Ok Ive been playing Zergs for quite a bit and been doing ok, recently Terran players have been massing Marines with medivacs, WTF can i do to counter this??? Ive tried Makin roaches to soak up dame and having Hydras and Banelings try to kill them along with some mutalisks but this just doesnt work :/ wtf do i do??
I would go for roaches/hydras. Focus fire the medivacs with the hydras, and the marines should get melted pretty quick. If this is a late-game mass (like 100+ marines), get a few ultralisks in there and they'll demolish the pack
yeah ultras pretty much own marines, should fungal growth them as well so they can't run. but ultras are pretty late-tech and can be hard to get in time. otherwise use burrowed banelings which pretty much eats marines since they almost instakill them, the medivacs can't heal em since they die so fast
Yeaa they pretty much own me before i get chance to make ultras, but that burrowing banes seems to be a good idea thanks, ill let you know how i get on with it
yeah i would definitaly get mass zergling - banelings or burrowed banelings depending on how many marines there are and if theres siege tanks as well have you ever tryed to get the burrow and the move-while-burrow upgrades for roaches and move right under the siege tanks and then unburoow right underneath them? its so AWESOME! xD
Mass marines eh? Throw in a couple of infestors to fungal growth them. Fungal growth works wonders on low HP units.
There was a comment on a video I watched, where the caster was saying to not attack click with control grouped baneling but instead to move click...can anyone comment on why this is the case?
I'm not entirely sure myself but I believe the attack move command results in banelings doing too much overkill (say 4 exploding on 1 target). A move command will get the banelings to reprioritise their attack targets after they've moved to their location and hopefully result in less overkill. With that in mind perhaps a move command followed up by a stop command when in range is the best idea? Also i'd suggest that banelings in overlords >>>>> burrowed banelings versus MMM.
I think you don't need to attack, because the second the marines fire, the banelings explode and do their damage. So better to control the pathing via a move command.
My god, zerg have so much counters to marines its crazy. Roach, banelings, zerglings(In large amounts), ultralisks, and brood lords. Even infested terran by infestors can work. Hydras and mutas is a no no vs marines though
Banelings at chokes and on top of the ramp are especially effective against mass marines. Fungal growth is also good too. However, I think if the marines are not balled up in one group, zerg can have a difficult time countering.
broodlords are a pretty wierd counter to marines... you know a broodlord costs 550 resources and a marines is 50 that means 2 broodlords is a fair fight against 22 marines BUT!!!! i tried it with NO upgrades in an open terrian and the marines won O_O even when you micro your broodlords D: but i guess its different with some cliffs and stuff so the broodlords can abuse their 9 range... compared to marines 6 range... but ultralisk litteraly eat marines for breakfast xD (if the marines are not micro'ed...)
try scatering banelings along a path to your base and detonate them one by one (as there retreating into them) or when they're all under the marines detonating them, so I would say try going for a lair fairly fast to get burrow, and make sure to have enought lings to clean up and do a quick counter attack on the terran player. if the terran player is walling in a baneling bust could end the game before he has adequate forces to attack you, one way to stop something is to not let it happen in the first place.