Hello, For a while i have been just looking at posts and forums not really getting involved. But then i came across a site called xat where you are able to make your own chat. Since i used to make backgrounds i made an extensive starcraft background for a chat and got the domain name starcraft2. However i came across 2 things i wanted. First of all i wanted to start a potential clan/guild for starcraft2 which i can do by my chat. Second i want people to join so it can be fun for everyone, anyone from the forums will get mod immediately and i will be electing staff to help me run the chat as co-main-owner and help me create a starcraft2 site for a clan when the game comes out. So if you want to just chat then come chat. And if your good at programming or are interested in helping me manage the chat then come. If you advertise and help me spread the word of the chat then i will make you a main owner or an owner for getting some people to join. I am looking forward to a better future with a site and a chat and i hope that i can organize a clan so we can kick some ass when starcraft2 comes out. http://www.xat.com/starcraft2