Terran Strat Help

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by GuyLedouche, Aug 31, 2010.

Terran Strat Help

  1. GuyLedouche

    GuyLedouche Guest

    I'm still doing the practice league thing, because I want to practice as much as I can before the real matches start. I've been doing 1v1 lately.

    I start out doing the basic MM build, or at least what I take of it. I build marines and marauders, get a sizable army and once I get stimpacks (or know I'll get them by the time I reach the other guy's base) I go for their base. I don't focus on medivacs as much, I try to build another army at my base while I'm attacking so I can have another wave if the first one gets wiped out. (and repeat and repeat) Also when I send them out, they usually have level 1 weapon upgrade and are getting the armor upgrade.

    Sometimes it works, I take out all their workers and it's gg, but the last few rounds I've lost, because they'll counter it and use something else. (I've had banelings, zerglings, and hydralisks attack me, as well as corrupters and brood lords another round, and then siege tanks another round)

    So, I guess my questions are.. Is the reason I'm losing recently because I'm negating the medivacs? Are utilizing them better than going for the fast attack? How can you transition fluently from losing a force like that and still being able to come out with the win?

    Thanks for any and all help you guys can give me. If any of you maybe have time to show a newish guy the terran ropes in game, I wouldn't mind that either. :)
  2. Your Restrain

    Your Restrain New Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    No, I'm assuming you want a quick 1v1 rush strategy.

    Here is how to win in under 7 minutes as Terran- Follow exactly.

    1. Start game, build new 5 SVCs total (As supplies allows)
    2. After you have 5 workers bought wait till you have 100 minerals and then build 1 Supply Depot
    3. Wait for 150 minerals build barracks with a different worker. Wait for 150 more build another Barracks.
    Wait for 100 build another Supply Depot
    Start pumping Marines as soon as the Barracks are finished building and send the SVCs that completed building back to work on Minerals
    4. Wait for 150 minerals again, build barracks, wait for 100 minerals build Supply Depot.

    Now pump out the rest of the marines till you get your max unit population (32/32, so that will be a total of 11 SVCs, 21 Marines), 3 Supply Depots, 3 Barracks.

    Send your Marines to your enemy , take out the units then barracks then workers, if they haven't quit yet.

    This strategy WILL fail sometimes, but recently I have a 5 game win streak and are beating Platinum players with this. So give it a go.

    -Your Restrain
  3. madman

    madman New Member

    Jul 31, 2010
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    Im not certain but doesn't practise league have rocks blocking the way meaning if you try to rush by the time your threw your rocks and there rocks they have higher tech units to counter the mass marines, in my opinion in you want to make it easy for you, just do a reaper rush(don't use them myself) but the reapers mean you don't have to worry about taking the rocks out plus if you cripple the oponent then you can tech up, but if you don't want to use reapers and stick to mmm then get the medivac because you can heal+drop off in a sneaky area in there base.
  4. 1n5an1ty

    1n5an1ty Member

    Mar 2, 2009
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    @ MIke, If the guy scouts u, he can easily go sentries, or banelings, or bunker / hellions.

    Guy, no, if you're going for a fast attack and the oppo counters, counter back, that should be your first thought. 2nd thought (u can do this immediately altohugh i might tank a bitta luck :p ), medivac drop those rines and rauders into his mineral line.
    then, expand and push (harassment works wonders)

    keep trying new strats if one doesnt work, and also try to figure out why it didnt work.
    watch sc class ion youtube lol