Suggestion: Dont lose emphasis on Terran soldiers

Discussion in 'Terran' started by drindelladome, Aug 5, 2007.

Suggestion: Dont lose emphasis on Terran soldiers

Discussion in 'Terran' started by drindelladome, Aug 5, 2007.

  1. drindelladome

    drindelladome New Member

    Aug 5, 2007
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    I am amazed and excited about many of the new Terran mechanical units in the game (Thor, Viking, Banshee etc...), but I think that the soldier aspect of the starcraft universe is one of the things that makes it so entertaining (Firebats, marines, ghosts, medics). When you think of the Terran, familiar scenes are conjured up (Firebat and Marine filled bunkers being assaulted by waves of zerglings, medics frantically healing a line of marines, a ghost sneaking up on an enemy base).

    I really like the new Drop-Pod ability and would like to see more similar functions in starcraft 2 that would insure our favorite ground soldiers are not completely overshadowed by the powerful aircraft and machinary.

    One suggestion would be implementing an A.T.V. (Armored Transport Vehicle) like a moving bunker - but one that would cost food and probably be weaker than the bunker (For the sake of balancing and the original bunker not being replaced) - that soldiers being transported can fire out of and would not be destroyed when the vehicle explodes (Think bunker, not dropship).

    Another would be researching an upgrade a building addon that garrisons any Terran building with soldiers - which cannot fire from the building like a bunker, but are released when the building is destroyed (Think Red Alert or Dune 2).

    Or maybe an upgrade to the Command Center to allow the garrisoning of combat units, like a bunker - either in addition to or as an alternative route to the planetary fortress upgrade.

    None of these would give the Terran a significant edge or create balancing issues, but would serve as a way to preserve the feel of the Terran race in light of all of the technological advances they seem to have experienced since the first game (Thors, Transforming Vikings, Planetary Fortress, Submerging Supply Depots etc.)

    Please dont blast me on why these ideas wont work, they are just quick examples i threw together. I really made this post to try and get some discussion started on how to preserve the troops in SC2, if you dont like these ideas, please suggest some better alternatives so that this important aspect of the Starcraft atmosphere can be preserved.
  2. Cerebrate

    Cerebrate New Member

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Terrans are largest of three races, humans have expanded to nearly all galaxy while zerg and protoss are mainly packed on Koprulu sector.

    Humans have almost limitless amount of troopers to sacrifice. Also most Koprulu terran marines and reapers are criminals and such and doubt that regural terran commanders have much issues seeing them dying on duty.

    Also best reason of course is game balance itself. Terrans are fine as it is, and I really can't wait to play them (after ZERG of course...)
  3. paragon

    paragon Guest

    No, no, and no.

    Terrans are in two places, Earth and like 13 planets in the Koprulu sector. The protoss have/had a massive empire that spanned most of what the Xel'Naga used to control. The zerg have bajillions of creatures in it's swarm. A while back I figured out what the population of the terrans in the koprulu sector should have been at the start of starcraft based on average population growth of earth now as well as how many years it had been since they got there. That concluded that there were less than 1 million present in the korpulu sector. however, since 4 million were killed on koprulu when it was nuked by the confederacy, the current growth rate clearly is not accurate for their growth rate. This means that they have gotten rid of all disease which would account for the incredibly high growth rate as most people now are killed by disease. Also, you have to take into account that 80-90% of terrans are civilians and thus would not be fighting.
  4. burkid

    burkid New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    well ATV already has something, All Terrain Vehical. and there already are moving bunker sort of vehicals in real life, but they are called APCs, Armored Personell Carrier. i think you should change the name.
  5. Cerebrate

    Cerebrate New Member

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Perhaps for Zerg.

    Absolutely NO for Protoss.

    Protoss are brink of extinction. Aiur, protoss beloved and honored home world have been RAVAGED, nearly 70 % of Protoss on Aiur was slaughtered on Zerg rampage after death of Overmind.

    Protoss NEVER was high populate race, they always concentrated on living on Aiur and they aren't really expansionist race, they had only 2 planets with permanent population Aiur and Shakuras (what is homeworld of branch of templars, the dark templars) and now that Aiur has been lost survivors of Protoss race have forced to move to Shakuras.

    On events of Starcraft 2 Protoss as a race BATTLES to survive, they don't fight for Conquest, wealth or honor they fight for SURVIVAL.

