...with SC2 engine and graphics, wouldn't that be very cool?!. I begun to think about it when I saw Starship Troopers 3: Marauder just recently. Come on, wouldnt that be awesome to have these two sides fighting aggressively against each other?, the Arachnids Vs. the Terran Federation? Tell me what you think about it!
that would be nice but i dont think it will be interesting since imo starship troopers universe is not as big and engaging and fun to play with as starcraft. ^^
Yeah someone will probably make a UMS map, except. Anyone remember the fact that Blizzard said along the lines of the fact that the map editor could allow you to make a custom race? But I don't think you can like make a TOTALLY new race. Maybe like a hybrid kinda thing.... mixing and matching different parts of units. Zergling with psi blades, machine guns, ultralisk blades? Zealot with a marine head, shield, and gun? Hehe. Ok, well otherwise than the sorta off topic paragraph I typed right there, it would be so tight to see someone make a bug-like unit. And along with destructible terrain? I'll be looking forward to something like that when SC2 comes out
Yeah!, think about it, seeing hundreds and hundreds of Arachnids storming your base, and lets not forget about those cool ass-shooting beetles blowing up your capitalships...Oooh and last but not least, the new scorpions.
If you have the resources to create models and sound files by yourself, you can create a completely new race, including a completely new tech tree. In Warcraft III, you might have trouble creating unique music and "you require more lumber" but maybe that's just more advanced than anything I can handle. The naga in Warcraft III are (compared to blood elves) a complete race. (It does have a small tech tree, though, but that could be expanded). The draenei are similar, but less developed (many draenei units cannot be built in-game, and they lack art for draenei "peasants" carrying resources). The satyrs have an almost complete tech tree and could be made into their own race with ease (they only share a few units with night elves, and their buildings are very similar). In Warcraft III fan campaigns I've seen gnolls and trolls both made into races.
what i luv about 1 is that its a big bang type of movie and the culture was unique and definitive, the movie was highly worth it in replay value but some movies shouldnt be attempted to be sequeled if you dont have the proper story or funding for that lol.. i only saw a preview of 2 and i totally got turned off... the 3d animation is better storywise.
I think it was last-year I found a mod for BW that had new game units for the Mobile Infantry and the Bugs. I found it on a google search, I'm unsure if the site is still up, it had 2 versions for download, one was smaller then the other, I can't recall the differences. It changed the Zerglings to Warrior Bugs, full re-skin and everything. Well I don't think the term 're-skin' is correct for this kind of thing, but you get my point. They had tanker bugs, them flying hopper bugs. The Protoss race looked really different, I think it was based on the 'Skinnies' race. It was alot of fun to play, I hope whoever made it does it again for SC2.
I really enjoyed the starship trooper UMS people made for SC1. I have regrettably seen the 2nd movie. It's just a very bad horror movie. Like all bad horror movies the best thing about it is you see some tits. Which pretty much means it's worse than watching even the most awful porn. I've heard good things about the books.
nice poem... could someone please give a link to the sc ums/mod if they have one? google is not my friend...