Lol... They announce it released then the next day say APRIL FOOLS! lol.... or sell just the sc2 cd case in gamestop lol.
Whoa..... Dude I would hate to see the do that even as a joke.. Can you imagine the effects it would have on korea....
This is indeed space junk material, but it is kinda funny. Imagine all of those people freaking out when they announce that the Zergling has been scrapped or something. By the way, this reminds me of last year, when they were selling dvd-rewinders at my local gameshop. It was hilarious to see old people considering to actually buy one...
lol..... But no I meant this to be a serious discussion Starcraft 1 was released on april 1st 1998 now 10 years later April 1st stands as its birthday the question is do they honor it or use it for a joke. I hope they announce a release date or something. And not to mention Nov 30 1999 when Brood war was released.
Now I get the meaning of the topic title... Maybe they will release another little teaser trailer or something. With the Zerg just released to the public and all, I doubt the will do something really big. Also, it is unlikely that they will announce a real release date before the beta has been out for a while.