Terran Omnidiscussion

Discussion in 'Terran' started by BirdofPrey, Jul 31, 2008.


Rate your level of satisfaction with the Terran

Poll closed Aug 28, 2008.
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Terran Omnidiscussion

Discussion in 'Terran' started by BirdofPrey, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    I know its not quite yet August but what the hey we can start early. This month's Omnidiscussion is part two of the trilogy where I ask you what you think about the three races. As you probably already figured out by the title and the section this thread is posted in, this month's discussion will focus on the Terran race in Starcraft 2.

    Hopefully you have taken part in the Protoss discussion, but if not now is your chance to be heard. Just as before I ask yo to rate your satisfaction with the face on a scale of 1 to 5 and leave comments as to why you chose that rating and some suggestions for improvement. I of course prefer detailed posts but above that I request your participation in the discussion.
  2. Simbob

    Simbob New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    Ok. I quite like where the terran is heading at the moment. But there is one piece of the puzzle that I think doesn't quite fit. THE THOR! What is its role supposed to be? First it was a seige tank and now (as far as I know) its a beef'd up goliath. I may be wrong. All the other units seem to fit their role nicely. I especially love the Medivac Dropship! :D But the Thor (sadly) doesn't seem to fit...
  3. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    yay, im going to have a go at this, i didnt say anything in the Protoss one because... well im not that good with them and they are about finished with, just need a few adjustments, anyway this is about the Terrans i will try to give a unit by unit view at how i look at them.


    nothing to say here.


    in the early stages of the game it is going to be used more like SC vanilla, and with the health upgrade they will last a bit longer, especially so when the Medivac is flying over them. that i think will make them very useful at all stages of the game.

    short view : small changes, most directed at making it last longer in the later stages of the game


    interesting unit, i like the Lore and its mechanics, but from the latest tech trees, they seem to come out a little too late to make them useful after one try, if you got that one try in the first place. but the redeeming factor i think will be the mines that can add interesting micro possibility, forcing the players to take more damage or break his line leaving a gap that the opponent could use.

    short view : too late to be all that helpful imo, but but could add fun micro


    going to be much more useful than the one from SC1, with its ability to detect units with energy and snipe light bio units, as well as having EMP, i can see this unit as a main caster / energy killer, and it will be fun to see who could snipe the other faster. quick draw matchs anyone?

    short view : we will be see these around a lot i believe.


    im not sure how i should feel about this unit. right now it sounds like a infantry tank and i dont like the sound of that, and im also not sure about the slow effect as i heard that it helps if the opponent throws small # of units at you but not as helpful against large # of units, do to the fact that it takes lots of resources to mass them enough to help.

    short view : it doesnt seem to fit its role as i believe.


    this unit i have no idea what to think of. it seems to fit its purpose as a anti-swarm-of-infantry and anti dark swarm unit, and yet many seem to loath it because it kicked out the cobra. yet i see no reason why they both cant be put into the game.

    short view : ???


    the role it plays is confusing it is able to repair itself after it 'died' and has bulky life to punch through the front lines, and yet it is best suited to fight against swarming flying units, but the main problem is that most flying units cant stack and those that are able to, dont stay stacked for long.

    short view : Blizz might have to take another crack at this unit again.

    Siege Tank

    nothing much to say here. it still is just about the same siege tank that we all know with a love-hate relationship with.

    short view : you love them, yet you also hate them.


    i cant really say much here except that it absorbed the medic and that it can heal at a faster rate.

    short view : Medic killer :eek:


    a good support unit i say, able to add fire power if need be, repair important units, and deploy spider mines over the map, and there is also that rumor of something called a Targeting Drone, that the Nomad was supposed to have, yet Jon said it didnt have it when he played at WWI.

    short view : seems good but i feel as if something is lacking


    its a bit better at harassing the base than the Reaper is, imo, and will be able to take care of those annoying siege tanks better than the Wraith could while it still keeps the Wraith Cloaking.

