I need help with my strategy so far against races. This is what I currently use..... Depending on map and size. (I am alot better on smaller maps it seems) And if they have a big spot in the back of there base unseen, with no units at the start I may build barracks and rush marines. Never works against zerg. Me Vs. Terran Depending on the map a little, I quickly get two reapers to attack asap at there early expansion or there main and kill a couple good probes. I may build a marauder and marine battalion and aatack depending on there force. I build counter units to defend, if no AA tower things then I get banshees cloaked and works effectively. If the game is still continuing, If I have alot of minerals and gas then I will build a battle cruiser army . If it does get that far in the game I usually win.... Me Vs. Zerg I hate zerg. They always go zerg rush and then roaches and expand alot. I use helion rush with 4 of them kill alot of zerglings and hopefully drones then die by the queen. With a good counter unit defense, I will start making air units. Banshees maybe if they ont have any cloak detetors or alot of vikings if there going mutalisks which they do lol.... I need help with this, I have a hard time beating zerg.... Protoss I use reaper rush for protoss too, they usually have zealots and with enough macro I can kill them off and there probes. Il continue scouting for counter units but will probaly go marauder and something. In the mean time building cloaked banshees and vikings (vikings for defense against common void rays if there creating Stargate.) They nevver have overseer this early against my opponent, and I may win just by banshees. However, I really really really need help with mother ship rush, I am baffled on how easy it is to get so early in the game. Thanks if you contributed or even tryed reading this, It will really really help....
I like the idea that you know it's important to keep the pressure up from the beging. This is only an advantage if your macro skills are in order. If your rushes fail, as you say with zerg and you have no troops then you have lost the advantege. Regardless of what race you are facing I would back off worrying so much about spending tons of resources into upping the tech early in the game. Build that teir 1 army to keep him busy and if its working then expand on it. If its not then you need to stop and rethink what you are doing. Many new players get into this routine of constantly trying to keep doing the same things thinking that if you can just be 2 seconds quicker you'll win more games. This is faulty reasoning imo, you have to understand what your opponent is doing at all times and play occordingly. Learn all the races inside and out so you can understand quickly what they are building regardless of race and know the proper counters. This along with excellent macro skills will at least up your winning percentages against weaker opponents. When you loose check the replays to see what they were doing and why what you did wasn't effective. Most importantly have fun afterall this a game
Thanks, I have platyed 3 terrans this afternoon, beating them all by easy counters. Viking/lots and lots of ground turrets = I make thors and lots of marines. Lots of thors no ground to air defense= I make a nice battle ship fleet. A guy with only marauders and helion rush = Banshee and marines. Now I think im going to practice with zerg and protoss versus ai, learn there tricks and units through and through. And maybe work on my micro/macro a bit.