so someone gave me this idea and ive been trying it out, was wondering if it was actually worth doing building a supply depot with my SCV at 9, then sending it straight into my opponents base and building a refinery on his second vespene geyser and letting it build fully I guess the idea would be to: 1) keep something in his base so I can see what he is doing, at least until the refinery gets destroyed 2) block his second gas to delay his teching towards robotics/stargates and whatever the zerg equivalent is 3) slow down his rush by requiring his infantry to take out my refinery/slow down his harvesting as he uses workers to destroy it my question is, does the 100 minerals it costs me to make that refinery and then to lose it pay for itself in doing all of the above? is it worth it? and as a side note, which is the more gas heavy army? zerg or protoss?
One thing to note is that it doesn't really delay your second gas because you'll usually have a zealot out around the same time your first gas is done building so it can easily dispatch of that. I had this pulled on me in a bronze league no less and it actually did some harm because my macro is really bad. Don't think it'd work silver and up.
I had someone try to do that to me... I just sent a probe to kill the SCV while it was building and then killed the incomplete and weak refinery with my first zealot. It didn't really affect my economy at all.
it's not a bad idea if you do it to a proxy field close to his base bc when he will want to expand he will realize that you have taken most of the gas and will take time off concentrating on getting rid of those two refineries and while he has his mind on that you can plan an attack.
Here, let me tell you how you correctly do it as Terran. First off, you do NOT let it finish completely, you are Terran, you can halt production. If you are going to do it, build the refinery until it's just about finished, then halt. If he is attacking your scv, micro it around and keep building. When he goes to destroy it, cancel it.
I actually had a toss player do this to me, and it seems it would work well for toss because all they ahve to do is sneak a probe in and warp both ur gas depots, and then take off .... by the time they are done warping ur oppoent will have to take the time to destroy them before he is able to start mining gas.... wich can prevent tier 2 rush techniques. Dunno though, i countered it pretty easy at terran cuz i had marines up while he tried to do it.
usually the scvs/probes/drones will attack before you finish, once they see you building the refinery they get all wtf pissed and attack rofl. then I waste their time and cancel when there just bout to kill it.
This^^ A good zerg would probably have scouted your base to see if you gateway blocked it. If not, he'd probably ignore the refinery with the first 6 pool and rush right into your base. Also, any one that has this happen to them, please don't send all of your workers to destroy it. I'm sure reasoner has noticed this and just laughed at them Personally, I don't think it's worth the money - especially if there's a chance of them rushing.