I've been having a bit of trouble with my macro with Terran in the mid-late game. I'm fine in the beginning, get two barracks, factory, starport, expand, another factory, starport, some more barracks. About then is when I start getting uncontrollable amounts of minerals. I try spamming marines, getting as many upgrades as I can, etc., but I almost never have enough gas, even with three SCVs on each refinery. Should I just get more raxes and go for a less gas heavy build or what? Maybe my expansions are too saturated and I need to expand more? Thanks in advance for any help. I'd upload a reply by I cant figure out how to do that on a Mac.
The ideas you mentioned work. You can put down some more rax's and spam marines, or you could build an expo and saturate it's gas first to even out. A reason this may be happening is unit choice. If you are going to mass a gas heavy unit like tanks or thors, you will want to also mass a gas-light unit to complement it, as you will have the minerals anyways. Another idea I have is you may want to grab your gases earlier. It won't help long term, but if you save up some gas early on it will even out your resources.
keep in mind that gas just naturally comes at a slower rate, its nothing really to be worried about unless it gets to the point where you see in replays that you have less gas than they do at all times. If you find yourself with extra minerals, then just spam the most useful mineral heavy unit. Find yourself facing tons of light units? Spam some helions Air or Heavy? Marines! It wont ever hurt you to have extra units (unless you are at the cap, but if thats the case then you've got different problems) so just keep them pumping. Also, you might just want to expand a couple more times if you think you want more than normal gas. If you have the army that is big enough to defend it all, you should be OK. Plus, since you have such an excess of minerals, a lost expo just means around 600 minerals gone (unless it saturated already).
i think you have a pretty good thing going, but maybe since you are going very gas dependent you should get one refinery after you're barracks and second suply depot or even before your supply depot, this could also throw off your oponent if there any good telling them that you're going for reapers, but you could get a reactor and pump a lot of marines in early game and then you will be high in gas and lower in minerals allowing for you to get enough gas for your gas heavy units, and the helion/marine idea is also a very good idea, especialy vs a zerg, you can easily just go a few tanks but mainly thors (with a few repairing SCV's) and mass helion to get rid of your extra minerals. expanding could also help if you are mineral rich cuz you would be an easy investment and would probly not hurt you to much.
you are in a better situation than most, most people don't know how to keep their macro up to par with their game play, but you have problems keeping up with your own macro. Seeing that you are comfortable with marine, marauder, medivacs style, like everyone said, add in a couple thors and tanks. but nothing stops you from building a couple starports at the corner of your bases where you just pump out banshees, and do a split attack to attack his base. Ravens to send near his workers and drop turrets near his workers. Late game you can do battlecruisers. I understand changing tech is a hassle, so it is possible to stick to MMM, have 2 seperate armies. 1 army to keep the pressure on, and the other to drop in his base or take out his expos. If you don't tech, the game will take longer but you can dwindle him down little by little. TIPS: key unit against zerg: hellions key unit against toss: ghost and vikings fort colossi key unit against terran: you just need to macro harder and hit his economy tanks should always be used, at least a little bit. you get to the point where you need to do split attacks, to keep your opponent alert and on the edge
Your unit composition should be based on what your opponent is building. Marines are effective against almost everything though so they are never bad to throw in your mix (unless against Brood Lords or Colossus - in which case you get Vikings). Keep expanding to bases near your own base so that you can control them easier. For using Marines and Marauders late game here are some videos: vs. Terran it's more of a who can outbuild or out-trick the other player. Point Defense Drones to counter the Marauders, Banshees to counter tanks, vikings to counter banshees, etc. etc. vs Zerg: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKzSNR8SuN8 vs. Protoss: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9D1iJSK19VU Hope that helps. A lot of high level players go Bio all the way thru the game and very late game may mix in a little mech - so it's always viable. Good luck and good playing to you. =)