I just bought a new laptop which means it comes with Vista... Starcraft will work for single player and it will let me go into multiplayer to and go into direct cable connection and create a game but the other person (joined directly to my comp through a LAN cable) cannot see the gme to join. Anybody have any ideas what's up with that and how to fix it. Any help would be awesome... thanks.
I don't know Vista but I'd guess you need to allow Starcraft to transmit and receive traffic in the Windows firewall. Go to control panel and go into firewall settings and set sc.exe as an exception. These might be called differently in Vista but something along those lines.
I allowed both staraft and brood war through both of my firewalls in the settinngs... that didn't work. Then I tried turning off both firewalls but that didn't work either. Any other suggestions would be great to. Thanks.
I can't use the LAN option since IPX (?) or whatever it's called doesn't work on Vista apparently so we were using direct cable connection. And just for reference I also opened all of the sugested ports on both computers but it still didn't help.