Here are some new and exclusive SC2 terran marine concept art i work on. its set as a wallpaper (1280x800) i would appreciate if would get a little donation from this. reply here so i and people will know. thanks. (paypal) -> SC2 Fansite Kit Just change the Hue? and edit the marine out of the background of course. though i will say that is a great frontal picture of the marine the head is even empty.
lol no offense.. but.. just changing hue and background and making it a wallpaper is not meritory for a donation.. at least not on my scale of donationship (?)
its not only about changing the hue. try it if you can make it look good. took me a lot of color changing etc.. to come up with it is now. i went to contrast, selective color, replaced color, darkness, all color options and combined everything. it look grittier etc than the original. also if you see the original marine portrait there are a lot of lines/labels overlapping the marine armor. and taking the marine out from the original pic is hard as well. also making it overall gave me a lot of headache. it took me a lot of time to make this look presentable. nice one seradin.
lol yeah i could tell, it would drive me insane to cut those stupid white lines out and everything. i just like finding where other people got there images. i do the same thing sometimes lol.
i hear you. but iactually planned to include the original image here in my post but i decided not to coz it might lessen the value of my work. lol
I think it's hella cool, but not really enough to merit cash. It also pales in comparison with those epic battle scenes you used to do.
so epic battle scenes i used to do will make me cash? im planning to make a new one but this time i will not post it on deviant but on a paying site with ridiculous amount of views needed to get even a single dollar. damn. i just needed a dollar at least for this forum. i copied this to bnet and blizzforums thats all. lol
I can imagine the lines being a pain getting rid of seemlessly but the final image is really small so it allows for quite some margin of error. Extracting the marine? Come on. Someone with that many hours with Ps under his belt should have no trouble doing it - it's not a hard shape to extract at all. As for your want for donations... I've already expressed my views on it, which haven't changed with this offering of a symbolic piece of work. Try selling some old stuff or your unwanted toys... that's how I made money when I was younger.
ok, but im not a master in photoshop so its a big deal for me. nah, i don't think my old stuffs are good enough. well it might not be great and all that but what i expected for a donation would come from the mere effort, passion, time, and my love for starcraft sharing it all to you starcraft fans.