i was gonna post this under trivia but thought hell no there's too much to talk about in this: if 5 battlecruisers and 2 overlords comes charging at and hits your army of 2 units (because you were afk for 15 mins lol) at the same time, which would be the two "most effective" units to use against this: note1: any unit you pick will be fully upgraded in anything non-attack/armor/shield note2: you are in a tiny arena so you can run but you will eventually get hit periodically note3: your units will have max, hitpoints, shields, energy, hangar count, timelimit note4: a building is not a unit in this case. and a nuke is counted as a unit but the buildings arent required note5: enemy units have nothing upgraded note6: enemy units will always target one of your units, specifically the nearest one. if all units are invisible/burrowed then it will fly towards and remain beside the closest invisible unit until it is destroyed. remember ai targeting-priority. it will attack whatever it finds most threatening first (i.e. BCs will attack a goliath over a defiler). the ai is not dumb and just sits in the middle or something note7: this is becoming overtly complicated >_> i can think of like 1 overpowering combo so far, and an endless of combos. as many answers are welcomed and up for discussion please come up with "impossible scenarios" of your own like this and post it here for discussion! or anything you've always been too puzzled or thought was impossible which relates to starcraft strategy
Re: STRATEGY TRIVIA! and discussion CO. LTD (??) no no you need 1 nuke and 1 ghost otherwise you just wasted your 1000 minerals and gas (it is 1000 right?)
Re: STRATEGY TRIVIA! and discussion CO. LTD (??) Two Dark Archons, with maximum energy and full upgrades, will be able to use Mind Control four times. Capture four of the battlecruisers, have them destroy the fifth, and then kill Overlords. Done.
Re: STRATEGY TRIVIA! and discussion CO. LTD (??) nice try lol. your ghost = pwned DAs could only mind control once, then gotta wait for another 50 energy
Re: STRATEGY TRIVIA! and discussion CO. LTD (??) A Science Vessel and a cloaked wraith, the Vessel takes out the overlords and the cloaked wraith picks off the Battlecruisers one by one while the Science Vessel Locks them down (I think they have that?)
Re: STRATEGY TRIVIA! and discussion CO. LTD (??) Ghosts have Lockdown, not Science Vessels. Another way of taking out the Overlords is with Medics and Optical Flare. Another combo: Defiler+Hydralisk. Dark Swarm then Plague. Overlords first. Burrow to recharge if it isn't finished on the first run. Another: 2 High Templar. Storm, Storm, Storm, Storm, might get killed by those lasers before they get enough out though.
Re: STRATEGY TRIVIA! and discussion CO. LTD (??) Ok, I guess Darchons wouldn't work. But here's two ideas. The first, two fully upgraded valks. Second, an Arbiter and a Carrier. The Arbiter will stasis field the battlecruisers, and then the carrier will take out the overlords. Then, have the arbiter hover just outside of the range of the carrier. The carrier will cloak from the arbiter, and then when the stasis wears off, the battlecruisers will be destroyed by the invisible carrier.