    short view : it is death from above


    good ship, not so sure about the vehicle mode tho, im not sure how useful it could be besides avoiding anti-air, as i havent seen that side of it lately.

    short view : good ship, eh? about the vehicle side.


    its the same as before except that you can now choose between the Yamato Cannon or the Missile what-you-mich-call-its, and that choice makes it a bit more useful, even if it is still a late game unit.

    short view : having a choice matters

    while many of it seems small... it is, its 2 in the morning and i want to get this done, and while some people might complain about graphics i dont much care about that, to me its more of how a unit fits it role rather than how it looks. in the end i give the Terrans a three, while they have lots of good stuff, they still have a few things to look over with, or could improve on.

    night all, please note that lack of sleep have affect my overview on the units, but not on my outlook on the whole Terran side. if you disagree then you can argue to my cat that is sitting next to me.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2008
  4. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    You can always add additional comments at a later date since I won't actually be writing any of this down till the end of August anyway.

    As for the Thor I don't think it has that whole its dead but not really mechanic anymore.
  5. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    SCV: Obviously nothing much that can be done to this unit, but it's definitely not untouched. The ability to be stored in Command Centres through Lift-Off is definitely a bonus, especially for early expansion. The model has had a big of a controversial overhaul, but I'm definitely all for it. The drill and clamp look much more industrious than the old fusion cutter and claw, and although some say it looks like a kids toy, it's a classic design. Lastly, their portrait is stunning and suits them perfectly. Overall, very happy.

    Marine: Few changes, currently has a great design. Their shield has certainly gone through a lot and Blizzard has definitely settled on the right one. Older versions looked way too bulky to the stage of looking extremely awkward and infeasible. The appearance of their current one suits their functionality perfectly, being small, having a 'window' and notches in the side for their rifle. Haven't seen their portrait yet. Overall, extremely satisfying.

    Reapers: Reapers have definitely been under a lot of scrutiny. Everyone has an opinion about which way their role should lean and how they should be changed, but overall, although being designed almost exclusively for raiding, they're still quite versatile. Jumping cliffs can allow them to choose their battles, D8 Charges can take out key structures or take a hole out of a clustered army, temporarily block choke points, aid retreats, and their pistols are much more powerful than people give them credit for. There's also some controversy over them leading the the implication of the Medivac, which, in my opinion, isn't justified, but more on that later. They have a unique building style, great model and an awesome portrait. Although it'll definitely take a bit longer to get them to fit in as well as the infantry of old, they're definitely a vital component of Terran infantry, even at tier 2. Overall, they've got great potential. Definitely satisfied.

    Maruader: This has got to be one of my favourite units or, at least, concepts. Due to the Terran's extreme focus on ranged attacks, not having the technology, numbers or physical abilities to fight in hand-to-hand combat, having a support unit to snare/stun/slow the oncoming forces is a terrific idea. However, in order to work, it needs to retain its area of effect attack this time. There has also been controversy over this unit also contributing to the implication of the Medivac, but, again, more on that later. The model is a great design, but may be a bit overdone. It needs to look as though it's still a powersuit but at the moment, it's bordering as a the mech. Haven't seen their portrait. Overall, stunning concept. Definitely a favourite unit in StarCraft2.

    Ghost: The Ghost has taken a new direction in StarCraft2, and it's definitely a turn for the best. Even just simple ideas like Snipe complement the Ghosts lore and in-game uses perfectly. EMP Shot tends not to suit well at the moment, but, on the other end of the spectrum, Energy Detection, along with Snipe, definitely enhances their Special Ops design and role. About their model, I much preferred their original render. The current one has definitely missed the mark and their mask even takes on the look of Warhammer 40K Space Marines, which is disappointing. Haven't seen their portrait. Overall, very happy, but they need to revert back to their original model.

