Terran can have better technology.

Discussion in 'Terran' started by Psionicz, Feb 6, 2008.

Terran can have better technology.

Discussion in 'Terran' started by Psionicz, Feb 6, 2008.

  1. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    This is for all those who say the Terran can't be high tech.
    Remember they are higher than us on the technological tree so times these technologies as much as you think is necessary. Also note that if we can do this stuff now imagine what Terran could do in their fictional universe.
    By showing these I also hope to highlight the fact Terran don't have to stick to traditional firearms or HAVE to utilize century old technology (ie grenades)

    Ok, so by now we can see the Terran are of course more hi-tech than before with their transformations and such. But we know Terrans are humans and if you look at us now, we have hundreads of air craft (Terran have pretty basic ones judging that they are fighting against psionic aliens that can teleport) and we also know Humans are highly adaptive to most situations.
    This situation is war, meaning better weapons are needed cuz simple ones would most likely fail (in a real scenario)

    Now the reason I made this is because I kept on noticing how people would say Terran CAN'T have decent technology and are constantly on the struggle. Maybe in campain but you can't bring that over to the main gameplay as there are lots of factions with the Terran race and some are more well off than others. The videos are simply examples of very nice technology we currently have and I see no reason would Terran couldn't utilize this type of effective technology. As in my opinion, it makes gameplay all that more rich and dyanamic as you can't come up with much variables from simple bullets and rockets.

    Also these types of technology would be a lot more effective against Protoss as their machines own in all realness. And how hard would it really be for Protoss to build an electromagnetic shield which slows downs all metal objects with certain propeties such as a bullet, thus rendering it ineffective. Now in the future I can tell you this now Humans would not be using simple bullets in combat, we have laser, electric, electromagnetic, sound, energy technology so why would we even bother to use things like machine guns when you can blast a hole thru thick armor with a build up of energy that is renewable.

    I mean yes there are some forms of bullet type weapons which would be extremely effective such as the video I show where it blasts through like 5-6 pavement slabs.
    Also I'd like to point out the Metal Storm firearms, don't you think that would be nice for the Reaper as it is a quick raiding unit and would benifit more without having to continuously strain his finger pulling the trigger when you can have a gun mounted on your wrist that doesn't even require a mechanism like normal guns which stall and little bits come loose all the time which would be a great hinder when fight blood thirsty Zerg or power Protoss.

    Now on a more Starcraft2 basis I think certain units have not been well thought out thus getting cut or remodeled. One of them is the Marauder, now I know it hasn't been offically released or anything but we can pretty much make a solid assumption its a long range firebat whose grenades contain ensnare, nothing more nothing less. Now IMO I don't think this can bring much strategy except doubling some Marines chances of making a kill as units move slower.
    I'm sure Terran would benifit from a unit which brings a new edge to the Terran infantry and has attributes which can change how players react to this unit many times over as it has an attack which utilizes its self by its self without some flashy ability like slowing down units for some unkown reason.

    Now I will quote my self from another thread on a better weapon for the Maurader.
    http://youtube.com/watch?v=0odJKYTzXg8 - EMP, disables all electronics

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z9k4OAnS8A&feature=related Mechanism-less firearms. Worlds strongest and fastest hand gun.

    http://youtube.com/watch?v=HyAjzowYP1o&feature=related - One of them in action

    http://youtube.com/watch?v=HyAl9qK3Rlg&feature=related Impulse gun

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgpQBZF2sZQ&NR=1 Phalanx, amazing at 1:00

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFRoMUorNEc&feature=related Heat, energy beam

    Need more? I'll be glad to get more.

    So, how do you think Terran could utilize this technology?
    How would they effect gameplay and overall usage of Terran?
  2. jrc3234

    jrc3234 New Member

    Feb 5, 2008
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    That's freaking awesome!
  3. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    Whats your point Zerg? You havn't actually showed us anything better than what the Terrans currently you just want us to believe they have them....So what Terran unit do you think needs to change all you have given us is a bunch (of what I would call worthless evidence, but thats in the eyes of the beholder...) of evidence withou any argyment or any opinion on what you would like to change.

    P.S. This seems like it belongs in the Terran board so I am moving it there.
  4. 574RCR4F7

    574RCR4F7 New Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    dude.. the terrans got their technologies from those old prisoner ships from earth. And that was ages ago.. They salvaged everything they could.. Just because the dagger is primitive weapon it doesnt mean it cant be used in combat.. (Swiss Army Knife!) Same goes with grenades..
  5. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Thanks for moving it. I will elaborate and start a proper discussion tomorrow as I must sleep now.
  6. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    ill be supporting this thread. and i must go somewhere else now and il be back with my opinion later if anyone cares. :)

    new innovative more sci fi like terran weapons ftw. :eek:
  7. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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  8. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    Ok first lets get this out of the way, don't start mixing unit models and mechanics because as soon as we start debating something that isn't aestetic then the topic of balance comes up and theres plenty of threads that already deal with that.

