terrain features

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by illinest, Jun 15, 2009.

terrain features

  1. illinest

    illinest Guest

    hi all. after having seen the battle reports i'm very interested in the use of terrain features such as the grass, the destroyable rocks, etc...

    in the latest q&a the devs stated that other terrain features may be considered as well and it didn't take long for me to think up a few that might be interesting.

    Ex #1
    a natural rock formation that takes the form of a pillar of boulders.
    When shot at (or otherwise attacked) the rock formation falls over and creates an impassable barrier (or perhaps one that can be destroyed again like the current iteration of destructible rocks)
    I was thinking that this could be interesting for larger maps as a way to quickly segregate a starting base from it's natural expansion.

    It could be used defensively by the player (expansion is getting rocked, so retreat past the column and then knock it down giving you time to rebuild your forces)

    It could be used offensively by luring the bulk of an opponents defense past the column, then destroying it. Trapping them outside their own base while you go to town on their drones.

    Maybe it could have a damage factor associated with it's fall as well. Could be used as a booby trap or a suicide trap.

    Ex #2
    Weak rock bridge.
    Use a different texture to differentiate a rock bridge that will fall if too much weight is put on it at once.
    Perhaps a troop of marines can cross with ease, but a siege tank would cause it to collapse.

    I'd ask Karune myself if these ideas are good or interesting to them, but I don't have a battlenet account at present.
  2. sniper64

    sniper64 New Member

    May 13, 2009
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    Hello and welcome. Too answer both of these, its a straight sorry no. There both good ideas dude but we wanto keep it sc. Nothing fancy. Maybe some flashy colors and AWESOME gameplay but starcraft. :D
    I wont hammer down on you but I do believe there is another thread of this.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2009
  3. Dragon God

    Dragon God New Member

    Nov 10, 2008
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    I like the piller of rock but the bridge, no.

    The Pillar could kill some one if they are in the falling vicinity but it shouldn't be anywhere near the main base, for early advantage reasons.