    Jackal: I'm not very happy with this unit at all. Firstly, it's a Warthog. A buggy with mounted gun. Not only has it been done too many times before, but it's even been done in this style by an equally famous game. Secondly, it stole the Zerg Lurker's attack style. That was iconic. Dealing long, narrow, area of effect damage. Thirdly, it put the kibosh on the Banshee's area of effect attack, which I loved and was much more useful than the Jackal's attack. Overall it works great, but it needs to be either scrapped or completely redone. At the very, very least, it definitely needs to be remodelled. Overall, very unhappy. Probably my least favourite unit in StarCraft2 at the moment.

    Siege Tank: Not much can be said about these. They started off with a hilariously horribly design, but they're fantastic now. I especially like how they don't truly resemble tanks in Siege Mode. Love their portrait as well. Overall, fantastic.

    Thor: To say this's undergone a lot of scrutiny is a massive understatement, however, I'm happy where its settled. It's a shame it couldn't stay as it was in the original trailer but, realistically speaking, that would have been a big ask. I was originally opposed, but it grew on me and after seeing them in their new role in a video, I was definitely in favour. My only concerns are their size and how they're built. Even if the Factory was reduced to only producing two units, though I still believe the Viking should be made there, it would definitely be worth having the Thor built individually due to their size. However, also due to their size, they quickly and easily cluster up the map, making it look very unTerran-like. They need to either be made a tad stronger and more expensive or made to be a bit smaller, as long as it reduces the number of Thors built. Perhaps even a way to make them less effective en masse. Great model and a great voice. Overall, very happy.

    Viking: A spectacular unit. Spectacular concept, spectacular execution, spectacular design and spectacular potential. Overall, spectacular. My only concern is that it should be produced at the Factory, even if it remains the same tier as it is now.

    Medivac Dropship: I was extremely disappointed with this unit when it was introduced, but since then, especially after seeing it in action, it's grown on me. It's not an awful idea, but I don't consider it to be an effective solution. It's said to allow more flexibility, but I don't consider this to be the case. It shouldn't be needed on Reaper raids as they shouldn't stay for a prolonged assault. It's much more costly and only heals one unit at a time. Also lore-wise, the feasibility of it healing from the skies is illogical. More on this later. Overall, very dependable on how it's executed.

    Banshee: Firstly, this unit has an awesome design. Secondly, I definitely feel as though its area of effect attack should not have been taken away. It's basically the bottom half of a Battlecruiser with Cloak now. However, that said, I've heard its single target attack is extremely effective. Not much more to say really. Again, great model. Overall, very, very happy.

    Nomad: This unit is so close to being fantastic, but there are just so many minor issues. Targettting Drones looks extremely fiddly, deploying mines from that height seems odd and I'd much prefer it if they gave them back to the Jackal or the Jackal's replacement, and Defensive Matrix should not be an area of effect ability and should only effect a single friendly target, like in StarCraft1. Not only is an area of effect Defensive Matrix more Protossish, but Terran would never fund anything that would buff their opponent's melee units. That said, Auto-Turret looks very intriguing. Haven't seen their portrait or new model. Overall, a bit wishy-washy. It's close to being a great unit, but it's just strange at the moment.

    Battlecruiser: I'm very much against the Battlecruiser's new Missile Barrage ability. Out of the whole of the Terran armada, the Battlecruiser should not be the one with 'greasy' attacks. The attacks I consider to be 'greasy' are things like ordinary bullets, missiles, rockets, grenades, nukes, etc, as opposed to other attacks, like laser, plasma, psionic, etc. The Battlecruiser's always been the most posh Terran unit around and, consequently, has all the less common/more expensive and elegant weaponry, like its lasers, Plasma Torpedoes, Yamato Cannon, etc. Basically, the Missile Barrage just goes against the idea of the Battlecruiser. Overall, it's great, I especially love its new voice and portrait.

