What the "fekk" is up with scifi stories and making up fake swear words? Just like the word "fark" in Farscape it always annoys me so much that rather then come up with more clever dialog to avoid cursing, writers instead make up silly space swears by changing one or two letters. I really hope words like "fekk" don't make it into a game rated mature. "To me, G-rated filth is so much creepier than just filth. If you're going to curse, like if you're going to say 'suck my d*ck' or 'f**k you,' just say it and then bleep it, rather than going, 'I'm going to fill your hoo-ha with goof-juice!" -Patton Oswalt
HAHA lol! I typed in "http://www.starcaft2.com/" by accident and it brought me to this page with asian letters (I thought korean?) So I was like zomg, Korea taking over the site xD
In the French version they wrote the Changelin and not the ChangelinG. With a G at the end. "Hell, It's about time!" They finally released some news. How great ! And what news !! Great story about the changeling. Can't wait to face the changeling !!! Good job for the storytelling . To Blizzard : THANK YOU !! About the changeling, can someone tell me the limit of its transformation. The changeling can morphe into a marine. But can it change into ... a tank too ? Or a battlecruiser ? And one mystery about this unit. This is a Zerg unit that takes the appearence of marines or wathever. In the story of the changeling with the Zeta squadron the Changeling, once morphed into a marine, has spoken at the place of the original marine.He said "that's a joke" at a moment (page 3). How can a Zerg talk ? That's mysterious. Another question : How has Hendrix been replaced by the changeling ? When has the changeling killed Hendrix (it isn't said that it killed him but we suppose it did) and where ? The Changeling reminds me a movie : John Carpenter's The Thing, in 1982. Can't wait to play the UMS map "the thing" with a changeling morphing into a marine. But does the changeling attack itself or has it to morphe into a marine for example to attack ? How can it mimick the Gauss gun of the marine ?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkNyC6MQMj0 <<< epic moment ! the blood test scene in The Thing Palmer was the Thing. It will be so funny to play UMS maps with the changelings. You'll morph them into marines, you play amongst other marines, and then you attack them.
it was an epic scene indeed... it would be great if the changeling have an meele attack. It would be cool and perfect!
Yes, in re-reading the story about the changeling and the zeta squadron I can't explain how I ignored 2 big details. The changeling killed a marine (Brody) and a SCV pilot. His hand morphed into a bone, a cutter. This Zerg used his hand to "open" Brody's belly. (mmmm miam miam ) And it killed a SCV pilot. So probably this unit has a melle attack. Maybe just in this story. But not in the gameplay. We'll see ....
In-game it can only turn into marines, zealots and zerglings. Hendrix was actually Hendrix at the beginning. He went on a recon mission by himself, and the changeling took his place. The changeling did manage to say one word: "Jokes" but it could have been a psychic impression. Dunno, but in-game it either doesn't attack, or the attacks do no damage.
Thanks for the answers Kimera. But how can you be sure about your first answer ? About SC2 in general, sorry if I am totally out of subject, but I'd like to know if the game will be released in different languages or will there be ONE game where you can choose the languages. I know that in the French version the texts and the voices are in French. I know SC2 will take probably 15 GO of space in the HDD (we are really far from the 100 MO for SC1) so I suppose it could be possible to choose the language in the installation (notice that once you set the French version up you'll have to set the English version up too to play it). The language question will, I suppose again, not take so many space in the HDD. Am I wrong ?