The threat of the zerg has returned. We must once again take up arms to defend our people, our homes. Come with me my fellow warriors. Come witm me into battle. Though we may never return, may we protect those we care about unto our dying breaths. We shall stain the ground with the blood of our foes. Come, fight with me, for Shakurs, for Aiur, For our people and the ending of this menace.
Do not think I have abandoned the cause! I have returned from the shadows to aid my brethren once more. The final battle draws ever closer. May the fields of Auir run red( or blue/purple/ orange?) with the blood of the Zerg! EN TARO TASSADAR!
I will never stop fighting until we have retaken Aiur! Up in arms my brethren, we must not lose this fight!
@ Shadow Templar you only emerg from the shadows I have allowed you to be in, in the first place. May we use the zerg hides to block out the sun, fill pools with their blood for drinking, and use their flesh as insense.
Lol first few posts were so corny. *Slaps a High Templar with an Ultralisk claw* *Emerges from a Zealot suit and corrupts all of you*
Now shall the events set into motion so long ago be made complete. For the Protoss, too, were created by the Xel'Naga. They were the first creation, gifted with a purity of form. And we were the second creation, blessed with a purity of essence. Indeed, our two species are but opposite facets of a greater whole. Soon shall our two races be made as one. Thenceforth shall all feel the wrath of the eternal Swarm... For the hour of judgement has come!