Hey im new to sc and i was wondering when i finally go into multiplayer (after beating a campaign i hope is good) then should i go into 3v3 so i can learn more and my mistakes wont be as bad? or should i jump to 1v1 and just go from there? I have watched countless hours of replays and ive learned alot but most are 1v1 so i was wondering.
No real reason to wait for competing an entire campaign. I'd start some 1v1 against comps, soon as you have a confident build down, get online and try it out. Its the quickest way to learn. 3v3 often uses different strategies, and won't teach you how to respond in 1v1
It won't matter how many replays you have watched unless you learn from them and have played in game enough. 3v3 is nothing like 1v1, less micro involved and if your soloing you can't always depend on your team mates. Play 1v1's if you want to get better, 3v3's are more for fun.