The annoncement of SC2 reintroduced me back to the starcraft universe.. and I realised that (the biggest and best map making community) is gone.. and I never knew why... anyone has an idea? Also, I recently visited SEN and there's still an homepage. which means they are probably coming back 1 day or another. anyone here used to visit SEN? I'm looking for informations about what happened to it.
well i'm not very sure but they say "hell it's about time" so i guess they're coming back when starcraft 2 does. used to be my #1 site for all things starcraft. when it disappeared, i cried, just like i did when (i think it was this site) died.
sorry for the double post, try this out: at top says something about forums?
hmm i got a black screen.. the idea of coming back with SC2 is a good theory.. however I don't think they closed the site just because they wanted to do a come back for SC2. Anyway.. I don't really care anymore about SEN but it was a very good map database.
I was a staff member for SEN during its humble beginnings but later resigned because I could not keep up with map deadlines. My user name there was InTeRFeRe (later changed to FizzleBoink) and I became less and less active because of the influx of users and my time outside of the room. I seriously do not know what happened but some say that IP failed to pay hosting services while others say they took the downtime to work on SEN v5.
i know its a black screen, but at the topmost part of the browser, where the <title> tag goes, it said forums.
I never heard of you.. probably because I had like 100 posts on SEN.. LOL I was hanging with clans on the more than on forums.
I'm an ex-staff member of, yes my user name was moogle on the forums. Was a few reasons behind why was shut down. I only know somewhat of what happened. Current owner of the website forgot to pay the bill and site was down for short while. As well as that owner kinda vanished from sight and co-admin moose tryed to contract him and was no luck so he kinda gave up. Then few days later moose was talking to a few of us about working on v5 then few days later told us that is nolonger unless starcraft 2 come out. So in the end is waiting for the release of starcraft 2. Or something like that I can get more details about it off moose when I see him next if ya like. For now most people visit which is ran by former head admin of YoshiDaSniper now known as Tau.
Yes I noticed that my sig was cut-off I'll edit it later on when I get around to it. 100px hmm need increase I think. Even if did come back alot of members maybe iffy about returning to it due to factors it may go down again for along time. But then again was a pretty big community with over 600k in posts or something like that. And alot of discoveries were made at that forum. Lets just hope this forum becomes just like or bigger even better then was. JBL: I edited out the quotes, they were unecessary, I totally understand why you quoted, that's my style too, however, this kind of quoting is unacceptable here, I'm sorry.
I remember you Moogle, I was pretty much a nobody on SEN but I do remember your name. You probably knew some ex-good friends of me.
JBL, most likely knew some of your ex-friends from SEN. I was pretty well known by a few people. Why isn't quotes allowed? just wondering... Only real person whom I know around here JBL is ImaGiNe. I use to map make with him.
I'm just use to quoting a person when I'm talking about something person said. But if forum doesn't like it then I won't use it anymore. Not much of a big issue on my behalf. Sometimes forums have to enforce the laws and be strict. Well markus was a big communith for 2 - 3 years give or take a few. Pretty stable community at time in learning about map making and creating new concepts for map making. Amateurs were welcome as well as pros, but that is now gone meh. Main thing is long as you enjoy map making thats all that matters, even if you're an amateur =)
Isn't everyone waiting for SC2? I'm sure many poor created maps will be released in first week of SC2 release. Then will settle down and people will get into serious map making, we hope. Myself I won't really release a map for at least a few months till I learn enough to create a decent map at least. But thats just me. I'm hoping SC2 maybe released around christmas (very doubtful) but can only hope. Or next year sometime.
nah, i expect that people will have strategies all thought out already. there are already sites with leagues ready to be set up for sc2.
I have some what some maps already planned out for starcraft 2 since weren't possible on starcraft itself I believe more possible on starcraft 2. I've seen some of v5 and looks pretty nice. Talked to moose today and he was telling me that should be returning soon, well hoping it will. So guess that is all =)
Moogle: you were quoting perfectly, and I would have done the same kind of quote that you did.. when I saw your post I thought that I would have quoted like that too.. The thing is, on these forums you can't quote more than you post and you can't quote if you answer the message right before your.. or if quotes aren't needed, like my present post. This is due to the mineral you get for every character.. You'll get used to it. End of the out-topic response to Moogle.
staredit ftw. seriously, i bet once it comes back up, people will flock to its glory. but not as much as it had before. i guess... about 1/5 as many people.