Terran Special Unit

Discussion in 'Terran' started by SubTachyon, Mar 18, 2008.

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Terran Special Unit

Discussion in 'Terran' started by SubTachyon, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. SubTachyon

    SubTachyon Guest

    (I tried to search it but found nothing so I am sorry if its double posting)
    Zerg have their special *hero* like unit - Queen.
    Protoss have their special unit - Mothership (even though its laughable in comparisson to the Queen).
    So what do Terran have?
    And please dont say Thor! I hate it, and I have no idea why everyone likes it so much except from it being big... and then claim that size doesnt matter.
  2. Hodl pu

    Hodl pu New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    The Thor yes, is NOT a special unit. But it has its uses, especially for air. I read it can slaughter air units easily. As for special units, there is none and I don't think there will be for Terrans. I don't really mind either, I dont see it as a problem.
  3. Light

    Light Guest

    I have some good news for you- No one likes the Thor! :p Its so damn awful. Even with its air, the model doesnt fit the role.

    Remember, the Terrans got the nuke, which could be more useful than in the original sc. But I would also like to have a strong terran unit...I want the thor to come back the way it was.
  4. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Under Your Bed
    Thor = shit Goliath with better air.

    Nuke = ''Special unit''
  5. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Terran will not have any special units like the Queen or the Mothership simply because of their social and military structure.
    The zerg always needed and will always need a leader to follow because they're primitive (not physically of course).
    Protoss are on another level compared to us, they're willing to follow orders of one central person/body and are not reluctant to sacrifice themselves for a greater cause (i.e., the future of the race).
    Terran are more cautious because of their obvious flaws like inclination to tyranny and so they don't grant supreme jurisdiction to one person or a small body. Though they have military ranks which implies that everyone has a superior, they try to retain democracy at a certain level.
  6. Ych

    Ych New Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    As long as Blizzard balances the game, then I'm fine with anything.
    Think about it this way, Terran without a special unit is just making the race more distinctive from the other races. (Even though I disagree about the Mothership or the Queen been special units).

    On the other hand, Ghosts are like special units. You can mass produce them, snipe out key enemies, call down nukes, and use the drop-pods (That is if Blizzard doesn't axe that ability of theirs.) Pretty useful to me if you think about it.

    People are saying that both the Zerg and Protoss have a super-unit (Queen/Mothership) even though I don't consider them been one. Well, let me ask you guys this. Do they have a super-weapon like the Terrans? You know, a weapon that does mass destruction?

    The conclusion is, the more distinctive the races are the better the game it will be. So no, Terran don''t need a special unit because if they do, that will make them too similar to the other races.
  7. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Protoss had Black Hole and Planet Cracker - both weapons of mass destruction, but they've been nerfed I think
  8. SubTachyon

    SubTachyon Guest

    I am a perfectionist and I study (quantun) physics, therefor I always have a need to assume that things have to be "equal", there has to be some symmetry. Not because I think that terran are underpowered. But simply because of the feeling that every race should have their "hero".

    Oh and I agree that mothership isnt so much of a special unit. I like queen, not being "omg NUKEZ roflmao" type of unit but more of a creature that really supports and takes care of your nest, which really goes with the insect style of the zerg.
  9. Ych

    Ych New Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    I disagree SubTachyon.

    What makes SC1 such an awesome game was that every race were soo different, yet so balanced. Blizzard is trying to take this further in SC2 by making each races even more distinctive from another.

    What is the point if every race has a so called "hero"? Wouldn't be very distinctive right? Blizzard can balance this game from other things without giving the Terran a so called "hero" unit. They can make it up from other strengths.

    However, one must understand that the game will never be perfectly balanced. (Even SC1 isn't 100% perfectly balanced. But just very close to it). The reason is because every races will have different units/mechanics. In order to reach a perfect balance state, all the races will have to have the exact same unit and mechanic. Looks familiar to a legendary board game right? Yep you guessed it, it's Chess.

    So no, Blizzard should make all the races as different as possible while on the other hand, making the game as balanced as possible. That is the type of game that we all fans want for SC2.
  10. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    First, welcome to the forums.

    Second this is a duplicate topic!
    -Check this thread.
    -We've had this discussion before.

    Third, sorry in advance for the yelling but...
    ENOUGH WITH THE ZERG HAVE THIS PROTOSS HAVE THAT WHAT WILL THE TERRANS HAVE (or any combination thereof) THREADS!!! WE'VE HAD THIS DISCUSSION A MILLION TIMES! Just because Protoss have the Mothership and Zerg have the Queen doesn't mean Terran will get a one-of-a-kind type unit too! And they shouldn't. See my posts here, here, and here for more details!
  11. SubTachyon

    SubTachyon Guest

    I am sorry mate, I tried to search first but Ive got like 10 pages of different possible threads though I think it wouldnt hurt anyone if you used caps lock a little less.
  12. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    I am sorry for my use of caps lock. I am just a little bit frusterated because I have posted on this topic so many times (as have others) and it seems like nobody is taking the time to actually search. Hence the yelling.
  13. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    New Port Richey, FL
    Duplicate Topic - Topic Locked
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