it wasnt enough that every upgrade has meant a downgrade for terran players, it wasnt enough that they killed the reaper now in the latest 'downgrade' the hellion and ghost have had their balls cut off....they may as well just give terran marines and nothing else and expect us to play..sorry the only ones who like all this are non terran players and it really means that I cant play my favourite race and win a few. I'm not a top grade player and never will be I'm too old and cant micro like the youngf guys but I like to stay with at least a fighting chance but to handicap terran players at every turn is questionable at best.....RIP Terrans I cant play you no more............
oh and to top it all off in the expansion your not going to have thors just one real fair blizzard your just awesome..NOT @kuvasz' theres always one moron isnt there and you had to claim the prize early I am old enough to be your grandfather more then likely so keep your idiot remarks to yourself
Ok, but then these ignorant remarks are even worse. Generally speaking, people who look to balance first and player skills second when being beaten are just stupid. Have fun crying in a corner.
dude I don't know what you are complaining about, they took away Thors because they weren't good enough against mutas, since zergs just magic box. They added the warhound, is it? its like the goliath, so you will be able to dish-out more DPS. Hellion change isn't a nerf, i think if transformed they have a greater range. Why not add more AOE to terran, tanks aren't good enough? then you have the shredder, which is MORE AOE to air and ground... awesome. zergs have good changes too... they took out the useless units for protoss and replaced them with some OK ones. don't worry dude, Terran will probably still be the most OP race. Just because you are old doesn't mean you can't be good. IMNestea is like 35 and hes the best or 2nd best in the world. Regardless, terrans just need marines, medivacs, and tanks. eZ hope you change your mind
Wait, 35 is old now? Also, at this point, Terran are arguably a bit OP, though not as much as people make them out to be. A slight nerf will improve balance, and even describing this as a slight nerf is stretching it.
35 is old for a progamer. i get frustrated when people complain about nerfs though... like seriously... all the nerfs/changes done were for the greater good. Maybe they nerfed neural parasite, too short. I am protoss, and we lost flux veins AND kardarian amulet, and i believe it was necessary. People who get super mad about nerfs, especially terrans, are gamers who struggle at the game. They barely win without the nerfs, and then after, they feel they are subjected to race discrimination. Its sad really. I have never seen a diamond or higher Terran complain about nerfs.