Starcraft - Warcraft stories...

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by reject_666_6, May 24, 2007.

Starcraft - Warcraft stories...

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by reject_666_6, May 24, 2007.

  1. reject_666_6

    reject_666_6 New Member

    May 24, 2007
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    I have a theory. My premise is that the basic plot of Warcraft 3 and Starcraft are somewhat similar. My desired outcome would be to deduce roughly how the Starcraft 2 story would unfold by lookin' at how the Warcraft one did.

    Firstly, I would like to list all the plot similarities to WC3.
    -In the beginning, there are two main races that fought. (Protoss-Terran, Orc-Human)
    -The fighting ends but they're still not exactly friendly afterwards.
    -A mysterious new race starts to appear and consumes everything it reaches. (Zerg, Undead)
    -One of the races' home is destroyed, and they are forced to flee. (Protoss, Human)
    -The two races need the help of a fourth party to defeat the invaders. (Dark Templar, Night Elf)
    -The now three races defeat the invaders by killing the leader. (Overmind, Archimonde)
    -All of the races are weakened in the end and must rebuild and rest, and the invaders also.
    -An even more mysterious force is hinted to arrive in the near future. (Xel'Naga, Arthas's new Scourge)

    Character resemblances are:
    -Kerrigan and Sylvannas are both former humans (Syl's elf) turned by the invader and taking control of a large portion of the race.
    -Zeratuland Raynor and Thrall and Jaina have many similarities in differing proportions between them.
    -Aldaris and Illidan try to rebel and both fail.
    -Arthas plays the Overmind in the original, and switches to Duran's role in the expansion.
    -Mengsk and Kael'thas try to separate their factions from the UED and Alliance, respectively.
    -I feel that Tassadar and Fenix played somewhat unique roles.

    So far, the three main usable plot elements in Starcraft 2 are:
    -The Xel'Naga return to have revenge on th Protoss for destroying them long ago.
    -The Protoss/Zerg hybrids awaken and start to want to eradicate all other races.
    -A new Overmind is formed that gathers all renegade Zerg and renounces Sarah of her throne.

    The Xels would probably function as the Naga did in Wc3x, who wanted revenge on the Night Elves. They would eventually be defeated. The Naga's origin is identical to the Dark Templars' but their function is more Xel. All this would occur in the original's campaign, and the new Overmind's rising shown but not detailed. The expansion would probably feature the Hybrids awakening and the Overmind overthrowing Kerrigan. With the help of the defeated Xel'Naga's knowledge, the Hybrids would probably be defeated. The only remaining loose end would be the threat of the new Overmind, and that would be the basic premise of Sc3, after another 10 years. ;)

    Thought, suggestions, corrections, opinions and ideas are more than welcome. ;D
  2. evolvtyon

    evolvtyon New Member

    May 24, 2007
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    Portugal, Lisbon
    uhh.. here i am to test your theory (^_^), it's 1 a.m. back here in Portugal, so if i mistype please don't chase me!

    well, in the beginning of starcraft, and i mean the actual beginning (storyline) the protoss and the Terran were not the first to battle. That first event opposed the zerg to their creators, the Xel' naga, and not the protoss (^_^) the Xel' naga abandoned the protoss because of their rivalry, and constant hunger for battle; so they left to create the zerg and got pawned (literally).

    Then the zerg, when the confederacy engages the protoss are already scourged into the colony's (you can see that in the mission that you find a infested Terran command center[damn that was long ago]); and the protoss, now much more civilized emerge from the depths of space and starts planetary bombings on the infested worlds. If i remember it right, there's also a hero in the protoss side that already knows the zerg, but this I'm not sure.

    Then Aiur is invaded and the protoss flee to the world of Shakuras, home of the dark templar, yeah that's true, and they will need their help to kill the overmind because of the dark energy, thats true to, there really is a resemblance.

    The three races then seek out to get the overmind which was already in Shakuras and get it with the help of Kerrigan, but before in the game the overmind got killed as well, but as it was not destroyed by the dark energies, a few celebrates merged into a new overmind.

    Yeah I can see a few resemblances if we cut out a few parts in the starcraft history, but here, unlike warcraft there are no invaders. I mean, the zerg just came to the worlds of man to learn about him, and on the way add a new type of unit to it's army :p (did you know that the cause of the zerg appearance was the psicic evolution on humans and that initially they were just looking for the protoss which they learned from the Xel' naga wreckage?)

    The protoss come to the aid of man (well, they kinda lack politeness) and start cleansing the worlds of the Terran, and the UED - United Earth Directorate, just wants to claim what would supposedly be earths dominion. Oh, there's a fifth "race" (^_^) [we got the zerg; the protoss; the dark templar; the confederacy; the rebels; and the UED]. From the original to the expansion only the confederacy gets abolish, and I'm forgetting that the UED owns all at it's arrival invading and occupying char while capturing the overmind.

    Just a correction, Arcturus Mengst doesn't try to get it's faction away from the UED, but from the initial confederacy; eventually he battles against the UED as well but UED is not the confederacy.

    In another correction, Aldaris does not try to rebel, he simply refuses an order given by the matriarch of the dark templar, which he knew to be infested "to the core :D"; in the end he gets killed by Kerrigan right in front of all the protoss.

    So like I said before, if we cut out some of the story there actually are evident resemblances but when the plot thickens and we start to look at the core of the story only one or two remain, which is kinda normal I guess.

