It's explained in the FAQ:;sa=Starcraft-2-forum-faq#pos2
My question was not the purpose of my post, it was to share the video. Thanks for pointing me to the information on how to do that but I don't think it should have been moved. Can you please delete this topic? I will repost back in the Starcraft forum with my Starcraft video. Thanks.
I think it is time for me to post my tutorial on posting youtube videos but first I need to know which section it goes in: Computer, forum info or graphics
Forum info, please. Anything that is applicable to forum use should go in there. Computer use should be designated accordingly.
It was fun to watch him pointing at units saying 'you go there' 'you do that' and stuff ;D I don't know how this touchscreen works but I guess there's no 'right click', right?
Jon you screwed up. You used the wrong link. It HAS to be from the embed url not the one in the address bar.
Thanks Jon. HAHAHAHA thats awesome. Pity there are no number keys. That means he cant selcet groups although with good hand eye coordination I bet one could still get high APM because you hand is fsater AND more acurate tha a mouse. I wonder how you would play on games with 3d control since camera controls often require other mouse buttons. WiC and UaW would be escpecially hard because some commands are keyboard only (camera for WiC thigs like guard and folllow for UaW)
Thanks for the fix guys. I think it's neat but would vouch for a mouse instead. I'm right handed and can't picture myself selecting groups of units with my left finger, ordering attack with my right, and selecting target with my left again. I'd be horribly slow at it.
I would like to point out that most touch screens are on tablets which are held in the left hand and operated with the right. Also my swapping his hands he probably lost some speed because they had to move more
In order for this to really work you would need some method of right-clicking. It just can't properly be done otherwise. Perhaps a button that activates it that you depress and then all your touches become right clicks?
Most touch based computers use a stylus that has a right click (and erase) function so it isn't all bad. Just with that specific machine