Lifting buildings - Are you getting attacked?... Ah dont worry, if youre terran, just lift off and go somewhere else. Salvageable bunkers - wth? Another reason for the Terran to sit back and turtle some more. Best econ - Even when I have way more probes I cant keep up to a Terrans econ. Mules are way too good. Walling Off - The only race that can turtle in your base without having to destroy a building later to get out... just sit there and hide behind a bunker. Makes the game LAME. Scan - Wanna know what the opponent is doing - np.. just throw down a scan... didnt see him.. dont worry.. you can scan again soon, and again... and again... and again. No building to build, no unit to train, no pop, no risk and virtually no cost whatsoever... scan ftw! Reapers and Hellions 2 of the best scout / raiders in the game. Nuff said. Medivacs - Most OP unit in the game imo. Very efficient dual-purpose unit... Enough of them and a Terran can use stim constantly making his units twice as powerful... also makes Terrans army the most mobile in the game as we've all been back door dropped as a few marauders take out our nexus. Also allows for easily exploitable 'siege tank on a cliff' abuse. zomg. Banshees - Why do they even have energy bars?... These freakin planes can virtually remain constantly cloaked.. Thors - Anyone tried to take out a few thors with ghosts and scv's repairing lately.. umm.. ya right. Freakin bio-all ownz all unless you have a 'hidden' Collossus.. but even stimmed marauders can take that out esily. OR, god forbid I have to build like 5 buildings and research 3 techs before I can even think about using a Psi storm.. either I sacrifice an expansion to get it or I get rushed before its even close to ready. And even then it can be dodged or avoided by good players. Ghosts - Nearly impossible to see and thus click on to attack, EMP at very low cost with huge range can take out ALL the shields of my entire army. Oh and it ALSO takes all of the energy out of my templars/sentries to boot. Oh and I cant feedback because feedback has a much shorter range. wtf. Detection - Lets see, Terran have - missle turrets - scan - ravens - Ghosts how much detection do you need really?? Blizz should give Terrans a new tech called Massive Scan that scans the entire map lasting for 5 minutes with a 5 minute cooldown. Oh and if a Terran building gets destroyed, the cost can be salvaged. And, hmm.. Let medivacs shoot Yamato cannons as well... Clearly they arent versatile enough. Oh and then just to make this post longer and more annoying im gonna put a base on an island and build 50,000 missle turrets and make you come get me... zzzzzz comments welcome
I have honestly had little problem with terran the key to beating terran is make a collosus with range, hey look his MMM thor is wins because you can micro a collosus vs a thor and it can do nothing, and if they build vikings then they cant have medivacs. problem solved, terrans entire style of play reolves around haveing units that dont die, this is why they have a medivac and can repair thors and have bunkers. simply put dont whine about godam terran any more, or else they might get to whining about cannon rushes and 4/5 warp gate or proxy stargate, or obsevers being the best scout in the entire game, or zealots being to powerful or stalkers being able to blink or storm killing their hard earned units, this is not a place to ***** about how somethings is "IMBA" go to the regular forums for that ****, this is a place to learn and be a better player.
Nonono, rants are fine. This is a forum for intelligent conversation. Let's not start bashing each other. First off: Stalkers + Observers are just as efficient at scouting/harassing as marauders/hellions. Secondly: Ghosts giving you problems with their insane usability? No problem. Disable them with phoenix's. Those phoenix's will also be good at taking out medivacs. Third: Thors use a LOT of space. Luckily sentries are here! Build a couple walls between his infantry and his thors, and you instantly divide his forces. These sentries are twice as effective against Terran because of the anti-range ability. Reduce basically ALL incoming damage from Terran with these little guys!
I think thors can break the sentrys forcefields by walking on them. Anyway, ghosts do not detect anything, helions are useless against anythign that is not light, reapers die really quick, and we cant make our upgrades/units produce any faster, so quit your *****ing. Each race has its own advantage and disadvantage. Terran is a jack of all trade, Protoss small but elite, and Zerg are russians.
bit unfair to bash near enuff every terran unit without mentioning that toss have just as good units, im a toss player and i very very rarely play terran, but tbh i like it that way, once you learn how to counter MMM terran becomes alot easier, collosus with termal lance, chargelots and some senturies = Gg to a bio ball, and unlike terran us toss can simple warp in as many units as we have gates terran has to que there units, I do agree, terran are slightly op at the moment in some respects but the way you present it its like every other race is say 10% as good, when i think its more down to the player.