    About Starcraft 2 possible plots.. well, the hybrids might rise as an attempt of the protoss to eradicate the zerg and drive them out of Aiur; as always something will go wrong :)
    The Terran will probably battle a bit more amongst themselves before concentrating on the zerg; and turning into the protoss and their egomaniac hybrid project.. there are so many possibilities (^_^)
    I actually don't believe in the coming of the Xel' naga, at least not before an expansion, it's too early to expose them, there's still many things to straighten.

    Well i hope my wittings are understandable, as I am by now very sleepy, please reply to my post xD
  3. reject_666_6

    reject_666_6 New Member

    May 24, 2007
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    Interesting things you just said there, buddy. Come to think of it, I actually knew 90% of what you said, but they slipped my mind.

    The thing with the backstory you mentioned is very true. The true origins of the Starcraft and Warcraft universes are pretty different. They pretty much have to be, because overlooking the actual characters with which we bond, the races are completely different in concept and must reflect that in origins. The first war even in Warcraft isn't between the Humans and Orcs. The thing with the first war being between Terran and Protoss is through the Terran perspective, just like the Humans' perspective in Warcraft is the first we see, so we tend to look at the universe when we first meet it through Human eyes. When I first started playing Starcraft, I saw Mar Sara, (or Chau Sara, I forget which) and the Zerg looked like invaders, and that image stuck to me to this day. :p

    I said UED for Mengsk because the word Dominion didn't come to mind. I meant what you said. And I actually forgot why Aldaris turned against Zerry, so sorry, my mistake. ;D

    As far as I see, and this is just a sort of guess so no offense to Blizz, they have some sort of puzzle pieces that represent a characteristic and they form characters from a few of those. Like, take Sylvannas: a piece of her puzzle is that was once of another opposing race and forced into her current race and another piece is that she takes control of the race that turned her. Now look at Arthas: one piece of his is that he betrays his race and turns evil and chooses evil over choosing to be with a former loved one (I read somewhere that he and Jaina were together somehow). Combine those four pieces and you form most of Kerrigan's character! Now chronologically, it should be the other way around, so they actually made Arthas from some of Kerrigan's pieces, and some of Duran's pieces (considering that Duran's not an alien, but an infected human controlled by somebody).

    Well, that you could consider very random, but It's what I got after playing Starcraft and Warcraft 3 a lot and reading some backstory Wikis. I guess that character similarities are what I was trying to show.

    Oh, and I have a strange question. We know that the Zerg wanted to absorb the Terrans to get some of their psychic powers (and at the same time to observe the Protoss fight :p). Well they kind of manage this, and they get Infested Terrans (and Kerrigan). With what psychic abilities do some dumb suicide bomber units help the Zerg beat the Protoss?

    Thanks for your post, by the way. I appreciate that somebody wrote such a huge post for me at 1 o' clock in the morning. ;D Cheers, man!
  4. red_dragoon

    red_dragoon New Member

    May 20, 2007
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    OMG, you guys are really starcraft fanatics. That's a lot of text. I got tired just reading through it but it was an interesting read so thanks :)
  5. mc2

    mc2 New Member

    May 20, 2007
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    The infested didn't have anything to do with helping them assimilating Protoss's genes......That's just a thing blizzard threw in to make the queen look more useful............
    Kerrigan's natural psychic abilities is what the Overmind really liked, so basically the zerg are not interested in terrans in general, only the ones that are "gifted"
  6. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    Well, they always love the extra firepower, and anything that gets assimilated or even infested grants it's knowledge to the Overmind, so there's that.
  7. evolvtyon

    evolvtyon New Member

    May 24, 2007
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    Portugal, Lisbon
    mc2 is right, the zerg are actually only interested, in the psychic abilities on humans, as a matter of fact that is what intrigues the overmind. mc2 i don't get one thing, why did you spoke of gene assimilation? did i missed something (^_^)?

    Anyway the idea of the overmind was not to send suicide bombers against the protoss but to own the psychic power now appearing on humans so that they could be equal in combat against the protoss; Kerrigan got infested exactly because of this, she as the most gifted ghost, was the best specimen in witch the overmind could lay it's research upon.

    I did read something about the infested command centers, but it was a bit ago and i don't remember, I'll try to find where i read it and then post it here (^_^)

    I guess I'll have to agree with you reject_666_6; those puzzle parts really seem to fit on Kerrigan xP But would they really go that deep? well, they're blizzard i know, but it's a lot of work to tare apart Kerrigan's story/character to form other two, and yet again ^_^

    Duran it's a really intriguing character for me, but i really got the impression that he is not infested; i mean for those who have played that "secret" Broad War mission where we first get knowledge of the strange creatures inside a stasis chamber (the hybrids) we find Duran there, baby siting those things, and he says that he is a creature who as lived for many centuries.. ( I really don't remember it right =x ) so I'm really curious to see what he will be up to in starcraft 2; if i remember it right he deserted both the UED and then the Zerg; kinda gives the idea of a servant preparing the stage for something yeah, but of something larger.. the Xel' naga perhaps? ^_^

    One other thing, you guys would like me to post the entire prelude story of starcraft ? I'll await feedback (^_^)
    I hope you know that all this talk is kindly forcing me to play starcraft! now here's that cd..

    Glad you liked my post!! I should actually be studding for a test I took today lol; it's now 19.44 in Portugal; sooo eaaarlyyy (^_^)