
  10. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Very nice post! I agree with you completely. People should stop complaining about stuff that they don't agree with in StarCraft2. Remember they are NOT creating this game specifically for you and do NOT seek to please your every displeasure. You are NOT the center of the universe, so quit having a go at people who are putting in a heck of a lot of hard work, while you just sit at your computer doing nothing. I'm seriously sick of people having a go at Blizzard just because they don't agree with a certain unit or just have nothing better to do. Sorry to be so harsh but it's true.
  11. Inpox

    Inpox New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    I am happy with the sc2 changes, expect the mothership not being a single super unit

    and m8, being harsh is the easiest way to get people to understand