    As quote of Immortal unit on

    But the loss of every immortal is keenly felt. These ancient warriors are a dying breed pledged to give their all in the end times of their people. They stand on the front lines of the final war, sacrificing themselves to buy their race a few more days or hours. Soon none will remain
  6. BoydofZINJ

    BoydofZINJ New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    Another possible reason why humans are more numerous is technologies such as enhanced fertilization, cloning technology, and medical enhancements which decreases the death rate. A person that would be normally considered dead with our current level of technologies could be revived, in theory. The Command Center "person" does not look like a normal person. It could be, in theory, possible to "grow" a human/cyborg entity. So with all these enhancements and if you made it possible to have multiple births during normal birth rate it is very possible to increase the growth rate significantly.

    Of course, if you remember in Star Wars the clone troopers were trained and educated to outrageous rates. I assume the storm troopers were the enhanced versions of the clone troopers. How many storm troopers were lost in the first death star then the second one and all those star destroyers?

    What is true for the humans can also be true of the Protoss. The Dragoon is a good example of this. A warrior that was on the brink of death could extend their lives as a warrior to become a Dragoon. However, I do believe the protoss seem fewer in numbers. Of course, few would say the zerg is a race that is not numerous.
  7. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    I think Zerg are the most numerous. After that, Terran, and last Protoss, the outdying race. I almost feel sorry for them. Almost.
    But, they will probably grow in numbers during SC2...
  8. TerranTemplar

    TerranTemplar New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    With the Protoss though they may be few, their shielded, armored, and psionic feet can kick Terran and Zerg from Mars to Jupiter :p
    But ideas on troops? Armies will always need their footmen. Sure you can bring in the heavy guns and blast the place, but its not really yours until you have your men tromping on the soil.

    Now, these are just crazy ideas, but intresting nonetheless.

    For the Terran, you could implement a salvage mechanic like from C&C generals? In that game, the GLA faction initially had weak units, but with destroying enemy units little salvage packages were dropped. Whenever a GLA salvage compatible unit went over the package, a section of their unit would be enhanced, Whether it was a turret, gun, or wheels, in the end it always made it a lil better. Probably an overpowering mechanism, but since i figured most terran units including infantry used metal, it could theoretically work.

    One idea i had for the zerg is thier equivalent of the Reaver, in the idea that it is a unit that spawns another unit to attack (note, the Reaver never really attacks itself, it just produces a unit that is stored in its shell, and fired at the enemy.) Now take the mechanical factory and turn it into a biological one for the Zerg. My current idea is that the unit would be slow, have a decent attack and be able to produce middle-low tiered units, while it was a high tiered unit. Obviously you would have to spend more resources on it because it can produce its own units. That way its a decent-close to subpar fighting unit whose main purpose is to keep generating the units close to the front lines.

    Now if that goes against the whole idea of having the Hatchery being the main source of the army, why not a larva generator? A unit that is like the one i said up above, but producing larva. It could have the same amount of larva but with build times like, twice as long? I don't know, im just trying to come up with stuff here.

    Now with protoss it is quite hard, but one unit idea i have (that would work for infantry and vehicles) is to have a supporting shield unit. Think of it as a mobile shield battery with no attack.

    So, thoughts?
  9. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    I like the first and second one, altough it would just be to much CnC, the first one. Instead, a unit that gets a little money equal to the enemy units produce-cost cut in ten or something would be nice. It would make the unit somewhat gain you some resources. It would fit the Reaper, if not making it imba.
  10. ShdwyTemplar

    ShdwyTemplar New Member

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Tacoma, Washington
    First off. I believe that you all are confusing a few things. First, the Protoss had a majority of its population on Aiur. They had not conquered any planets, but, had settled on a few in their early development. When the First Zerg Overmind came to Aiur it killed off 70% of the population of Aiur. Not the Protoss Race.(Although a substantial amount had resided in Aiur.) With Aiur conquered the Protoss traveled to Shakuras where the Dark Templar Tribe had grown a civilization in secret after being exiled and space travel for hundreds of years. The size of this Tribe is not known, but it seems they had more than one planet as Shakuras was their "Homeworld". Furthermore, the Protoss are recovering from the blow that losing Aiur caused. The Protoss still have a formidable civilization left.

