You heard it folks. The people at JINX Clothing for Gamers and Geeks made some Starcraft T's. Check them out below. They are in the Whats New Section on there site. Link to site below The four shirts are : Legalize Stim Packs "Ahh... That's The Stuff" Brought To You By: The Terran Federation Zerg Rush Energy Drink "Feel The Rush!" Zealots Grill "Ready to Serve" and finally, Zergling The first three shirts are in both Men and Woman sizes. The Zergling T is for babies. I say they all are just as awesome as they are powerful.
oh teh noes. stop competing with Jon for t shirt stuff xD but i dore the first one, my parents would never let me get it, tho XD
The stim pack one is really nice but the number one here for me is the third. It just has that ridiculously cool retro style paired with the details (like the Zerg in the burger), it's an autowin.