So do you think we can see or play all of them in game? you know, mengks, matt, swan, valerian, admiral gustovir etc. that would be cool. engineer swan - special class of worker. it would be cool if he is playable in game and his model will be base from the campaign cutscene preview we seen. he can repair terran stuffs in game. *mission failed - engineer swan died*. lol raynor - im sure he will be riding some terran vehicles, but it will be nice to play him personaly with no marine power suit and vehicles. i dont know if we can play the dominion in the terran campaign but id like to see mengsk in game. 8) matt and valerian would look cool with their medieval inspired outfit in game. i expect valerian to use his sword in game but that would be funny since it will be hard to kill zealot or even a zerling with that. gustovir maybe could command a crucio tank, is he from the dominion? but i also like to see him personaly on the ground. ^^ for the toss. maybe we can play artanis for the first time without his scout. selendis and zeratul aer obviously in. zerg. i dont know, maybe new infester terran heroes will be playable. i want to see or better play all these heroes in game not seeing them only in cutscenes or cinematics. also it would be cool for UMS maps, like kill the emperor himself (mengsk). 8)
We know for sure we'll have custom models for most if not all the heroes. I'm especially looking forward to playing as Zeratul with his extremely badass warp blade and that bling armor he's got on.
yeh me too. zeratul was kickazz in sc1. really cool and badass. blizzard customs made models for each heroes? i doubt that they will make those if the heroes themselve dont have an ingame model in the campaign (like they are not in the campaign in game, but they have the models in the editor?).
Yeah, Blizzard's said themselves that they're making custom models AND abilities for each hero. I don't think they'll have the engineer, but I wouldn't completely rule that out either. Also Kerrigan will look simply amazing now in her wings and tight leather... carapace.
ok. but i want to clear what i just said. heroes like mengks, matt, swan etc wont be in the editor (model) if they are NOT in the campaign in game right? so the only chance to get them in the editor is to include them(model) in game in the campaign. so then we can have variety of heroes(or characters) for UMS maps. i dont like kerrigan's model in sc1, she was not zerg looking but rather cartoon superhero looking imo. tychus should look bigger than the other marines. also i like black marines as mengsk personal bodyguard. mengsk with his staff would look really cool in game. mengks - 30hp 5dmg (gtg). lol
There probably will be additional heroes like Mengsk and Matt, even if they're not in the campaign. And no, a hero that isn't in the campaign CAN be in the editor.
heroes not in the campaign can be in the editor? how? so like blizz got swan model in the editor for UMS maps? wow. thats cool. but i dont think so since its hard and doesnt make sense to make hero models for the editor only but are not in the campaign. well for old units (sc1) its ok, but heroes its unlikely. anyway it would be awesome if they have all the in game models for all the heroes in the editor even they are in the campaign or not.
Blizzard uses the editor to make their maps. So a unit can't be in the campaign if it's not in the editor, and vice versa. They have models for heroes that didn't fit in the campaign but are there for the mapmakers to mess around with. And it's not "unlikely" they won't have heroes in the editor. They're GUARANTEED to have additional heroes in the editor. It's no harder than making any other unit, really.
I want to see Kerrigan. I hope that's Blizzard's next update for their website. So far only Jim's on there.
Nova. I think she'd e pretty fun to have in the campaign. Is Daggoth dead? I remember a thread on him but I don't quite remember the conclusion.