    Just briefly, about the Medic, if the Medivac truly was implemented to benefit the Reapers as well, then it doesn't work. Reapers shouldn't need to have a Medivac following them around on raids. They already have their jump packs, so what would be the point in having a Dropship on their tails the whole time? In my opinion, if the Reapers have having too much trouble surviving, then increase their health. Simple as that. If not, perhaps Medics could just attach a minor healing pack to them which'll heal them for a set amount, just like a normal Medic, until it's depleted. Or instead, seeing as they're already on Stim Packs all the time, another drug that heals them or reduces damage taken or something. About the Marauder, I definitely don't see why these and Medics couldn't co-exist. Just because one has a slowing effect and the other has a healing effect, it doesn't mean they'd be overpowered together. If they are, then weaken them a bit. Doing so won't make them useless, as they were already overpowered. If it's too hard to find an equilibrium, then they could easily be staggered with the Medic healing significantly faster and the Marauder having its slowing effect reduced or vice versa. If it came to that, then the Marauder would have to be the one who gets buffed seeing as their slowing ability is only fully useful in the initial charge of combat, while the Medic can heal all throughout the fight, as well as afterwards to recover. Not to mention that Marines can be protected by Bunkers being healed by SCV's and Nano-Repair anyway.
    10-Neon likes this.
  6. Juggernaught131

    Juggernaught131 New Member

    Apr 2, 2008
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    i was leaning towards a five with the terran, but the fact that the thor is still a weapon with an identity crisis knocks my score down, but i love the new banshees and the fact that the medic is so different from the other races.
    scv: haha new animation is cool with new looks
    marine: i want a new death sound otherwise good
    reaper: like the idea, but i think the mines may need a bit of nerfing if they are going to be as strong as in some of the videos
    marauder: cool idea but it should have and upgrADE FOR ITS SLOW
    ghost: i love its powers but highly dislike (i don't say hate) it fat model
    jackel: love the ability to set up traps at choke points
    siege tank: same thing wih cool animation
    Viking: i love the idea of this unit, but... i don't know?!?!
    medivac: I LOVE THIS HAHA
    banshee: I LIKE/LOVE THIS
    nomad: i don' know much about, but an interesting idea
    battlecruiser: i like the idea of custom weapons and hope they expand upon it
    thor: blizzard needs tro make up its mind about the thor and create a model for its weaponry. A weapon that big should not be AA
  7. Ych

    Ych New Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    I gave it a 3. I think I'm been a bit generous giving the Terrans a 3 at the moment. There are quite a few things that I'm not very happy about at the moment. Some of the unit roles/themes are a mess.

    What does Terran need in order to jump to 5 stars? Here are my lists.

    1. Reapers/Vikings/Banshees role of harrassment:
    Vikings and Banshees are a pretty kick-ass unit. Vikings are a specialized anti-air unit. On top of that, they can transform into ground mode and attack enemy units. Banshees on the other hand, are more of a bomber type. Reapers are basically harassing units.
    I have read mixed feelings about the Reapers at WWI. Some ppl claim that they are decent, while others claim that they are useless. I personally don't really like the Reapers role. Yes, they are good at harassing. But the Vikings/Banshees are basically a better version at harassing units compared to the Reapers. I feel that the Reapers will only be used early game as a strategy and if failed, will basically lose the game for you. I believe all units in Sc2 should be useful throughout the game and the Reapers don't have anything that shines lategame when the Vikings/Banshees start rolling out.

    2. Thors:
    Something so kick-ass looking deserves better then this. A soaped up Goliath? WTF? What happened to the original build from the SCV mechanic? There wasn't any reason to take that mechanic out. Revamping the original Thor to the new one had some reasons mainly for balance. But why the heck axe the mechanic of been build from SCV? Thors seriously need a huge revamp on their role. Something so big and kick-ass looking shouldn't be specialized at anti-air. Blizzard stated that they are used as meatshields. From the reports of WWI, ppl are saying that they die pretty quick for its cost. Yes, they can repair themselves when they die but I don't see that as a big improvement. So that automatically leaves then as an anti-air specialist. Please REVAMP or change their model if the current Thor mechanic is here to stay. Because if it was to become an anti-air specialist, I suggest to change up it's current model. I would hate that to happen because I love the Thors model (probably my favorite looking unit in the SC2 universe atm).

