HAHA! got your hopes up right? BWAHAHHAHAHA PWND!!!!! I would so hate if sum1 else did this to me... thats why its so fcking funny to do it on U guys xD hehehe... Im evil x]
damn... But, if U would look at the "latest thread" section U dont see it, U justclick quick as hell bcuz U have been w8ing 4 this date for like, an awesomely long time...
There was a topic about this 3 days ago, that has an image to support it, still not likely to be true though. So when I saw this thread I figured you just didn't know how to use the fourms. http://www.starcraft2forum.org/forums/showthread.php?t=7193
Sry, I just saw this thread about sc2 releasedate leaked and I just thought that I would try to fool you guys a little....
What's going on here? I just clicked on the newest SJ post and came here, didn't really read the title. Also, didn't we already have at least one topic with that title? Feels like it :/
Heh, too bad you didnt have the actual release date... WHY WON'T THEY TELL US AN ESTIMATE ATLEAST 2-3 MONTHS OFF
Actually, you do see it, and immediately after hearing that the release date's been leaked, that's the first thing you look at. Seeing as Blizzard doesn't set release dates, all of the 'leaked release date' threads are obviously not serious. And yeah, I'm looking forwards to Diablo3 more.