Re: STRATEGY TRIVIA! and discussion CO. LTD (??) hey never though about arb + car like that lol. might just trick the stupid ai =D dont think you even needa target overlords with your hydra plague 2 high templars would probably work if 2xhalu + 4xstorm, wont kill them then you fuse high templars to archon and hopefully your halus would survive till archon form ^_^ dont think two valks would work though, upgraded or not lol (P.S: review note1)
Re: STRATEGY TRIVIA! and discussion CO. LTD (??) Ok I assume this is a 32x32 map here (That's the lowest right?) You got yer 2 units on one side of the map, the enemy has their 5 Battlecruisers and 2 Overlords (assuming they're not clumped in the corner, within close proximity of each other, not near a map corner) As for nukes, I assume that they'll be housed with a Command Center/Nuke Silo combo? (or is this a hypothetical nuke hmm?) : Terran... 1 Ghost and 1 Medic Use Medic to optical flare Overlords, use cloaked Ghost to Lock Down 1 Battlecruiser, use the Ghost to attack (assuming the Battlecruisers can't spot you), hope that the Battlecruisers are destroyed before optical flare or cloak finishes. 1 Ghost and 1 Nuke - WORKS! Use cloaked Ghost to nuke the enemy, hope to hell that the bugger survives before he can produce that red dot! (If the enemy is not dead, attack the rest, them Overlords are bound to die, if nuke is successful) 1 Valkyrie 1 Science Vessel - NO WORK! Use Science Vessel to Defense Matrix Valkyrie, use Valkyrie to engage Battlecruisers (avoid Overlords or use Irradiate, though I'd kill them last), hopefully when Defensive Matrix is over, you can Defense Matrix the Valkyrie again, finish off Battlecruisers and Overlords. 1 Battlecruiser and 1 Wraith Use Battlecruiser to Yamato gun an Overlord, attack the other Overlord (It will most likely die when engaged by opposing Battlecruisers), then bring cloaked Wraith to battlefield (assuming the 2 Overlords are dead, if not then kill them quickly), then pick off enemy Battlecruisers, if you run low on cloak, retreat decloak and recharge, then continue. 2 Norad II's Use Yamato gun to attack 2 Battlecruisers, kill battlecruisers with lasers, engage 2 more, kill them, if still alive kill 5th, if not retreat till enough power to Yamato gun again... kill Overlords. Protoss... 2 High Templars Use 1 High Templar to Hallucinate the other, use "dud" Templars to go to enemy, when Battlecruisers are attacking hallucinations, use real Templars to Psionic Storm opponents, if run out of energy, retreat if possible to recharge (If the comp is dumb then it probably won't follow, dunno about Human player), if not possible merge into Archon (if you got supply and resources), attack battlecruisers till they are destroyed, engage Overlords. 2 Dark Archons Mind Control 2 Battlecruisers, use them to strike 1 Battlecruiser, then if still there another, and another...(doubtful ) make sure Dark Archons retreat to recharge, continue when recharged. Zerg... (Tough one) I'd probably say the Defiler/Hydralisk combo would be the logical option, as Zerg Air seems to suck a bit... Hybrid match up... 1 Science Vessel and 1 Carrier Use Science vessel to irradiate an Overlords, use Defense Matrix on Carrier, Use Carrier to engage Battlecruisers, hope to hell that the little Interceptors don't die!
Re: STRATEGY TRIVIA! and discussion CO. LTD (??) Defiler and wraith hit em with plague then use the wraith to finish them off (overlords first)
Re: STRATEGY TRIVIA! and discussion CO. LTD (??) interesting stuff *updated rules on top of page* remember you can post your own scenario for discussion
Re: STRATEGY TRIVIA! and discussion CO. LTD (??) An upgraded (just the spells) Dark Archon and an Observer comes at you. You only have 2 units with no upgrades. The Dark Archon will always Mind Control the more powerful unit. What two units would you choose? It will always Mind Control a Dark Archon if you have one. The Observer does not have to be killed but bonus points if it is. edit: added Observer
Re: STRATEGY TRIVIA! and discussion CO. LTD (??) Well, AI normally stacks so... a defiler and a arbiter. Plague, (dark swarm for cover if u need too) and statis field, they still take dmg from plague and when they come out they should all have around 10-15 hp, finish off with arbiter.
Re: STRATEGY TRIVIA! and discussion CO. LTD (??) I see people talking about waiting till they have enough energy again and blabla. Aren't the 5 BC's supposed to attack you?
Re: STRATEGY TRIVIA! and discussion CO. LTD (??) jeeze how come nobody said medic + wraith? (though it was hinted i think) or defiler + archon? <------- you might not even need plague if BCs kinda stacked and 2 dark archons would work nicely. feedback 3 battlecruisers, mind control the other two, yamato @paragon ultralisk + dark templar (DT will survive maelstrom/both gets maelstromed) if DT is supposedly stronger and both get maelstromed and DT gets mced then siege tank + ultralisk (if pvp then DA will win if mc siege tank) carrier + archon (pvp = carrier wins) arbiter + archon