    3. Jackals:
    I personally don't like this unit very much. (More of a personal preference) It just doesn't have this (cool) factor to them. I think that the Jackals should be able to attack while moving (like the Warp-Rays have atm confirmed by Karune). I also think they should have a speed upgrade.

    Everything else, I'm ok with it. I really like the Vikings, Banshees, new Ghosts, and the Mauruders. It is basically those 4 units that are keeping the Terran a 3 in my eyes. On top of that, Terran units are the best looking by far at the moment simply because Blizzard basically remodeled them first. Every single unit in the Terran arsenal are just beautiful (other then the nomad but Blizzard did say it's been remodeled). But that advantage won't last for long because Blizzard did say they are going to improve all the Protoss and Zerg unit models next.

    Overall, I think that issue 1 and 2 from above about the Thors and Reapers are the biggest issue for the Terran arsenal. It is basically destroying the gameplay for the Terrans. If Blizzard can fix those 2, it will automatically jump to a 4 and will be placed around the Protoss level of quality. If Blizzard can tweak some stuff here and there like the Jackals and perhaps adding some cool mechanics or tweaking the Nomads abilities a little, 5 would not be out of the question and I have full confidence that once SC2 is released, I will be rating the Terrans a 5 as well as the Protoss and Zergs.
  8. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    I'm not gonna make a novel post, sooo....

    I'm currently at ***. Obviously, I'm beating a dead horse when I say that they started out simply incredible and have gone downhill since.

    Their new units are nice, but only a couple seem fitting, seem new. I approve of the Banshee greatly, god only knows they've needed a bomber (In my custom maps, I actually modded my Valkyries to have a range of one with a powerful explosive attack). I like the sound of the Marauder, but as I've no experience with the actual game, I reserve a thumbs Up/ Down.

    Bad stuff so far.
    Thor. Nuff said.
    These half hearted replacement units. It's like they're trying to keep the units we know and love, but at the same time trying to replace the entire roster. Fast forward, we end up with the bastardized, eleven toed, single nostriled children. It just doesn't work half the time. No, more like two thirds. They need to make up their minds.
    The models. A lot of the new unit models look...passable, but many of them frankly suck. The new ghost model, he looks like he's robbing a freaking convenience store with a sock over his face. And the buildings are absolutely horrid. They look they're Fischer-Price, rounded edges so a baby doesn't cut his gums on it.
    They also seem to have cut many of the actually innovative functions (Drop Pod anyone?). They've brought a couple back, but....

    I'm not a hater though, there is good.

    The mechanics that actually work. I am absolutely thrilled about the new supply depot function. It's a stroke of genius. The Snipe is also a welcome addition (Though, in retrospect, it should've been a no-brainer).
    Though they often get cut, all the new ideas. It seems that Terran has had the most new stuff attempted to be added in. Granted, it's like a doctor attempting to graft a third arm to an asscheek sometimes, but at least they're trying.

    So....They're OK, but there's quite a bit of room for improvement.

  9. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    I voted 3 which is giving blizzard a bit of slack really...

    Marine shield: i still hate it...

    Marauder: needs AoE back to make up for loss of medic and firebat to later tier and more expensive units (not sure about position/cost of jackal though)

    Jackal: don't like the flame for linear AoE just because its attack seems to clean for fire (or terrans for that matter)

    Thor: doesn't really have a place.

    Viking: it grew on me, i didn't like the idea at first. i'm probably alone in saying this but i think the airmode should be more for mobility and the main fighting be done in walker mode, with the predator or a similar unit for dedicated AtA.

    Medivac: don't like the later tier position for a healing unit.

    all i can remeber to moan about for now...
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2008
  10. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    Command Center: Loading SCVs in flight is a neat feature. Hopefully the CC's flight speed will be enough to make it useful. However, Jon's WWI review makes me a bit worried about the Planetary Fortress upgrade. Apparently the strength of the its attack and the speed at which an SCV can repair it make the Planetary Fortress a bit OP.

