Hey, I have this problem with installing Starcraft on Vista. The autorun starts, the installation starts. But after I have enterd my CD key and all, and press next. The window disappears. And nothing happens. I have looked at the Technical support forums without any luck. I have tryed to start the installation program with XP compability, as an Administrator, with Disabled Visual themes and Disable desktop composition. I even tryed to copy the files on the CD over to the harddrive, didnt help either. Nothing seems to help, anyone here who have a solution for this? Any help would be appreciated!
Interesting problem. I agree with Bird that this could be a 64 bit compatibility issue, but I doubt that is the case since you tried running in compatibility mode. There's two things I would try: 1) Install it in safe mode. 2) Try running it from another location, instead of Autorun. Pull it up in your CD menu (explore the CD) and run the install.exe from there. I don't know why this might help, but there's always a possibility and it's best to eliminate possibilities. After that... geez.. I don't know. If that doesn't work post your specifications including your OS version.
Well I have Vista Home Premium 32-bit Edition and it installed and worked just fine last time I tried (before I replaced the hard drive) Your copy is authenticated right? If you don't authenticate Windows it won't let you do everything/.
Well I used 64 bit, but I run it in 32 bit mode. But Starcraft runs fine in either of them. In fact it runs REALLY smooth in 64 bit. We can't do much until he posts his system specs.
Yeah I have know some games to have problems with some multi core processors depending on system. Even some more recent games from the last year sometimes have problems. I'm not sure why thoguh because the some have no problem some won't even run. Its wierd.