    Second, the Terran in the Koprulu Sector began as 40,000 strong, 8,000 after a ship called the Sarengo crashed killing 8,000 Prisoners. These Prisoners were not Prisoners in the traditional sense. There were normal people ,although, most of the Prisoners were mutants and people with cybernetic attachments. Following this the Terran of the Koprulu Sector begin to grow and expand beyond the technological field of Earth at an astonishing rate. Generations pass and the Terran are becoming more potent psionist.

    The UPL(United Power League) before "exiling" the 40,000 prisoners had in an attempt to "purify" Earth killed off 400,000,000 of earth's population of which it was 23 Billion. So, Earth would continue to grow still. The technological advancement of Earth is severely behind that of the Terran in the Koprulu Sector as they have interaction with the Protoss and have had interaction with ATLAS a AI sent with them from Earth. So the Terran in the Koprulu Sector are still Numerous.

    The Zerg although relatively unknown in size is rumored to be in the millions as a single Brood could hold more than 1 Million of each strain... Ya thats a lot being that they are from Zerus in that Galaxy....

    Now then to address the issues.

    A Salvage Mechanic is being used for Buildings in SC2 already, but, not to the extent you want. Why would Terran salvage Zerg? Why would they Salvage Protoss? They can only Salvage there own buildings atm and don't need to Salvage anything else.

    The Zerg need no equivalent to the Reaver as the Reaver has 1. Been scrapped for Protoss. 2.The Zerg do not need Siege Weaponry. They need large swarms with multiple strains of Zerg. We cannot say anymore to the Zerg Faction in SC2 as we no nothing about them except that they have Zerglings(Banelings) and Mutalisk + Nydus Worm.

    The Protoss do not need a Shield Generator as Protoss units generally die in fast in game and although it would add Micro ability to the Toss SC2 is based largely off the idea of Macro and Micro. So these units would inf act be a waist.

    Long Post Hurts Brain *Collaspses*
  11. TerranTemplar

    TerranTemplar New Member

    Jul 29, 2007
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    And that my friends, is how you demolish a thread :p

    But i like my zerg mobile factory attacker ^^

    Though an idea struck me for the Protoss. Since all/most of their foot soldiers, can change or return to energy, it would be pretty cool to have the Protoss gain the ability of channeling thier energy into the mechanical units like carriers and the like. The transferred energy would function in ways dependent on WHAT kind of energy was transferred. Shield energy could heighten build time (carriers) or attack range, LOS, or attack speed. Pretty much it powers up mechanical systems.Health energy would boost health, speed, and shields, or the "biological" side of the unit.

    Now, since it would be possible to make a ultra carrier after alot of energy transfers, i recommend that its temporary and the zealots/templar couldn't activate these abilities under half life.

    Actually, after I typed all of this, it seems better suited to zerg. They are all biological, all rely on the creep (energy transfer via creep?) and might work more easily with them. Then you don't need to bother with shields. Basically have all that i explained apply to the Zerg except for the parts on shields.
  12. BoydofZINJ

    BoydofZINJ New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    If you remember the UED fleet did not have many of the technologies the Terrans already did such as BCs. Which supports the theory that Terra (Earth) is behind in technology. Often times, war proves the inspiration of technology.
  13. BnechbReaker

    BnechbReaker New Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    how about this idea to make infantry more useful:

    terran chameleon - cloak-able ground transport vehicle
    can research grappler which shoots at infantry (including enemy) and bring them next to the chameleon.

    so the cloaking represents chameleon blending into the background and the grappler represents the tongue
  14. GuiMontag

    GuiMontag New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    whats with all the bs fluff rofl

    directly from starcraft manual
    1. Only 40,000 of the prisoners were deemed viable to survive the rigorous conditions. Those 40,000 were then loaded onto four gargantuan, automated deep-space supercarriers.
    3. Once reunited, the three colonies benefited from mutual trade.... Founding prosperous colonies upon seven other worlds within the system
    2. All in all, the Protoss inadvertently succeeded in reclaiming an eighth of the worlds once presided over by the Xel’Naga.

    directly from campain
    1. The Swarms have crushed the meager human resistance and laid waste to nine of the thirteen Terran worlds
    2. Terran campain in broodwar starts with Dugall and stukov in a BC, they only raided the spaceport for fun :p
    as far as i am aware there is no information about how 'much' of the protoss civilization was destroyed, nor the size of the zerg swarm after the final battles.
  15. ShdwyTemplar

    ShdwyTemplar New Member

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Tacoma, Washington
  16. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    wikia, the supersource...
    I have read many interesting facts and stories there... like who Adun is.