Ok, this has bothered me for a while. How the heck is an injection of stimulants into a person's bloodstream supposed to make a rifle fire faster, a powersuit move faster? It just makes no sense at all! One might argue that the rifle can naturally fire at that rate (the manual notes that they fire in bursts for ammunition conservation, not mechanical purposes) and that the suits too, can naturally move at that rate, but then you have to ask yourself, what are the drugs for? Why can't they just kick it into overdrive whenever they need to, and not take a huge HP hit? I mean, even if overloading the systems would be damaging, you'd expect the damage to occur while they're moving or something, not the moment you shift gears. Ok, I know it's a game design thing, an important mechanic, but why couldn't they justify it in a way that makes sense?
It injects them with a chemical (i'm assuming adrenalin) that helps them move faster. As for the rifle, The chemical might help them keep a steadier aim, thus helping them fire faster.
This is just one of the things that doesn't make sense in the gameplay aspects of starcraft. Another thing that doesn't make sense is that marines have unlimited ammo. Firebats have an unlimited supply of propane. Medics can heal a person standing 3 meters away from him without removing his suit. But the idea itself is very clever, 10HP for faster movement and attack rate. And with the addition of medics, it's like 5 energy points from the medics for the speed and attack upgrade.
Think about it, your car is a machine, but would you drive it better at 3:00 am? or at 3 pm with 5 cups of coffee. I know that the marine is obviously not tired, but if a drug would indeed be extreme enough to take out 1/4 of your health, the difference in reflexes would be... well; night and day XD making the most out of every possibility your battle suit is capable of is how I see the stim pack in action.
Lol.. it's just a game.. I know they try to make them realistic.. and I do agree that stim pack makes no sence at all.. but.. the marine wouldn't be a marine without his stim pack.
Drugged up convicts FTW man. Stim Packs would make then walk faster (they still have to move their legs) but for the firing... it kinda got me. In videos it always shows the gun trying to JUMP out of their hands so maybe they can hold it better while stimmed.
true eh. now we know why terran guns suck even though they're suppose to rip up lol. stupid aim =/. maybe have an upgrade to increase armor strength which also increases damage because of accuracy i mean seriously a batallion of marines should waste any lame organic zergs but noooooo
mmm stim packs are somekind of drug to increasespeed at Hp cost. It doesn´t make too much sense that affects guns, suits or any object attached to marines or bats... But if you think about it, firing and moving faster can be a result of a chemical reaction inside the person( faster firing is the result of quicker finger´s moving on the trigger. faster moving is because you have a dosis of "something" that makes you stronger). Like a super deadly coffee. It can reanimate you and increase or re-establish habilities but after the effect is gone, you´re in worst condition than before takin´it. I don´t know if this can explain SP´s effect but you know, common sense is the less common of all senses hehe Hey, have you noticed that zerglings have adrenaline glands??? hehe they´re not so different after all hehe
Yet the civillian clothes are as protecting as the marines, and the gost clothes are even stronger. Dumb.
Maybe it makes them more nervous and they keep pressing the trigger faster? "MUST...SHOOT...GUN...SUGAR...EEEEEK"
linking this topic of stim packs and accuracy with terrans lacking melee: think close-range marines should do more damage? well it is kinda like real life. you obviously wanna stay away from enemy melee even though you do more damage up close, but against like tanks or snipers you'd flank/pin them and get up close and personal
and why dont psi blades cut straight through marines armour in 1 swipe? about the drugs, the powersuit should move as fast as the marine wants to, so if hes hyped up on drugs and wants to sprint then it makes sense. In the oppening trailer for broodwar a marine sprays about 60 bullets into 2 zergs, so the rifles must be able to shoot like machine guns, but obviously they have no accuracy without burst.
Stim packs give them an adrenaline rush (among other things) that gives them faster reflexes, better aim, etc.