    Reactor: Again influenced by Jon's review. The Reactor costs 50/75 mins/gas, and doubles the production rate of any building it's attached to, which makes it way to easy too mass marines and overwhelm the opponent. The Reactor either needs an increase in build cost, or increase the build time when two units are being simultaneously produced, so it's not a straight 100% increase in production rate.

    Thor: Can we just scrap the Thor, put Viking back in the Factory, and bring back the Predator already? >=\

    Nomad: Targetting Drones seem...strange. With no knowledge of energy/resource cost or whether or not multiple drones can target one unit for increased damage, it's either a mechanic that's going to be heavily abused or completely useless. I'd also like to see a return of the Mine Drone and single-target Defensive Matrix (possibly with different damage redux system)

    Medivac Dropship: I've always found the Marine+Medic combo to be very OP, but I'd still like the Medic back (preferrably with slower healing rate D: ), possibly with the Medivac staying in the build as well. The Medivac's healing rate is supposedly much faster than the Medic's was, so the popular suggestion of loading Medics into the Dropship to give it healing abilities could still be viable.

    Jackal: It's an okay unit I suppose, but like others have said, it's attack is a total ripoff of the Lurker's. I'm not sure whether it should be cut or tweaked.

    Battlecruiser: Apparently too easy to mass. Perhaps an increase in cost/build time is required. I'd also like to see the Plasma Torpedos brought back. I like the way Hex put it, how the BC shouldn't have 'greasy' attacks. I also found the array of gun barrels on the BC's hull after PT upgrade to look really badass

    So yea, no other complaints that come to mind. I give it a 3/5, just because Blizzard is trying to fix what isn't broken, both visually and mechanically.
  11. overmind

    overmind Active Member

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    another thing, terran have been changed up so much it seems that they've lost some great ideas.

    Drop pod: would have to be tweaked to be more spammable or easier to place than a nuke (or contain more than 6 units) but i liked the idea.

    Starbase: Loved the idea of a flying production building, especially with the recharge ability (although i would of liked it to have nanorepair) the excuse that it left techlabs on the map is irrelevant since any production building can be built on them.

    Predator: With the intercept ability it really seemed like the jet fighter of the future, a capital support/interceptor role similar to a corsair.
  12. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    another thing i want to point out there is that you could also Salvage the Tech Labs if you dont need them anymore.

    oh and i change and added very tiny bits to my original post, but im still collecting my thought that i had on that one night.
  13. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    So far I see
    Terrans are meh
    Fix the Thor and
    Bring back the medic

    Anything else you would like to add?
  14. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    I think 'fix' is a bit broad. It's definitely got, I won't say a definitive role, but it certainly has the most definitive role it's had since, well, probably since its announcement. So not only have we gotten used to the current Thor's role, which a lot of people still tend to disagree with which does seem a bit stubborn to me, but it obviously appears to be working at Blizzard's end. The main problem as I see it is that, as we've seen in the vast majority of gameplay videos, it's massed. If StarCraft2 is just going to end up as another game where's it's perfectly viable to mass a single unit type, then there's definitely a problem.
  15. Tralfagar

    Tralfagar New Member

    Jun 24, 2008
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    In all honesty, the Terrans range from ** to **** depending upon what I'm looking at.

    Some of the bigger things I would like to see:

    Thor changed to an anti-swarm niche unit. Its standard attack is GtA flak cannons designed to take out Mutalisks and the like. Additionale, a AoE bombardment ability which deals increasing damage as it shoots at a single target/area of terrain(it would be an ability). It wouldn't deal a lot of damage per attack(only 32 damage spread over 4 matrix squares per shell within a 3x3 matrix square.