    Again I come back to my original question, "Whats your point?" your right we have the above technology, the Terrans also have all it in way more advanced forms. Which is to be expected.

    Probably not hard but if anyone is willing to down and think for a few minutes the Protoss could in effect render all human weapons ineffective by some logic or another. Thats like saying why don't the Protoss auto-win every battle because they can just incinerate the planet?

    Your right we have those and, the Terrans have lasers (on the Battlecruisers and wariths in SC1), what do you mean by electic channeling lightning? We can't do that and even if we could why would that be useful? Or do you mean tasers which as it is can't even take down some humans on drugs how would they be effective against the Zerg or Protoss? The Terrans do have electromagnetic weapons what do you think a rail gun is? What do you think Marines are wielding? Sound, I would be very curious to know what modern weapons we have that use sound to deal its damage? We have had the ability to manipulate sound for quite some time, I would think there is a reason it hasn't been weaponized. (either because it can't or wouldn't be effective)

    So the Terrans are obviously not using just simple bullets, but to answer your question anyway what takes more energy to fire a missle/gun/railgun/whatever or a laser? Which can keep firing for a longer period of time without damaging the weapon? Weapons arn't always chosen by destructive power (and that is assuming lasers are more destructive which I dissagree with), they are also chosen for efficiency and sustainability, as well as usability and sturdiness.

    Also I can tell you, the Terrans will use what ever is most effective for a given amount of effort, just like any other and if that means for average bullets thats what is going to be used.

    Finally take a stand on something specific because being general doesn't prove or change anything because it is a lot more believable for a Battlecruiser to have more advanced weaponry than a group of infantry.

    P.S. I edited your post, having the smaller text was driving me crazy, and making your post harder to read, in general if you want to sperate something either use a different color or use line breaks don't shrink it please.
  9. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Wtf, electric channeling lighting? Wow thats how I know we're doomed. I never wrote that so what are you talking about?
    (did you even watch all the videos?)

    I already proved my point in another thread. But if you wanna kill the thread which I think you are trying to do, I should just delete it as theres no point discussing something if you pick out the things which are less relelvant to the actual topic at hand which the title clearly states.
    What you're basically saying is don't touch Terran let the Terran touch them selfs.
  10. -LT-

    -LT- New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    Great videos! LOL at the energy beam. :good:
  11. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    What I am saying is don't touch the Terrans there fine. Also do you really think I am trying to torpedo your thread or that I just dissagree?

    You said electric energy after saying lasers and electromagnetic energy, so removing those, that only leaves taser like weapons or lightning like weapons that could be called electric correct?

    You (and Zeratul) keep saying you want the Terrans to have more technology and I am showing you how they have them. In response it seems like you guys keep saying you want more, which I dissagree with and you guys aren't really defending your position just saying you want more.

    OK, so you want the Maruders to have an energy shotgun? I am trying to imagine how that would work because a shotgun is designed to disperse its munitions and thus its damage while lasers rely on beng focussed to do a serious amount of damage, also how would you power something like that? I personally believe it isn't inability to make a laser gun that is stopping the Terrans but making a small enough, efficient enough power supply. A normal chemical shotgun probably wouldn't create enough force to propel the tiny bullets to punture a Zerg's carapace or a Protoss shield. A guass (rail gun) shotgun may work, but I would Imagine it not being any better than a Firebat's flamethrower. Finally I just like the gernade idea but thats me....
  12. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    I didn't say energy shotgun, I said some kind and that was an example (the energy weapon), also Terrans ain't fine. The Marauder is shit to be blunt.

    The reason I said shot gun is because it creates many tactics and multiple uses for the individual unit without giving it some dumb effect.
    Shotgun sounds cool, maybe that is the chance to give Terran an energy weapon for their infantry, ad shot guns work very well close range and decent mid so I think Blizzard should impliment a system where the gun shoots a burst of energy particles, this would give the unit 2 options kill 1 unit effectivly or get mid range and damage a cluster of enemy units.
    I'd love for Blizzard to do this, adds more strategies into the game also.

    For example:
    You have 5 of these units and the enemy has a few Zealots and he hasn't upgraded charge yet so you can play it safe and micro them at mid range doing damage to all the units since the shot can spread. But lets say the Zealot uses charge, what happens? it gets energy close up and more damage to each individual Zealot and ultimately death. Nice counter for the charge ability where it would own Marines but not these Marauders.

