Hey guys, if you don't have Starcraft 2 yet (That would be extremely sad). Or your just waiting for Zerg to have some tweaks. This is a great strategy game that's on sale, and I recommend you check it out. Gratuitous Space Wars and all 3 expansion packs: http://store.steampowered.com/sub/4785/ To sum up how the game works, you equip your ships by customizing and choosing the hull/weapons/shields/armor and go into battle, you can choose where you want your ships, how many and what class. After that, you just watch them go at it. The collectors edition comes with the expansion packs all for about $6.24 It's usually 38.99 including the 3 expansions, but it's a weekend sale with 75% off, and even more on the expansion packs. If you love strategy and cool space battles, Google some reviews or if you have 7 bucks that your willing to use. Have at it.
"Who needs backstory? Who needs resource-gathering? Diplomacy is so last year. Gratuitous Space Battles cuts right to the chase of sci-fi strategy games, and deals with large, completely unjustified space battles between huge opposing space fleets." So, basically, their selling point is lack of content?
The content isn't in the actual fight, (well graphically it is) it's what you do before hand and how you place your ships. Personally in my opinion the game is worth the 4 dollars on SALE. I wouldn't buy it for the full price.