INTRO 'Ello SC fans! Do you play D&D? How about Scion or the Star Wars: The Roleplaying game? If yes, then you know the very basics of the SCRPG. If not, essentially, it means that in order to determine your success in a task; whether that is blowing down a Hydralisk or defusing a terrorist's bomb in an HQ. The primary dice is a 20 sided one, or D20. D10 (10-sided), D6 (Six-sided) and D8 (Eight sided) are also common, but for the most part, D20 is the most often used. Now, to the game. In the SCRPG, you play as a Terran, Zerg or Protoss soldier of some type. What you are depends on your class (more on that later). You use your base stats (Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Constitution, Wisdom, Charisma, also abbreviated as SDICWC) as well as skills (such as but not limited to Psionics, CQC, Leadership and Climb) to battle your foes and defuse situations. Your SDIWD stats affect these, and some classes specialize in such skills. For example, an Ultralisk would have a high CQC skill, and a High Templar would have a high Psionics. Sometimes, race increases these as well. These rules are 90% my original idea, and the other 10% is based off of other 'D20 system' games such as Dungeons and Dragons or Star Wars. If you show interest, don't be afraid to start your own games! Just give your gamers the link to this thread for quick rules reference.
Creating a Character Creating a character is relatively simple. It consists of taking your Race, adding a name, background, skill bonuses and a class. This section details how to do just that. Races The Protoss are a technologically advanced alien race that used to live on Aiur (it is now under the control of the Zerg). Protoss stand at about 3 meters and are quite slender. They are natural psionics. Stat Bonuses: +1 Intelligence Skill Bonuses: +3 Psionics, +1 CQC The Terrans are humans, plain and simple. Their soldiers fill a large number of roles, though few are psionic. Their battlefield niches can range from medic to Thor pilot. Stat Bonuses: +1 any Skill Bonuses: +1 to any 3 different skills The Zerg are animalistic and very dangerous. They are the bane of civilization and sworn enemies of the Protoss. They love swarm tactics, overwhelming their enemy with sheer numbers. Stat Bonuses: +2 Strength Skill Bonuses: +2 CQC Creating a character from here is easy. Simply start all of your SDICWC at 8 add up to 22 points to all five, or split them up. Keep in mind what kind of archetype you want to be. For Example, if you want to be a typical Zerg, put most of your stats on Strength. If you want to be a Psionic Protoss, put most of them in Intelligence. Generally: High Strength means physically strong High Dexerity means good with your hands (including guns) High Intelligence means your smart (also contributes to Psionic ability) High Constituion means your tough and have a high endurance High Wisdom means you make good decisions (natural leader) High Charisma means attractive and/or inspiring (good for leading as well). When placing points into your SDIWC statistics, any number past 13 will use two points. For example, putting your Strength up to 15 costs 9 points (2 to bring it to 10, 3 to bring it to 13, and 4 to bring it to 15) NOTE: Your classes may change your SDIWC stats in some way. NOTE: You gain bonuses based on how high your stat is. The bonuses are as follows: STAT= BONUS 1-2= -4 3-4= -3 5-6= -2 7-8= -1 9-10= 0 11-12= +1 13-14= +2 15-16= +3 17-18=+4 19-20= +5 And so on. Your SDICWC stats also govern how you do using common tasks. Strength: Close-Combat attacks and breaking stuff. Dexterity: Shooting and using your hands (kinky or otherwise) Intelligence: Being smart (Math etc) Constitution: Pushing harder (Endurance-wise, not the way you're probably thinking) Wisdom: Battlefield desicions Charisma: Leading
Classes, Feats and Skills After adding up your SDICWC stats, you choose your class, then your skills and finally your feats. Then, you are finished Character Creation!! Protoss Classes ZEALOT Zealots are the main fighting force in a Protoss army. Bonuses: +1 Strength, -1 Charisma +2 CQC BONUS ABLILITY: Eviscerate -Make a Close Quarters Combat (CQC) attack against one opponent within range. That attack deals double damage, but you take a -1 penalty to hit. HIGH TEMPLAR High Templars are psionics experts. Bonuses: +2 Intelligence, -1 Strength +3 Psionics, -2 CQC DARK TEMPLAR Dark Templars are CQC experts. Bonuses: +1 Strength -1 Dexterity +4 CQC, +2 Stealth, -3 Psionics BONUS ABLILITY Eviscerate, see Zealot Terran Classes MARINE Marines are the backbone in any Terran Army. Bonuses: -1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, -1 Intelligence, -1 Wsidom +2 Endurance, -3 Stealth GHOST Ghosts are covert soldiers, hunting in the shadows and sniping from a distance. Bonuses: +2 Dexterity, -1 Strength +4 Stealth, -3 CQC FIREBAT Firebats burn enemies up close, perfect for taking out Zerg in close quarters. Bonuses: +1 Dexterity, +1 Strength, -1 Wisdom -2 Stealth BONUS ABILITY Flamespread -If equipped with a