Well i play as terran and i have played many games where DTs or other cloaked units mess me up because i didnt tech up to ravens yet. I usually go heavy infantry and i still want to do that but i also want to get a raven as fast as possible after i get my third barracks up. Can anyone post a build order or a video for heavy infantry and getting a fast raven? oh ya and does anyone know a good tvt build as well? (i also want fast ravens for banshees) this is a game where i lost to a dt rush. This also the opener i want to use. thanks in advance
wouldn't it be cheaper to just get an orbital command, especially if quickly reaching ravens wouldn't otherwise be part of your build?
Not to mention Missile Turrets. Then again, bringing a mobile detector is a good idea if you're on the offensive.
i know but did you watch the replay? i wasted all my scans because his DTs kept on dodging the scans and then he just started attacking after i ran out of scans and it was gg. i want to get 3 barracks out fast and get a factory and starport out as soon as possible and get my first raven before getting medivacs or vikings etc. i am working out a refinery before barracks build but losing 3 scvs to the refinery and having to use 75 dollars when i can barely get 150 for a barracks does hurt my economy.
ravens are godlike, in addition to the fact that they detect. PDDs eliminate a handful of good units and HSMs blow up anything in a ball super well. (better than fungal growth and psi storm IMO) and those turrets are exceptional at mineral harassment and defense against enemy harassment. Ravens are ALWAYS a good idea, whether the enemy is getting cloaked stuff or not. ..... I'm gonna use mass infestors to take your scv and build up to a starport so I can get them with my zerg army... totally worthwhile
fastest raven build would likely be the same as the build for the fastest banshee. if you don't mind being left fairly weak early/mid game
Dont rush ravens otherwise you are over-teching compared to your opponent. If you are a terran player who likes MMM, you gonna need an engineering bay regardless, so build turrets at entrance and minerals also you should scan ONCE your troops are there ready to shoot! Not scan and then run after them
I see ravens maybe 1 out of ever 10 games I play vs terran (and I'm protoss btw)... So the time in most games is: never. They're very expensive, and are only a support unit, so you should only get them once you are well into mid game (at least one expo with 4 gas mining)
If you know your enemy is massing a unit that shoots projectiles (stalkers, hydras, marauders, etc), marine marauder mix with two ravens will absolutely devastate them. Move in with your infantry, drop the PDDs (2 should suffice), and watch as your invulnerable infantry army squashes his forces. It's best to do this in his base or at his expo, so that he can't simply run away from your PDDs, but needs to defend this particular area. Fast ravens can be good, but it's a risky investment as they are gas heavy and fragile
played terran today, first time I saw raven being used so well. he was defensive one base and teched raven all the way, 6 ravens are really god-like; I got 4 bases pumping, 20+ mutas sent in and got blown away, I send in 4 batches all got killed; rushes of ling one after another, if it wasn't for banes just to blow up everything I don't think I could eventually win. I have never seen raven being used like this. when the tracking missiles were out I got all confused... mutas were so weak even with all the upgrades onboard. talk about over-power...
You do NOT need Ravens to counter Dark Templar. Terrans have more detection options than any other race: Terran T1.0=Orbital Command Scan T1.5=Ghost EMP T1.5=Missile Turret T3.0=Raven Zerg T1.5=Spore Crawler T2.0=Overseer T2.5=Infestor Fungal Swarm Protoss T1.5=Photon Cannon T2.0=Observer
You fail. You coulda had that game easy. Your scan micro is bad, you'd scan when youre force was on the other side of your base. You had your starport just sitting there too when you could have made a Raven at any point by lifting your rax and port up and landing yoru port on the tech lab. =/ Come on man. And LMFAO at you losing to Ravens...omfg...that's so fail. xDDDDD You supposed to run from the seeker missles. They fall outa the sky eventually.
yes we all know we suck. look my signature. im freaking bronze league which is why im asking for suggestions. your not very high on the ladders yourself eh gold league? (ignore that last part if your 1v1 is higher than gold)
I was actually Platinum in both 2v2 and 1v1 but I went into a cheese fetish for a bit and lost a whole bunch. -Shrugs.- Still. Can't say I ever lost to a support unit. xD
You know Mutas can literally run circles around a Raven and stay ahead of the seeker missle until its duration is over, right? You don't even have to run them away....you can literally just queue up a few circles. I'm not saying Ravens aren't good, but if all the person is doing is defending there is no reason to lose your Mutas.
to everyone that says that ravens are no good, follow this step: go to www.youtube.com search "HD broadcasting starcraft 2" enter the HD channel scroll down the thing with the videos on the right until you find one named Greenpine vs BOB in this game you see how GODLIKE ravens can be, thanks to that pro match i constantly try to mass ravens and i win more times than i lose with the ravens, i havent seen a good counter to ravens. ps: that page also contains other pro games which can be very usefull
i am quoting myself since i think that the directions i said was long and confusing, better to place the link http://www.youtube.com/user************?blend=2&ob=1#p/search/1/8pdLjI0_DQs that is just the part 1 of 3, take your time and watch all 3 parts, its really usefull
i am quoting myself again becaus i dont know why the link copied itself wrongly and i just found a bettrer way to see the viedeo, in youtube put greenpine vs bob and it should be the first link
Omfg at that last Raven force..dude had like 40 of them. xD I'm surprised they wern't pumping rines though, both of them has a **** ton of minerals.