Ok, to start off, not me or my friends are more than nawbs, but always when he is terran, he bunkers up w/ turrets, tanks and valkyries... and I hate it... that's why I'm gonna learn an awesome tactic from you guys, if you are cind enough to tell me ) now, how do you best counter this strategy? (we play random at the most so I want to know with all races )
yeah, I usually fly in with mutas, airbiters+cattiers or w/e and do that, so after like, 1 hr game i usually win after I've massed bc's, carriers etc. but I want it to end faster....
You can have a go with drops of M&M, lurkers, or reavers on his resources, if he forgot to protect it. EDIT: haha suphboih, I was 1 minute faster than you.
you know how much I suck at zrush? well, on all rushes but mostly ling-rush I've tried that, and well, it cinda works, too, mostly. but let's say he defeats my phail rush and walls up, what to do?
You can't just wall up like that in an instant... and if you usually go for carriers and BCs then you're doing something very wrong. Continuous recon and harassment is the main counter for that strategy early on. If you fell asleep during game and he manages to build that wall then just starve him by dominating the skies.
Try to keep the assault going. Hotkey your production buildings and pump out units so as that you'll have replacements if your initial attack fails. Keep teching up as well, and expand to fuel your growth (this also denies him the extra resources if he himself doesn' t expand). Guardians can be very powerful against stationary defenses and tanks in siege mode as they can be used effectively to take out AA turrets and bunkers without being hit themselves. As zerg, the defilier's abilities can also be extremely useful.
He might have valkyries but he also invested in bunkers, infantry, tanks, and turrets - that's a fortune, so he'll have very little for valkyries, thus you'd easily take air. That is unless nawb means not expanding and clicking units for their funny lines, in which case you'd be better off saying GG early on and doing something more worthwhile.
Early game.. you can destroy bunkers from a distance using dragoons with range upgrade or hydras w/ range. Midgame, once he gets a few of his siege tanks.. you can try rushing in with zealots w/ speed to quickly take down the tanks, and allow other units like dragoons to come in. If his entrance is too tight, you can drop in his main, or you can simply block him. Prevent him from leaving his base by leaving a group of units lined up in front of his main entrance, and in the meantime take many expansions and make a lot of money. Eventually he'll have to bust out of the containment or he'll lose because his economy will be in shambles.