flamethrower, can burn all enemies within range directly in front of him, instead of just the front two meters. Zerg Classes ZERGLING Fast, small and deadly fighters. Bonuses: +1 Strength, -2 Charisma +3 CQC, +2 Stealth HYDRALISK Much bigger than the Zerglings, they can also shoot spines from folds on their head. Bonuses: +3 Strength, -1 Wisdom, -1 Dexterity +5 CQC BONUS ABILITY Spines -Fires one spine at any enemy within a 20 meter range. Does 3d6+2 damage. INFESTED TERRAN (modified) Lately, the Zerg have somehow been able to modify their infested terrans so they can operate weapons. To a degree. Bonuses: +2 Strength, -1 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom. +1 CQC, -2 Stealth BONUS ABILITY Infested Terrans can use Terran Weapons, but always attack at a -1, no matter what your Dexterity is. Skills Skills can be used by all races and classes unless otherwise specified. Some classes may be better suited for using some classes than others. Primary stat is the bonus you get for having that stat higher. For example, a high strength means high Endurance. Every player starts out with 11 skill points. The maximum points you can upgrade a stat to is 5+level. So the max upgrade for a level 6 is (5+6)=11. Skills Endurance--Shows that you can 'keep on truckin'' longer than others. --Primary stat=Consitution Stealth--You are very ninja. --Primary stat=Dexterity CQC--You are good at fighting in close quarters (CQC means Close-Quarters Combat) --Primary stat=Strength Psionics--You are good at using Spionic abilities. --Primary Stat=Intelligence Initiative--You can gain the upper hand in a fight. --Primary Stat=Dexterity Acrobatics--You can dodge, duck, roll and evade well. --Primary Stat=Dexterity Use Computer--Self explanitory, no? --Primary Stat=Intelligence FEATS/ABILITIES COMING SOON
Equipment Terrans Terrans rely the most on their equipment, there being no other way to kill their enemies. Weapons How to read: Name ROF: All weapons can fire up to their ROF amount once in a turn. Note that, for each shot fired, the firer takes a -1 penalty to their To Hit value (See combat section) Range: The maximum distance the weapon can shoot. Damage: How much damage the weapon does per hit. Other info C-14 Rifle ROF: 10 Range: 40 metres Damage: 5/hit The C-14 rifle is the standard issue rifle of the Terran Marine Corps. It has a high rate of fire, though relatively small damage. Flamethrower ROF: 1 Range: 2.5 Metres (in one and a half metre spread) Damage: 12 (does 7 damage every turn for 3 turns unless put out) Used by Terran Firebats, the Flamethrower can easily incinerate a group of assaulting Zerglins in a short amount of time AGR-14 ROF: 1 Range: 60 metres Damage: 30/hit Used by Terran Ghosts, the AGR-14 is a very powerful gauss rifle that creates an intimidating roar when fired. Vehicles How to read: Name Movement: How many metres the player(s) can move while in the vehicle Armor: Protection from damage Weapons: Weapon systems. Weapons are described like the weapons section above. Extras: Modes, auxillary systems, etc. Other info Vulture] Movement: 20 metres Armor: 8 Weapons: Grenade Launcher Range: 20 metres ROF: 2 Damage: 20 Spider Mines Range: Remain stationary after fired ROF: 1 Damage: 40 (In 15 metre blast radius) Extras: None The Vulture is a fast-moving bike that also sees civillian usage. Goliath Movement: 10 metres Armor: 15 Weapons: Machine Guns (x2) Range: 30 metres ROF: 12 Damage: 3/hit Missile Launcher (x2) Range: 50 metres (Anit-Air only) ROF: 2 Damage: 17/hit Extras: None The Goliath is a light support mech in the Terran army. Viking Movement: 40 (Flight mode)/20 (Walker mode) Armor: 18 Weapons: Machine Gun (x2) Range: 25 metres ROF: 12 Damage: 3/hit Missile System (x2) Range: 35 metres (Anti-Air only) ROF: 2 Damage: 18/hit Extras: can switch between flight and walker mode once every two turns instead of shooting. Other Equipment Infantry Armor Provides 8 points of protection against damage Stim Pack One use only, makes user move up to an additional 3 metres Medpac Heals 10 points of HP, 1 metre range PROTOSS AND ZERG COMING SOON
wait, no constitution stat? and most forum members probably have no clue what SDIWD and CQC mean. For classes I would suggest something along the lines of the original AD&D, otherwise protoss and especially zerg might get odd(especially since HT, dragoon and DT were zealots in the course of their training) so suggesting for classes -protoss (DT, HT, dragoon specialization?) -zerg -terran soldier (very gear-dependant) -terran psyker -terran ghost
Ahh, yes I knew I forgot something. Also, SDIWC is Strength Dexterity Wisdom Charisma. It's gonna be SDICWC soon, with Constitution added.
Great! Rules will be updated at irregular intervals. Hopefully, will be finished soon. Oh, and I plan on making the Terrans Gear-Dependant. The Zerg have their CQC and the Protoss have their Psionics.... As for actual games, I don't think mixing multiple races together would be a good idea. Make a game with only ONE RACE for all the PCs. I should put that in.....