    Also the Terran are definitly not fine, the Thor is pretty much irrelevant, they have no AtA and no basic powerful all round AtA def, they are lacking in air defenses etc.
  13. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Believe it or not, Terran aren't finished yet. Blizzard hasn't released the Air-to-Air or Ground-to-Air units yet, however that does not mean that they won't exist!
    As 574RCR4F7 said, Terran don't have access to all the technological wonders of their time. They've salvaged all they could from their ships and basically started a whole new civilization. Now, they may be in the future, but because they've pretty much had to start from scrap, you can understand why they don't instantly have all of the technological advances that they would have had on Earth. For example, if you and a group of prisoners were to drive into the country and set up a town, you wouldn't instantly have high quality houses or computers. It's the same situation for the Terran.
    This seemed to be completely random. You're saying that the Terran should not use standard bullets because the Protoss could invent powerful electromagnet to stop the bullets? In that case they shouldn't use metal guns, because they could instantly be disarmed. They shouldn't use metal armor, because they could be pinned against the electromagnet. They shouldn't use metal in any computers or machinery because they too could be ruined by the electromagnet.
    As I said before, they've pretty much had to start again, meaning that they aren't able to instantly arm all their Marines with ridiculously pointless weapons. Lasers? They have lasers already, but they are only used in important and expensive vehicles and ships. It'd be stupid to arm all Marines or whatever with lasers because of the sheer amount of energy they would need to operate, especially if you want them blasting through however many slabs on concrete. Electric? This would require an almost infinite amount of electrons to operate, and would be nearly impossible to operate. Electromagnetic? As LordKerwyn already said Marines already use this. You should probably think about learning more about the current weapons before you want them 'improved'. Sound? Other than the brown note and possibly rupturing any exposed eardrums, there isn't anything that sound can do. Basically the more powerful/elaborate the weapon, the more expensive it'll be, and the less chance that Marines will use them.
    You want the Terran government to mount advanced and automatically firing weaponry onto their most hardened criminal's wrists?! The Reapers can't be trusted with those sorts of weapons. The only powerful weapon that they can be trusted with is the D8 Charge, which is safer because of the time delay required before detonation. Also, Reapers are raiders. They strike in an out in the most vulnerable places. If they had amazingly powerful weapons then they would be used on the front line of combat instead of used for doing what they're designed to do.
    You've left out how these grenades also get a devastating bonus against armored targets. When you exclude all the information that might oppose your argument, then of course the Marauder is going to sound horrible. This slowing effect increases every Terran unit's survivability. All Terran units are ranged and they don't have a unit to hold up the enemy in combat. This is the perfect way to hold up opposing forces without having to be in combat.
    As for your videos. EMP? They already have an attack similar to the EMP. It's called the EMP! Mechanism-less firearms and Impulse gun? Who's to say that they don't use them? All they do is reduce loading time and recoil. Phalanx? These would only be useful against other Terran teams because they're the only other team that uses missiles. Heat beam? The amount of energy required for this to be lethal would be insurmountable.
    You want to add Shotguns because they sound cool but you also want to remove grenades because they're not advanced? What's the logic behind that? Let's just say I'm glad you don't work for Blizzard. If you did, I wouldn't be surprised if Zerg became the most sentient race. Any weapon that encourages the Terran to be closer to its target doesn't suit the Terran. The only time they have ever had a short ranged weapon was with the Firebat, and it did the same amount of damage at full range as it did in melee combat, which still encouraged players to keep them out of melee range. This ideology completely falls apart with your Shotgun idea. Terran just aren't mean to be effective in melee combat.
    I don't see why you have such a problem with dual concussion grenade-launchers. Ever since it was announced you bitched about how lame it was, but you don't even know (or choose to ignore) the power of its effects and damage bonuses.
  14. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Omfg. You are really trying to kill my ideas arn't you. Just say to me striaght up if you think my idea is stupid and makes no sense at all, I'd rather keep it simple but from what I gathered you're STILL not LISTENING TO ME.

    I said in general gameplay the Terrans there are not rich or poor they are just Terrans meaning they can have what is available to them and are not limited by costs since it isn't a campain.

    Also on the Shotugn thing, since when were shotguns melee weapons lol?

