Forgive me if this has already come up, but I wonder if perhaps Blizzard might re-release the original SC with the new engine? Especially since they are including models for all the old units anyway. I think that would really make the pro leauges happy, they could update the look while still holding on to classic SC gameplay.
I highly doubt it since it still is popular and stands up today. There would be no need to re-release it all and I would rather them not. I think its enough just to have some of the classic units in the SC2 editor etc. I don't see any reason for why they would need to re-release.
They've stated a few times that they have no intention of remaking StarCraft with the SC2 engine, and that they fully expect fans to do that anyway.
yeah, i dont think any would pay for a graphical update of the same game, it just wouldn't make any sense.
Obviously you wouldn't buy it, I just think it would be nice if they included it (not the full campaign but at least as a multiplayer mode) with SC2
Reminds me of Half Life: Source... but as the atom said, there is enough tools and old unit models in the editor to allow some real fans to recreate large portions of the original game.
half life: source was kinda of a joke, they could have done a lot better, but thankfully the black mesa mod is doing it justice.
Valve releases a rough port of first game on new engine, and people are not incredibly impressed. People instead look forward to a polished, fan-made mod of first game on the new new engine. By the way, Blizzard watches Valve like a hawk. Maybe Blizzard just saw Valve's mistake, learned from it, and skipped the "rough port" step, saving them a bunch of time and money.
Blizzard wants SC2 to become a very popular E-Sport since that supported SC sales over the last 10 years. Making a port for SC would be silly since everyone would just stick with it for E-sport events. Surely having all the units in the editor is enough. Maybe a few years after release we'll see it but i'm betting people will just do it with the map editor
A remake of StarCraft in 3D would be impossible to do since there's just too much of StarCraft that wouldn't translate well and too much of it was dependant on bugs and glitches. Plus, that would be unreasonably time consuming for something that's not at all needed or really even wanted by most people. And, to top it off, it's going to be done anyways for free by the community better than Blizzard themselves would do it.
You guys obviously there using the units from the last game in the editor and campaign. Just make your own map with the same prices and such. Not that hard. Honestly. Editor ftw.
SC1 with SC2 graphicswill be modded by fans (and fun UMS's will kick the **** out of it IMHO). Why would Blizz bother? Why would pro gamer or casual gamers play? Despite my A-hole nature...I'm not being sarcastic. Why would you like to play SC1 with updated graphics when you can play SC2?
Exactly: why would Blizzard remake SC1 (which would cost them money and possibly Reputation Points) when they know die-hards will recreate the original campaigns down to the very last cutscene? However, I think that many fans WOULD enjoy replaying the original campaigns with improved graphics: it would certainly make for an epic experience playing the 60+ original missions and the complete SCII campaign -- an experience unrivalled by any other RTS serie. It's also a brilliant excuse to include more cutscenes in Brood War.
i'd like blizzard to at least re-release the campaign missions officially. even for mapmakers, it shouldn't be too hard to do. all you really need to do is extract the voice files for the cutscenes. everything else can be done with customizing units in the map editor and various triggers. balance won't be a problem- it's SINGLE PLAYER! if things are too hard, just play better. small changes like pathing and AI won't make the game unplayable.