I'd say for Terran, Starcraft was harder because they didn't have any medics. Zerg was easier in Starcraft because their mutas were so strong. ;D Protoss not much difference. So I'd have to say they were about the same.
i thought brood war was significantly harder because the computer AI was alot better. The computer actually was somewhat smart in BW, in original SC, the computer was plain retarded.
Yeah I'd say the AI in Broodwar was a lot better to the extent that I've seen one actually mass hallucinations. When I got to his base with marines/medics I was just suprised and I screamed "WTF!?" And the only reason I was so suprised was that the regular Starcraft AI was just, "Dummer than a sack of potatoes" cause it never did things like that. -P.S I demolished his base right after with battlecruisers but man can micro'ed Psi Storms do some real damage to m&ms, wiped out my whole squadron that I sent.
I personally think that Brood War campaigns were harder than Starcraft original's campaigns. In fact, Blizzard purposely made the Brood War campaigns a lot harder. Because they've assumed that a player has played and won all the starcraft original campaigns without using any cheat. Hence they've dramatically increased the difficulty of the BW campaigns. And yes the BW AIs are a lot smarter, more efficient than original's.
Brood War man I beat the Camps in StarCraft and even forgot my progress but Brood War man much harder.
the last level of the original starcraft was pretty easy, compared to the last zerg level in brood war, it took me days to beat, constantly saving and loading =[
Huh, they always seemed similar to me. The last few Zerg levels were ridiculously hard, though. Maybe I just got better, lol. Or maybe it's been so long I forgot what it's like. I need to start playing those again.
definatly brood war... it accually took me a while to complete the last one, with the terran and protoss all around u.
Original Protoss Campaign > BW Protoss Campaign BW Terran Campaign > Original Terran Campaign BW Zerg Campaign > Original Zerg Campaign Hardest Original Mission - "Eye of the Storm," last Protoss Mission Hardest BW Mission - "To Slay the Beast," eighth Zerg Mission All in all, I thought that BW was a bit harder than the Original - better AI and the designers made the missions a little harder. And, the hardest BW mission was MUCH harder than the hardest Original mission. Not to mention, a few other BW missions (namely "Omega" and "To Chain the Beast") were also harder than "Eye of the Storm."
hahaha, I beat the game on the N64. It was slow and any little movement would cause it to freeze. Not to mention the controls were hard as hell, and u could only hotkey four groups (but you could select 18 at a time). the drawing of the web, or whatever it was, took three days to beat, even with my friend who was super good at zerg at the time. the only good thing was the secret secret mission (resurrection iv, anyone?)
youre all absolutly right about the difficulties but I did notice one thing new in BW. The senarios were less elaborate and besides the awsome map desings, I could have easily remade some of the senarios. ex: zerg mission 4, collect 10,000 minerals. THATS IT! But i'm not complaning about the story, IT...WAS...SIMPLY...ABSURDLY...PURE...AWSOMENESS!
I really don't have anypreference. The SC Protoss campaign was my favorite thoguh. It was so epic. I didn't really like the UED campaign though
I tend to agree with everything except maybe not fully with your comparison of the Protoss campaigns. In the original SC, the last three missions of the Protoss campaign were difficult, and in the BW campaign there was only one mission that was really difficult for me, and that was number 6 I think (the one with the three Aldaris's), and in my opinion that one was more difficult than any other Protoss scenario, but I know opinions differ. My cousin, for example, didn't find the mentioned mission all that difficult, he thought the last one (where you have to protect the temple) was much more challenging...and so on and so forth. A good analysis though!