    After you have answered that plz someone lock this theres no point in continuing this. I simply gave my ideas, like it or not I gave them. If you failed to understand, oh well maybe you need to think more dynamically instead of that linear train of though you seem to have right now. Also never make assumptions about me @Zerg thing.
  15. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    just because blizz decided not to include any other weapons for the terran but only flamethrowers and grenade lauunchers etc.. doesn't mean that its right and its all the terran can use lorewise. and then people will back it up with lore(terran started from scrap, needs more energy etc.) which i find rather unconvincing because i really dont know myself why blizzard choose this weapons for the terran and they will never tell and i will not be sold immediately from satisfied fans or pips reasoning it from the lore "they think". blizzard did not say the reapers uses dual pistols because they are tough criminals and it be dangerous to give them something else or the terran is too poor tehy can only afford pistols for the reapers, its the fans who pretty much in love with the pistols and i dont easily be sold by that. IMO blizz gave the reapers pistols ...for some many other reasons like badass, pistol is a sign of terran being nostalgic and keeps in touch with realistic present weapons or maybe the pistols is not that powerful which suits them (well an eraser gun can also be as the same power as the pistol, but the thing is it looks cooler and more sci fi.) if blizzard want a electro magnetic wave type of weapon for the reaper they can do it.

    i think there is more to it than just lore, IMO blizzard are making realistic military weapons just to be nostalgic about teh present or past military weapons although its not a bad thing but i think they are going overboard. they think its badass for the terran since terran well are criminals and started from scrap. i think giving and adding more flare and innovative features or mechanics on the terran weapons but without also going over the top will make the terran look and feel better and badass.

    i'll try to give names and illustration of my innovative weapons for the terran. yes less bullets and grenades. =p

    and like i said many times, if blizz wants to give a terran an electric chain rail gun wave magnetic electric pulse exploding nitro bomb etc... they can and lorewise and gamewise they can ADD and FIX it up and im sure will be fine and happy about it. there is MORE lore to the terran than what we used to see and feel about them, so adding something new type of weaponry is easy.
  16. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    It's pointless to just say that your ideas are stupid. Arguments have to be backed up with facts, which is what I did in my post. You have not even tried to retaliate against my arguments, you've just tried to evade it by saying that I don't get what you mean. You gave examples of new and more powerful weapons to give the Terran and I put a hole through each and every one of them (unless LordKerwyn beat me to it). So why am I wrong? All of your ideas were challenged and you cannot defend them. That, to me, shows that they're pretty flimsy ideas to begin with. Furthermore, you've requested to have the topic locked so that no more people will be able to disagree with your ideas.
    Exactly. They have what is available to them. Ever thought that they might not have the technology to create all kinds of elaborate weaponry? Also, how can you say that they aren't limited by costs because it isn't in a campaign? You're wanting all units to be given futuristic weapons, but those same units are going to have to appear in the campaign because they're a part of the Terran team!
    A Shotgun, in essence, sprays a whole lot of pellets. It does not fire a single shot like most other guns. This means, that in order to get the largest amount of lead from each shot into your opponent's stomach, you will have to fire from as close as possible. The further back someone is, then the more time the pellets have to spread, so the less chance of the opponent getting hit. You said yourself that if you're in combat with five Zealots then it'll only hit one of them, but if you're further back then your damage will be spread between them all, and as we all know it's a heck of a lot more efficient to take down five Zealots one at a time, rather than dealing an equal amount of damage to each one, thus having them all die at once, but survive five times as long.
    The fact that you aren't able to defend your ideas and that you need a way to stop people tearing them to shreds suggests that it is you who is failing to understand why your elaborate and futuristic weapons would not work.

    EDIT: @ zeratul11. Yes, Blizzard is able to put in futuristic weapons, but that doesn't mean that they would work. Both you and Zergalicious are yet to suggest an idea that would actually work. Also, I think that you need to look into the current Terran weapons at the moment. You'll find that they aren't just the classic machine gun or the standard cannon, they actually function in a completely different way to what the military uses now.
  17. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    Zergalicious just because people dissagree with an idea doesn't mean its stupid it means people just dissagree.

    I personally liked the amount of technology the Terrans had in SC1 because they seemed real and not just another group of futuristic humans. In my opinion the more technology you give the more they get away from what made them real in SC1. Personally I think its more cool, more badass that the Terrans are fighting for their lives with machine guns and makeshift bombs and gernades vs. the sawrms of the Zerg and the power of the Protoss.

    Zeratul here is thew fundimental difference between you and a lot of people. A number of people (including me) think the lack of technology while still being able to fight off the Zerg and the Protoss is what makes the Terrans badass not the technology they could be using.

    As a continuence of that the reason the Zerg are badass is the fact they are slimy powerful creatures and there is millions, billions of them.