    Viking staying much like how it is now, but changed to be produced at the factory, and becomes more like a Goliath; which is to say it does great against large air units(capital air), but not so great against units such as the Mutalisk and other ground units of the same tier. Possibly change the flight mode so it's an ability, researchable at the Tech Lab if it's too powerful to have AtA at T2(namely v. Zerg).

    Drop Pods. Bring them back. Really. Same with the Vanilla Dropship. Terrans are about adapting and mobility.

    I'm all for rearranging the terran tech tree so there's a few different paths; Barracks-Factory-Starport, or the path which gives upgrades. It'll be a way to the give the game some spice. I'll upload a picture of what I have in mind if I remember.
  16. En Taro Jim

    En Taro Jim Guest

    - cut the Thor
    - bring back the Cobra, let it attack both ground and air units, and give it a passive ability that allows it to dodge some damage from air-to-ground attacks
    - give Medivac Dropships the Irradiation ability
    - bring back the Banshee’s AoE bombardment
  17. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Well that was very brief and out of the blue.

    Why should the Thor be cut? Don't you think it has any potential to fit in? It's fitting in pretty well at the moment.

    Why should the Cobra be brought back? Why should it be able to dodge damage from Air-to-Ground attacks? What's the reasoning behind it? Isn't that basically just a reverse Tempest shield?

    Why should the Medivac be given Irradiation? Do the Terran really need Irradiation? Why not give it to the Nomad, which's the Science Vessel's designated replacement?

    Can't disagree on the Banshee's area of effect attack though... :D
  18. En Taro Jim

    En Taro Jim Guest

    Wouldn’t it be painful to resort to an expensive oversized awkward niche ground unit, can’t they imagine a better way?

    As a replacement to Thor.
    To make it a more effective AA unit. Them Mutalisks won’t be able to touch them and, with the electrical attack, can’t outrun them. Time to shoot some (ugly) birds

    I’d like to be able to drop some marines, kill the drones, Irradiate the defenders, high-tail out of there…
    Irradiation won’t be too out of place with the medics (radiation is used to kill cancerous cells).
  19. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Sydney, Australia
    The Thor was put in a few awkward places, but it's definitely settled now. The only real problem with it at the moment is that it's massable, which should be avoided for any unit in StarCraft2 at all costs. One thing that sucked in StarCraft1 was that massing Zerglings, Dragoons or Marines and Medics was a viable tactic. Also, the fact that it is massed shows that it's definitely a very effective unit, especially for its cost, and it's not often that they'd simply cut an effective unit just because it's oversized.

    The Cobra was cut and its Anti-Air role was given to the Thor, so I doubt they're likely to do a complete 180. The electrical attack didn't really suit it or Terran, and the slowing effect's been moved to the Maruader. It definitely suits the Marauder better than it'd suit an Anti-Air attacker because it helps keep any melee units at a distance, unlike Air units which are all ranged. Not to mention that Mutalisks come in swarms, so slowing a couple down won't be too damaging.

    Surely the Marine drop would do more damage than Irradiate would. They'd overlap way too much. You'd Irradiate one thing, and your Marines would be on it before it had time to take its course. Not to mention that it would be a huge drain on your Medivac's Energy and it wouldn't be able to heal as much.
  20. En Taro Jim

    En Taro Jim Guest

    Massable?! it’s even worse than I thought. It’s ok to mass cheap low tier units, but an expensive niche unit? This thing has an identity crisis and I’m not convinced Blizz knows what exactly to do with it. A former power unit that’s now been given a new role, but since it’s still big and tough—an overpowered Goliath—it can do more than what a niche unit is supposed to do. Patch after patch will transform it from spammable unit to underused unit then back again.

    What about electricity that doesn’t fit the Cobra and the Terrans? It fits the image of the fast Cobra and the industrial Terrans. And I bet it’s not even beyond current technology to pack high voltages into a railgun pellet.
    The Cobra can match the Muties in numbers (nearly the same cost and build time).

    No overlap: Irradiation is for tough defenders specifically the Queen.