    Finally the Protoss are badass because they have the technology incinerate planets, manipulate time and the other fundamental forces, as well as bending the fabric of space itself.

    And that is why the Terrans won't look a lot cooler with a lot more Technology because they will be constanly outshined by the Protoss so the Terrans become cool because they can still stand up to the Protoss despite the vast difference in technology.

    P.S. Zergalicous I thought people could lock the threads they have created, but if you can't and do really want it locked PM me.
  18. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    First of all, there wasn't really an argument, I was simply showing you all that it is within Terrans grasp to have more effective or should I say weapons with different effects since we have it now. Now by saying that you have to remember Terran are more advanced than us.
    Sum up where you 'put a hole' in every one of my ideas and tell me what makes everything you say so right when there are only two people on this topic between me and you at hand as no one has agreed with you, but in other threads others have agreed with me, yet so far only you have showed the most resistance and you clearly don't know what my point is as you keep talking about futuristic overpowered weapons which has nothing to do with this topic at all.
    And I asked for a lock cuz the discussion does not involve anyone as you have came in and tried to destroy my idea/views/opinion (which you have the wrong perception of)

    Yet again when did I ever say futuristic weapons, how can they weapons I showed by futuristic if your eyes can see them in real time. Also you havn't noted what I said, in other words the game isn't based souly on lore, gameplay is another huge factor. If it was based on lore do you think sc1 would turn out how it did, now be honest with me but mainly your self.

    Well done you noted the problem without even knowing lol.
    You finally picked up upon one of my ideas. Now that makes gameplay a lot more dynamic which inturn produces a great game as there is more than one option as certain situations. To simplify it even more:
    The closer you are the more individual damage the enemy unit will recieve, the further away you are the less damage you do but you can damage more than one target, damaging more than one target not only breaks up formation but kills any low hp units whereas with one close attack you'd waste that time firing everything at it where you could kill it and damage others at the same time.

    Yet again where and when did I say futuristic weapons, this again proves you do not understand this topic as none of the weapons in the videos are futuristic.
    Also sum up why the ''futuristic weapons'' wouldn't be effective in combat and make the game a more dyanamic game with more tactics and as others have said, more tactics = better gameplay experience.

    Do not lock this my mind is clear again and I will enlighten when necessary :].
  19. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    now this is what i wanter to hear and expecting for sometime. and yes i knew this was coming just about now.

    well said.

    rather saying that more advanced tech and weapon for the terran is stupid and reasoning it out on lore like terran can afford this and that etc.

    anyway, like i said i know how you and others feel about the terran. they were REAL. i understand and feel that way too.and i used to love them. but right NOW for me starcraft 1 and the terran was LACKING in many ways specially lorewise. the old terran was great but it was 10 years ago.

    since we are in sc2 and in the year 2007 having witness more sci fi stuffs and feel.. it just make sense the sc2 overall and ofcourse including the terran gets an UPDATE to make it look and feel better and that include looking more hardcore sci fi and LESS realistic. for example, dont you think it will be nicer if starcraft will have more epic grand real hardcore sci fi war (say starwars) than the alien movie like war in starcraft1. the sc2 marine looks bigger and high tech and more polished and less grittier.... thor? vkings? now all of these are updates and i see no problem from old fans who like the realistic feel of sc1 with these updates. now if you agree and like it then try reconsidering about some new innovative weapons for the terran in starcraft 2.

    the terran in sc2 is heading to be more SCI FI (better technology) rather than realistic as they were in sc1.

    so new and innovative weapons etc.. just adds up to this changes.

    there. all i want is a little bit of sci fi weaponry(not exxagerated) for the terran but NOT to the extent that it will overlap all the realistic ones.

    "the ambush" remember this cinematic with the lame tank. yes it was great then but now for me and many others it doesn't look hardcore sci fi and the terran didn't look futuristic. and these is one example of many that is wrong looking etc in this day sci fi standard.

    the problem is if you are satisfied and think starcraft 1 terran and lore was perfect. then we will have an endless discussion about this. if you dont want the terran to look more scifi or futuristic and want back the tank in the "ambush cinematic" and the commando ramboo like ghost in "battle of amerigo" etc in sc2 then you should be complaining most about what you see in sc2. coz as far as i can see the technology of teh terran in sc2 is not anywhere nearer than in sc1. even just the power suit of the new marine looks more complex and better than the medieval rusty armor look of the old marines.

    but anyway im happy coz starcraft 2 terran's looks better and less of the old terran. =p
  20. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Also one simple point, if the 10 years ago weapons are more effective why do the military constantly improve their weapon technology? And why do people even bother with improving since traditional methods somehow work best always and forever?